Man Behind the Façade. June Francis
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Название: Man Behind the Façade

Автор: June Francis

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

isbn: 9781408943731


СКАЧАТЬ to a door at the far end, noticing that some of the walls were blackened with smoke. She was startled by a shout and her first instinct was to head straight back to the front door and outside. Then she heard a banging and a crash; hesitating no longer, she ran towards the sound, almost tripping over a clump of fallen stone, thinking perhaps that Phillip might be under attack from ruffians. She came to a small chamber. The door was half off its hinges and on the opposite wall was shelving. Possibly it had once been a still room. There was a smashed jar on the uneven floor and a couple shrouded in cobwebs on a shelf. The room appeared to be empty, but cautiously she went inside to make certain, stepping over more rubble. The next moment she felt an arm go round her throat. Fearing she would be choked to death, she sank her teeth into the wrist of her attacker. Her captor released her and she wasted no time in trying to escape, but he seized hold of her again. With fists flying, she aimed for his chest, only to realise that it was Phillip.

      ‘Damn it, Becky, what are you doing here?’ he said harshly, seizing both her wrists and holding her arms aloft.

      ‘I was searching for you, but I didn’t realise that my attacker would be the person I sought!’ she cried. He released her abruptly and she fell against him. Instantly, she was aware of the hardness of his chest and the heat emanating from him as his arm slipped around her. ‘What a fright you gave me!’ she gasped. ‘I was convinced you were about to throttle me!’

      ‘I thought you were the ghost,’ he said drily. ‘As soon as you bit me, I knew better.’

      ‘Ghost! What ghost?’ She glanced about her.

      He hesitated. ‘The one Simon Caldwell believes he saw. I caught a glimpse of a figure a short while ago and called out to it, but then it disappeared, so perhaps there really is a spirit abroad.’ A faint smile played about his lips.

      ‘But you attacked me and I’m obviously no ghost,’ said Rebecca reasonably.

      ‘That’s because I heard footsteps and I thought only the living could be responsible for that and maybe it was someone who could intend me harm.’ He lifted his wrist and inspected the marks left by her teeth and cocked an eyebrow.

      ‘I’m sorry I bit you but it did the trick, didn’t it?’ She placed her hand on his and gazed at the red indentions. ‘I don’t think I’m poisonous, but perhaps some salve on the wound?’

      He made a noise in his throat. ‘At least I know you can defend yourself if necessary.’

      ‘Very graciously said,’ she murmured, looking thoughtful. ‘I wonder why Simon made no mention of a ghost to me.’

      ‘He did not want to frighten you,’ said Phillip, removing her hand. ‘Be careful where you step,’ he warned.

      The words were no sooner out of his mouth than Rebecca tripped over the pile of rubble and ended up flat on the floor. ‘Ouch, that hurt!’

      He went down on one knee in front of her and his blue eyes were dark with concern. ‘Are you all right?’

      ‘Just help me up, if you please,’ she groaned.

      He took her hand and jerked her to her feet without realising his own strength so that she was catapulted against him. This time he almost lost his balance and for several moments they swayed back and forth on the uneven floor, their bodies pressed against each other and their faces only inches apart. It was strangely comforting, thought Rebecca, in no hurry to have him release her this time.

      Then he kissed her.

      The temptation to taste her lips had been irresistible, thought Phillip. Her lips were as cool as spring water and as she made no attempt to pull away, he deepened the kiss and delved between their moist softness and captured her tongue. It was a while since he had kissed a woman and never had he found it so arousing. Then he remembered that she did not think much of a player’s way of life and dropped her like a hot brand and walked away.

      It was several moments before a now-seething Rebecca recovered her equilibrium and was able to pick herself up off the floor. Giles had never kissed her in such a thoroughly penetrating fashion, but neither had he ever used her so roughly. How dare Phillip kiss her and then cast her aside as if he couldn’t bear to look at her! Obviously he had no thought for her feelings at all. Hurt and anger coursed through her veins and, after taking several deep breaths, she marched out of the room, careful to avoid any obstructions.

      He was nowhere to be seen. Had he left her alone in this place, prey to ghosts or vagabonds? She made for the front door and there she found Phillip resting against the door jamb. She waited for him to speak, but after what seemed a long time, she came to the conclusion that he was not going to refer to what had happened. Well, she was not going to allow him to ignore the episode. It might be true that she had enjoyed the kiss, but if he was now regretting what had happened, she was not going to let him know that. Most likely he had kissed lots of women over the years and had enjoyed doing so. Lackwit that she was to think that just because the kiss had set her whole body alight, that it had done the same for him. Misery threatened to flood her, but then she remembered that part of a man’s anatomy that had trouble sleeping. His had flared into life as he had kissed her and flaunted itself against her belly. A definite indication that he had desired her, if only for a moment, before rejecting her.

      ‘I should have slapped your face,’ she said.

      ‘I’m amazed that you didn’t!’ He straightened up. ‘I didn’t intend to behave so, but you were irresistible.’

      ‘Was I? Well, that’s good to know,’ she replied, taken aback. ‘I—I presume you’re not going to make a habit of it?’

      He gave a ghost of a smile. ‘Probably not, you’ll be pleased to know.’

      ‘Good, because we both know that we wouldn’t suit. You’re not in the market for a wife and I have nothing to bring you that would be of help in making your way in the world. Although I am not such a fool to believe that kissing a woman means a man must feel compelled to propose marriage.’ She dimpled at him in an attempt to reassure him that she had decided to make light of the situation, despite the fact that she ached to be held in his arms again.

      Phillip found those dimples bewitching and experienced a further rush of desire, but it was obvious that she saw no future for them together, so all he said was, ‘I’m glad that we’ve got that sorted out. Shall we go?’

      She nodded, picked up the gown and wig. ‘You forgot these last even.’ He took them from her, thanked her and closed the door before heading towards the trees. ‘Was the ghost the reason you’re up and about so early this morning or were you on your way to collect your costume? I saw your gown and wig and decided to bring them to you. I was doing so when I spotted you.’

      ‘And your curiosity got the better of you when you saw me?’

      ‘I can’t deny it.’ Her brow puckered. ‘Do you mind telling me about this figure you thought you saw?’

      ‘I do not doubt what my eyes saw, Becky, but I didn’t get close enough to make out the identity of the man.’

      ‘Then can you tell me what Simon told you?’

      Phillip’s eyes locked with hers, but still he hesitated.

      ‘Please, of your courtesy, I would like to know. There is obviously some mystery here that needs solving. I do have a talent for such.’

      ‘If СКАЧАТЬ