Eternally Yours. Brenda Jackson
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Название: Eternally Yours

Автор: Brenda Jackson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Madaris Family Saga

isbn: 9781472018977


СКАЧАТЬ shower just before dinner.

      Since becoming an attorney over ten years ago, he'd discovered his most soothing moments were in the shower while warm water caressed his skin. It was during that time he possessed the ability to blank out any thoughts other than those needing his undivided attention. In the end, whatever plagued his mind was usually put in perspective. At the moment, he needed to think about why he'd just refused an offer of no-strings-attached sex.

      Adjusting the water, he picked up the scented soap and lazily lathered himself as he mentally analyzed the situation.

      For some reason, he was becoming bored with the way his life was going. Somehow he was getting tired of his routine of chasing and bedding women. He twisted his lips in a wry grin. Now that was a laugh, especially since the main reason he had constantly shunned any sort of commitment with a woman was the fear of that very thing—boredom. He was the type of person who found any kind of routine deadly. He'd always been afraid of committing himself to someone only to lose interest with that person and end up feeling trapped.

      His thoughts fell on his two older brothers, Justin, the physician, and Dex, the geologist in oil exploration. Both were happily married and neither appeared bored. If anything they seemed to be having the time of their lives with their wives, Lorren and Caitlin. Was it possible he'd been wrong? Was there a woman out there somewhere who could forever excite, stimulate and amuse him?

      He shuddered at the way his thoughts were going; shocked that he could even consider such a thing. His credo in life for the longest time had been “The only men who aren't fools are bachelors.” But he couldn't help wondering why lately he had been subconsciously longing for more than a little black book filled with the names of available women.

      As the water from the shower pounded his body, he tossed the problem around in his mind, pulling it apart, analyzing and dissecting it. But he still couldn't come up with any answers.

      With a groan he turned off the water and grabbed a towel. Stepping out of the shower, he began drying himself off. There were a lot of questions to which he needed answers. And he knew those answers wouldn't come from taking just one shower. The main problem might be that he had been working too hard lately. Too many court cases and too many late nights spent poring over them. A tired body occasionally filled the mind with foolish thoughts. And what could be more foolish than the notion that he was longing for a steady relationship with a woman?

      Clayton shook his head to clear his muddled mind. What he needed was to get away for a while. He had some vacation time coming up. And it was time he took it.

      Syneda Walters looked across her desk at the elegantly groomed woman sitting in front of it. She schooled her expression not to show her irritation and annoyance—or her pity. Bracing her elbows on the arm of the chair, she leaned forward. “Ms. Armstrong, I hope you'll reconsider your decision.”

      “But he has told me he's sorry about everything and really didn't mean to hurt me. He's been under a lot of stress lately. He loves me.”

      Syneda sighed, letting her well-manicured fingers run agitatedly over the desk surface. She could barely restrain herself from calling the woman all kinds of fool for letting a man abuse her. Yet the woman sat defending a man who evidently got his kicks using her as a punching bag.

      Rubbing the ache at the back of her neck, Syneda stared beyond the woman and out the window. It was a beautiful day in early May. The midday sun slanted across the sky and reflected off another building. Its golden rays gleamed brilliantly in the blue sky. She watched as a flock of birds flew by and wished she could somehow fly away with them.

      “Ms. Walters?”

      Syneda's eyes again rested on the woman's tear-stained face. The bruises hadn't quite faded and were not adequately concealed with the use of makeup. “Yes?”

      “You just don't understand.”

      Syneda allowed her eyes to close for a moment. Then pushing her chair back she rose and sat on the edge of her desk facing the woman. “You're right, Mrs. Armstrong, I don't understand,” she replied quietly. “I don't understand several things. First, how can a man who claims he loves a woman physically hurt her the way your husband has repeatedly hurt you? Second, how can a woman who cares anything about herself let him do it and get away with it?”

      Mary Armstrong blew her nose in a well-used napkin. “But he's my husband,” the woman implored, pleading understanding.

      Syneda didn't give her any. “He's also your abuser. Look, Mrs. Armstrong, you've only been in the marriage for three years and he's doing this to you now. What do you think he'll be doing to you three more years from now?”

      “He'll change.”

      “That's what you said a few months ago.” Syneda gave a disgusted shake of her head. “It's time for you to make changes. Don't live under a false conception you're worth less than you really are. Don't ever believe you deserve to be beaten. No one deserves that. And please stop thinking you're nothing without him.”

      There was a moment of silence in the room. Then the woman spoke. Her voice quavered with indecisiveness. “What do you suggest I do?”

      “As your attorney I suggest the first thing you should do is get some counseling. And I highly recommend that you bring charges against your husband.”

      “Will he be arrested?”

      “That's a good possibility.”

      The woman's face paled. “What will happen to his practice? He's an outstanding member of the community.”

      Syneda let out a huff of breath that was more disgust than anger. “He's also an abuser. As far as his medical practice is concerned, if I were you I'd let him worry about that.”

      “He loves me, and he's sorry that he's hurt me. I can't let him lose everything. I can't do that to him.”

      Syneda stood. “Then there's nothing I can do. We'll be more than happy to help you, Mrs. Armstrong, when you're ready to first help yourself. Good day.”

      Syneda continued to gaze at the closed door after Mrs. Armstrong had left. She let out a deep sigh of frustration. She was not having a good day. To be more specific, it had not been a good week. It had started with the case she'd lost on Monday, and the week had gone downhill from there.

      She rubbed her forehead, trying to relieve the throbbing at her temples. Even after five years she often wondered about her decision to practice family law. But then, she silently admitted, the profession she had chosen was important to her because she'd always managed to feel she had somehow made a difference in someone's life; whether it was getting them out of a hellish marriage, taking on their fight for custody rights, or in a case like Mary Armstrong's, helping them to realize options in life other than one filled with physical abuse.

      A quick knock sounded at the door. “Come in.”

      The door opened and her secretary stuck her head inside. “I'm leaving for lunch now. Do you have anything you want me to take care of before I go?”

      Syneda shook her head. “No, Joanna. There's nothing that can't wait until you return.”

      Joanna nodded. “All right. And Lorren Madaris called while you were with Mrs. Armstrong.”

      “Thanks, and enjoy your lunch.”

      “I СКАЧАТЬ