Mendoza's Miracle. Judy Duarte
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Название: Mendoza's Miracle

Автор: Judy Duarte

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish

isbn: 9781472004413


СКАЧАТЬ far away. They were just down the hall, with Javier and the attractive blonde who’d come to visit him. A frown slowly stretched across her face as she realized she had no one to blame for her green-eyed uneasiness but herself.

      For some reason, while he’d been on the third floor at San Antonio General, she’d come to think of him as…

      Well, unattached, she supposed. And even pondering his romantic status had been the first hint that her interest in him was out of line.

      So now what? Should she request a transfer to either the obstetric or pediatric ward? That might help.

      Trouble was, Javier’s mood lifted whenever she was around. And Margie Graybill, who worked the night shift, had told his family that Javier never cracked a smile, no matter how hard she tried to coax one out of him.

      “You must have a special touch,” Javier’s father had said to Leah the other day. “His attitude is much better whenever you’re on duty.”

      She liked to think that she had managed to reach him when other nurses hadn’t. So if she was one of a few who had the ability to draw him out of his somber mood, how could she ask for a transfer?

      What kind of nurse would she be if she gave up on her patient when he needed her most?

      Leah had lucked out. She’d finished the rest of her shift without having to go back into Javier’s room. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t aware of who went in or came out.

      Savannah had left the hospital shortly after she’d arrived, which had pleased Leah more than it should have, especially since she’d made up her mind to maintain a professional attitude when it came to Javier. But there wasn’t anything remotely professional about the rush of relief she’d felt when the blonde had left his room after only a few minutes—five or six at the most.

      Leah glanced at her wristwatch, realizing it was about time for the shift change. Thank goodness she didn’t have to work tomorrow. Taking a break from her handsome patient would help tremendously. She’d shake those inappropriate thoughts and feelings that surfaced whenever she was near him.

      As she opened the last patient’s chart and prepared to make a note before leaving the hospital for the next couple of days, Leanne Beattie, the nurse’s aide who delivered meals to the third floor, said, “The guy in three-fourteen doesn’t seem to like anything we serve him.”

      The guy in 314 was Javier.

      Leah glanced up from the note she was writing, “What do you mean?”

      “Well, he hasn’t eaten much of anything today. He didn’t touch his breakfast and only picked at his lunch. As far as I can tell, he left everything except the chocolate ice cream on his dinner tray. So I thought I should mention it.”

      “Thanks, Leanne. Loss of appetite is a side effect of one of the new medications he’s on, so I’ll be sure to tell his doctor.”

      Of course, the depression his family had been concerned about might also contribute to him not eating, although Leah wasn’t convinced that they were right. Whatever was bothering him only seemed to flare up when he had visitors.

      But either way, she’d like to see him start eating better. He was going to need his strength when he moved to the rehab unit and his physical therapy became more vigorous than it was now.

      On her drive home that night, she thought about her own dinner and what she’d like to eat. For the most part, she avoided red meat, fats and processed foods. But she’d had the munchies ever since she’d left Savannah and Javier alone in his room, so she decided to give in to temptation and pick up a cheeseburger and fries.

      She didn’t allow herself those kinds of indulgences very often, but she figured the fast food would be filling—and it was better than fixing herself a salad with low-fat dressing, then popping open the freezer and wolfing down the rest of a carton of rocky road ice cream, which was what she’d probably end up doing when the veggies didn’t hit the spot.

      And on a night like this, she didn’t think a salad was going to be enough to hold back temptation.

      As she pulled into the drive-through of her favorite fast-food restaurant, she realized that people sometimes craved foods that they’d grown up eating. There were days when nothing else would do the trick.

      At that thought, a game plan began to unfold.

      She didn’t have to work tomorrow. Why not take lunch to Javier? She could pick up something tasty that was a change from the usual hospital fare he’d been served. Maybe that would spark his appetite and entice him to eat a full meal.

      So the next morning, after cleaning her small apartment, she took a shower and slipped into her favorite jeans and the new black sweater Aunt Connie had given her for her birthday. Then, after applying a little makeup, brushing out her hair and pulling it back in a ponytail, she drove to the most popular Mexican restaurant in Red Rock, which Jose and Maria Mendoza owned.

      Jose was related to Javier’s father, Luis, although Leah wasn’t entirely sure of the exact connection. They might be cousins, she supposed. Either way, it was probably safe to assume the entire Mendoza clan spent a good deal of time eating at Red.

      Actually, she was surprised that none of Javier’s relatives had come up with the idea before. But she wouldn’t think about that now. Instead, she would surprise him by taking him lunch.

      At a few minutes after eleven, Leah arrived at Red and parked her car out front. So far, not many people had gathered, but she knew it was only a matter of time before the lunch crowd would begin to roll in.

      She’d only eaten at the restaurant once before, and that was several years ago. But she’d been impressed by the historic building, which had once been a hacienda.

      The Mendozas had done a great job decorating with nineteenth-century photographs, antiques and Southwestern artwork that lined the walls.

      In fact, while waiting for her order to be prepared, she might even sit in the courtyard, with its rustic old fountain, lush plants and the colorful umbrellas that shaded pine tables and chairs. There she’d listen to the soft sounds of mariachi music coming from the lounge, as well as the relaxing gurgle of the water in the fountain while sitting amidst the bougainvillea that bloomed in shades of fuchsia, purple and gold.

      As Leah entered the door, a dark-haired hostess greeted her. “One for lunch? Or are you meeting someone?”

      “Actually, I’d like to place an order to go.”

      The woman reached for a menu. “Do you already know what you’d like? Or would you like to see what we have to offer?”

      Leah took the menu. “I’ll need a moment or two to decide. But can you tell me if Marcos Mendoza is here today?”

      Javier’s brother managed the restaurant. And if anyone knew what Leah should order, it would be him.

      “Yes, Marcos is here. I think he’s in the kitchen. I’ll get him for you.”

      From what Leah had heard, Marcos used to spend a great deal of time at Red, making sure that everything ran smoothly. But he actually kept a regular schedule now that he and Wendy had a new baby. Their little girl, who had been born a month early but was doing well now, was expected to be released from the neonatal СКАЧАТЬ