Footprints in the Sand. Eleanor Jones
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Название: Footprints in the Sand

Автор: Eleanor Jones

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Heartwarming

isbn: 9781472039200



      “You have to be brave, lad. Face your problems full on and sort them out.”

      But some problems were just too big. Even his brave and stalwart father couldn’t sort out the problems that beset him on that fateful day.

      Bryn’s parents had met a truck head-on in a narrow lane. They’d both died on impact.

      Bryn opened his eyes and looked out at the moon. The accident was six years ago now, but it felt as if it was yesterday. He sat up, forcing himself back into the present again; the insecurity of moving to a new place must have brought back the memories, he decided, his thoughts turning to Elsa. Tomorrow he’d ask Mrs. Evans if she knew where they’d sent her. Then he’d write her a letter every week, just to let her know she wasn’t alone.

      With that idea firmly fixed inside his head, he lay down and pulled his duvet around his chin.

      “You okay?” Tom whispered from across the room.

      Bryn smiled in the darkness, watching moonlight flit across the ceiling.

      “Yes,” he said determinedly, imagining his father’s pride. “I”

      “Night, then.”

      “Night, Tom,” he echoed.

      Bryn’s plan to find Elsa did not materialize as easily as he’d hoped. After breakfast the next morning, he went off to find Mrs. Evans. She listened patiently to his plea, but then she evaded his request.

      “I’ll see what I can do,” she promised.

      Hours rolled into days.

      “I’m working on it,” she told Bryn.

      When weeks had passed, Bryn realized that Mrs. Evans was never going to give him Elsa’s address. His memories of the troubled little girl were all he had left, and Elsa was alone again, facing her demons with no one to help her.

      “One day, Elsa,” he whispered to himself. “One day, I’ll come looking for you. I won’t give up until I find you.”

      * * *

      AT LONG MEADOWS, the children went to school in town, and soon Bryn’s life became a blur—meeting new people, learning new things, writing exams. Years slipped by, happy, fulfilled years. Bryn came to see that there was much more of his mother in him than he’d thought. Animals and painting became his passions, one as important as the other.

      He’d explore the woods around Long Meadows, sometimes bringing back injured creatures. Mrs. Evans allowed him to keep the animals in a shed at the far end of the garden. There he would care for them religiously until they either recovered enough to be freed again in the sprawling forest, or died and were buried beneath his favorite tree. Mrs. Evans encouraged him to take out library books and find websites about how to feed and treat wild animals. The local vet, Mike Barber, was always ready to help. “We don’t charge for wild animals,” he would say when Bryn asked how much the treatment cost.

      * * *

      WHEN BRYN HAD BEEN AT Long Meadows for about a year, his solitary wanderings eventually led him through the woodland and the fields beyond to the coast, where the sea glistened in a silver strip.

      He would sit there for hours, watching the seabirds and painting their glorious flight across the changeable sky—sometimes gray, wild and angry, and sometimes so calm and starkly beautiful that it hurt his heart.

      When Bronwen Evans first saw his paintings, she stared at them for a while, then she recited some lines from a poem.

      A sight so wide it fills the eyes, its vast

      horizon meets a sky that stretches to infinity.

      That holds my heart. That sets me free.

      Timeless echoes in my ears; a haunting melody, ten thousand sea birds cry their tears to a wild and restless sea.

      * * *

      Bryn listened to the words in awe.

      “That’s lovely,” he said. “Do you know any more?”

      She pursed her lips, frowning slightly.

      “I can’t remember all of it, but let me think...”

      For a moment, she furrowed her brow, concentrating, then her face lit up and she looked at him in triumph.

      But when it sparkles, shimmering sands,

      its transient beauty a promised land, it sings another song to me, of peacefulness and harmony.

      Her voice trailed off, and she sighed.

      “That’s all I can remember, I’m afraid. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? I’ll see if I can find a copy of it for you.”

      Bryn nodded earnestly. “Would you like to keep one of my paintings?” he asked on impulse.

      She smiled, touching his cheek. “I would be proud to have one of your paintings. When you’re famous, I’ll be able to say I was the first person to own a Bryn Evans.”

      * * *

      WHERE DID THE TIME GO? Suddenly, Bryn was fifteen. Sometimes, he felt a surge of guilt that he was so contented. Three years had rolled by in a moment—years filled with joy, years when Elsa May Malone remained securely stored in the back of his mind, a promise he had yet to fulfill. At night, when memories lurked closest, he’d ache with fear for her. What if she’d slipped so far into her tormented world that she could never return to him? He shuddered, gulping in air. No! He would never believe that.

      Bryn was down by the shore, sitting on a rock at the edge of the ocean, mesmerized by the sunlight sparkling on the water. His hands were idle, his sheet of paper blank and untouched. For once, he was unable to concentrate, so eventually he stood up with a sigh and wandered slowly homeward.

      As he crossed the lawn beside the house, where other children played and gamboled, he saw a car pull up to the front door. He sidetracked toward the shed, where a baby rabbit was recovering from a foot injury. The last thing Bryn felt like doing was making conversation with a new kid. Anyway, it was Tom’s turn to give the tour—he’d done it last time, when that awful, bossy Wilbur Simms had descended on Long Meadows. Fortunately, he had only stayed two weeks.

      Bryn kept to the edge of the lawn, screened by the trees that led directly into the woods, his footsteps slowing as curiosity took over. Would the new arrival be a boy or a girl? he wondered. He’d forgotten to ask Mrs. Evans.

      The social worker, Dermot, clambered out of the car first. Bryn liked Dermot—he was funny and nice, and he took the time to talk to you.

      The new kid got out of the car on the far side, so Bryn only saw the back of her head. There was something familiar about her, though.... Tightness came into his chest, and he stopped in his tracks. She flicked her mane of golden-brown hair and the breath fled from his body. He wanted to run to her, but his legs refused to move. She was walking away toward the open front door where Mrs. Evans stood beaming.


      The СКАЧАТЬ