Fire And Desire. Brenda Jackson
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Название: Fire And Desire

Автор: Brenda Jackson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Madaris Family Saga

isbn: 9781472018984


СКАЧАТЬ he would not be a substitute for Dex. She would know with whom she shared the bed. Pleased with that thought, he picked up the phone to return Dex's call.

      “Madaris here.”

      “Hey, man, it's Trevor. What's up?”

      “Not much. I just wanted to touch base with you before tomorrow's meeting. How are things going?”

      Trevor glanced again at the unlocked connecting door. “As well as expected. I've gotten in some sightseeing time. I've taken in a soccer game. This is a pretty nice place.”

      Dex laughed. “Don't get attached to it. You're needed here.”

      “Don't worry about any attachments. I'm getting homesick already.”

      “Have you seen Corinthians Avery yet? I understand she's Remington Oil's representative.”

      “Yes, she's here, and yes, I've seen her.”


      “And nothing. The woman and I don't get along.”

      “Yeah, so I've noticed, and I don't understand it.”

      Trevor shook his head. Dex actually believed Corinthians was a prim, proper, well-bred woman and a real lady saint.

      “There's nothing to understand,” he finally answered. “She and I don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things. In fact, we're like oil and water.”

      “That bad?”

      “Worse. How're Caitlin and the girls?” he asked, deciding to change the subject.

      “They're fine and send their love.”

      He smiled. “Tell them ditto from me. And how are the newlyweds?”

      “Clayton and Syneda are fine. They moved into their new law office a few days ago. Can you imagine the two of them sharing office space?”

      Trevor shook his head. Clayton and Syneda disagreed on just about everything. “No, I can't imagine it. I'm still in shock at the thought of them being married.”

      “You're not the only one. Take care, man.”

      “You do the same, Dex.”

      Chapter 6

      Corinthians wondered how she managed to get through the entire day of the research summit without making a complete fool of herself, which she was sure she'd do after walking into the meeting room and seeing Trevor.

      He'd been standing across the room talking to another man. Dressed in a dark blue suit, he looked suave, virile and sexy. He'd actually looked like he had walked directly off the cover of a magazine. And when he'd turned and looked at her, meeting her gaze with those deep, dark eyes and forcing her to remember the kiss they had shared the night before, she had almost come unglued right then and there.

      She had tightened her fingers on the handle of her briefcase to hide her shaking hands, but it hadn't worked. In defiance, she lifted her chin and met his gaze for a long moment before finally conceding that for once, she could not maintain the disturbing contact and outstare him. Lowering her gaze, she had taken a seat at the table. Luckily for her, there had been an empty chair sandwiched between others that were already occupied, as well as those directly across from her. She'd sighed knowing that at least he wouldn't be sitting close by.

      But that hadn't stopped him from getting to her. During the meeting, their glances would periodically meet, weakening her defenses, making her forget how much she didn't like him, and making it hard for her to concentrate on the proceedings.

      After the meeting, the only thing she wanted was to leave as quickly as possible. She stood and began gathering up her things. Without looking up she knew the exact moment Trevor came to stand behind her. She could feel the heat of his body transfer to hers. Her pulse raced and her hands began shaking again. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself as she haphazardly tossed her notepad and pen into her briefcase and closed it with a click.

      Her heart was pounding intensely as she turned around and quickly noticed everyone else had left and she and Trevor were the only people remaining in the room.

      “Mr. Grant. How are you today?” she asked professionally, yet coolly, detesting the attraction she felt for him. Her body was getting warm all over, and even warmer in certain places.

      Trevor drew his brows together at the formality in her tone; he didn't like it one bit. He raised his gaze to the ceiling, then lowered it to the floor before it came back to hers. He leaned forward, bracing both hands on the table and neatly pinning her in.

      “A warning, Corinthians. The next time you call me Mr. Grant and not Trevor, I'm going to do something about it. Something similar to what I did last night, but this time I'll go a little further.”

      Corinthians's cheeks became heated from just imagining just how far he would go. She then berated herself for even thinking about it. He couldn't go any further than she let him. “Don't count on it,” she snapped.

      She glared up at him. His face was so close to hers that she could inhale the masculine scent of his aftershave, and see the even lines of his shaven chin. She was tempted to reach out and touch his skin to see if it felt as warm as it looked. She knew he had to be at least in his midthirties, but there were no wrinkle lines anywhere. His features, although ruggedly handsome, still had a smooth, unmarked appearance.

      He smiled. “Oh, but I am counting on it. In fact, I'm doing more than just counting on it. I'm looking forward to it, especially after spending a night like I did last night. I didn't get much sleep for thinking about you and remembering how you felt in my arms.”

      A shiver passed through Corinthians. He would be the last to know it, but she hadn't gotten a good night's sleep, either, remembering that very same thing. “Please don't,” she said in a soft plea.

      Trevor had no intentions of granting her that request. Last night his dreams had been worse than ever. Before last night he could only imagine how she tasted. Now he knew. The real thing was even better than he'd imagined. And knowing she was bedded in the room next to his hadn't helped matters. Before morning he had taken two cold showers.

      “I can't help it,” he said honestly, stubbornly and not too happily. He met her gaze directly. “I want you.”

      Corinthians felt her insides jolt. Her warm body suddenly got hot, aroused. She became angered because once again he had echoed her own sentiments. And they were feelings she was not ready to face. “That's tough because you can't and you won't have me. Ever. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get by and you're blocking my way.”

      He gave her an easy smile, one that made her knees go weak. She got an uneasy feeling he had taken her statement as a challenge. He straightened his stance. “Sorry,” he said moving aside. “I didn't mean to detain you.”

      Corinthians grew more and more tense as she headed toward the door. In her haste to depart, she looked up just in time to avoid colliding with Armond Thetas as he entered the room. He looked to be in his midfifties and considered extremely handsome for his age. He was also known to be a very wealthy man. His oil company was one of the few located in South America.

      “Ms. СКАЧАТЬ