The Prodigal's Return. Lynn Bulock
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Название: The Prodigal's Return

Автор: Lynn Bulock

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781472021700


СКАЧАТЬ to the school board members he’d seen. This lady hadn’t had anybody in the school system in decades.

      Still, she was persistent. Tripp felt himself breaking out in a sweat just listening to her. Trying to get a word in edgewise was almost impossible. Might as well wait until Mrs. Whoever-she-was wound down on her own.

      He nodded and made appropriate sympathetic noises for about ten minutes. Then he’d had enough and tried to break in. After three attempts he was successful. “So let me summarize this. You believe that I ought to be writing some tickets downtown?”

      The old harridan’s nostrils flared. “Not just tickets. Citations. That Sam Harrison ought to go to jail. He’s parked in my flower bed twice this month. That old heap of his is a menace, even standing still.”

      “Well, Mrs….” Tripp looked down at the desk, hoping he’d jotted down something when Verna ushered the lady into his office. “Mrs. Becker—”

      “That’s Baker,” she corrected in a frosty tone.

      “Mrs. Baker.” He had to learn to decipher his own handwriting better. “Sorry about that. I’ll go track down Sam Harrison and have a talk with him. If he’s as dangerous as you say, I’ll take appropriate action.”

      Mrs. Baker sniffed. “You won’t have to go far. That awful car is parked two doors down from here right now. In front of a fire hydrant.”

      Tripp stood up and put on his hat. “Then I’ll get right on it. Can I escort you out, ma’am?”

      “I’m not that feeble, and you’re not a Boy Scout. Although you look like one in that hat.”

      Tripp didn’t say anything else. He couldn’t, for fear of further offending an old lady on his first official day as sheriff.

      It was going to be a long couple of weeks before Hank got back. How long did uncomplicated bypass surgery take to heal? He hoped it was uncomplicated. He didn’t know how many days of this he could take.

      Chapter Two

      “You’re kidding, right? Jeremy, tell me she’s kidding.” Gina Evans was in danger of spilling her café au lait all over Laurel’s kitchen table.

      “Hey, Gina, you tell me she’s kidding. Then we’ll both think so.” Jeremy’s voice was hopeful.

      His expression told Laurel that her son was sure she’d gone around the bend, to even suggest something as strange as moving back to Missouri. And her best friend agreed with him.

      Laurel leaned against the door frame of the kitchen. That way she could stand in the family room, not invading Jeremy’s personal space, but still be in command of the situation. With a teenager, that was important. Especially when the teenager reached the point that Jeremy already had, at fourteen, of being taller than she was.

      “Afraid not. Why would I kid about something this major?” She reached out to ruffle his hair, and Jeremy pulled away.

      That part hurt, but Laurel had to remind herself that it was only natural. Jeremy wasn’t her little boy anymore. He was a young man, and this was going to come as a shock to him, no matter what.

      His voice conveyed that shock and anger. “Help me out here, Gina. Make her see how crazy this is.”

      The brunette shrugged and took a sip of coffee. “As much as I’d hate to see your mom move, it’s not so crazy. I could get her a small fortune for this house. She could probably buy the biggest mansion in that little town you guys are from—”

      “It’s Friedens—and Mom, what would I do back there? You may miss it, but I sure don’t. I’ve never lived there, remember?” His brown eyes glowed with emotion.

      “All too well.”

      Gina watched them both, as if observing a game of ping pong. Wisely, she was saying nothing.

      Jeremy kept glaring. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

      “It means that you’ve grown up in a different place both physically and emotionally. And I remember it every time you answer me in that tone of voice, every time you nag for the latest electronic gadget. You remind me each time you try to talk me into letting you sleep in on Sunday morning because you’ve stayed up too late in a chat room or with one of your buddies doing skateboard tricks out on that ramp you set up on the driveway.”

      “Like none of that would happen in Missouri?” Jeremy huffed. “Well, I know the skateboard part wouldn’t happen, because I didn’t see another skater the whole time we were there for Grandpa’s wedding. Not one.”

      Laurel suspected Jeremy might be right, but she replied, “There have to be some there. I can’t imagine even a place as backward as Friedens, Missouri, being totally devoid of skateboarders. And if it is, you’ll start a new trend by being the coolest guy in town.”

      The light went out of Jeremy’s face. “So you’re serious about this?”

      Laurel nodded. “I am. Jer, I miss my family. I feel really rotten that I wasn’t there when my dad and my sisters needed me this week. And I want to go back and help Grandpa Sam with stuff. Besides, I think it would be great if I could give you a lot more freedom than I’m ever going to be comfortable giving you here.”

      That got his attention. Gina nodded while he wasn’t watching her, to give Laurel encouragement that she might be on the right track.

      “What kind of freedom?” Jeremy asked.

      Laurel tried to frame her thoughts, so that she could be honest and still appeal to her son. “A whole bunch of kinds, really. The freedom to wander around town without me worrying what kind of trouble you could get into every moment. The freedom to have lots of people you could go talk to about a problem if you didn’t want to talk to me.”

      “Like who?”

      His voice held challenge, but there was also interest. Laurel felt that maybe he was considering the idea. “Like your uncle Ben or either of your grandpas, or even that pastor at Grandpa Hank’s church that you thought was so cool.”

      “The one that made the jokes at the wedding? He was pretty cool. I could probably even stand listening to him, if only I didn’t have to get up before daylight to do it.”

      Laurel reached out and took his hands. She was amazed at how they dwarfed hers. Jeremy wasn’t anywhere near grown-up in intellect, but his body was making man-size leaps into maturity. She was in awe every day that this was the child to whom she had given birth. Fourteen years didn’t seem like nearly enough time for this kind of transformation.

      “So you’d give it a shot? For me?” she asked.

      “I guess. Are you going to let Gina sell our house right away?”

      “No. We’ll go out and stay with Grandpa Sam. Don’t roll your eyes when I say this, but I’m going to have to pray a while first about any decision as big as selling the house.” She could see her son fighting a grin, and the urge to roll his eyes. “Hey, so you have an old-fashioned mother who prefers to take all decisions, no matter how large or small, to the Lord.”

      Now Jeremy’s СКАЧАТЬ