Under His Protection. Linda Turner
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Название: Under His Protection

Автор: Linda Turner

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue

isbn: 9781408961896


СКАЧАТЬ smile at Rainey and she caught the look of love that passed between the two of them, she knew that she’d never seen him so happy.

      Just that easily, she realized that nothing else mattered. Locking her own heartache away, she started down the aisle, and for the first time since she’d seen the picture of Spencer in the tabloids, the smile that curled the corners of her mouth came straight from her heart.

      After that, the morning couldn’t have been more magical. Rainey looked like a fairy princess as she started down the aisle toward Buck, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the church as they exchanged their I do’s. Then they rushed up the aisle, glowing with love, and laughingly led their guests back to the ranch for breakfast, then, later in the day, an old-fashioned barbecue and barn dance.

      Buck and Rainey had invited not only their friends from both sides of the Atlantic and around the world, but they’d also decided to include the local ranchers and most of the inhabitants of Willow Bend. It was a risky move, but they’d both felt it was better to keep their enemies close at hand than plotting in the shadows, and Elizabeth had to agree with them. If there was anyone there with ulterior motives, they kept them well hidden. Everywhere she looked, people were smiling and laughing and enjoying themselves.

      “It’s quite a turnout, isn’t it? How many do you think are packing guns?”

      Surprised, Elizabeth turned to John Cassidy, the Broken Arrow’s new foreman. Buck had introduced him to her and her sisters when they arrived the day before yesterday, but there’d been little time to talk to him, let alone get to know him. He’d been busy running the ranch while Buck took care of the last-minute preparations for the wedding and entertained his guests.

      And even though Elizabeth had never seen a cowboy, let alone a ranch foreman, before visiting the United States, she had to admit that John Cassidy had the look of a man who could handle just about anything life threw at him. Tall and lean, with a body that was rock hard and a chin that could have been chiseled out of the granite mountains that formed the western boundary of the ranch, he had tough written all over him.

      And for some reason, that set her teeth on edge. It was the hard glint in his eye, she thought. That I don’t give a damn look that a lot of women found impossible to resist. She wasn’t one of those women.

      “I realize I’m not familiar with the local customs,” she retorted, “but do people usually bring guns to a wedding in Colorado?”

      “That depends on who’s getting married and why,” he replied dryly. “They’ve been known to take them to funerals, too.”

      Not believing that for a second, Elizabeth sniffed, “I wasn’t born yesterday, Mr. Cassidy. Just because I was born and raised in England doesn’t mean that I don’t know a line of bull when I hear it.”

      “Really?” The corner of his sensuous mouth curling with mocking humor, he lifted a dark male brow at her. “Then maybe you’d care to tell me what that bulge is under your brother’s tuxedo jacket?”

      “What bulge?” she demanded. “What are you talking about? Buck wouldn’t wear a gun to his own wedding!”

      “Then he’s got a tumor under that jacket,” he said. “And so does just about every man here. Didn’t you notice? Or did you think we’re all nothing but a bunch of hicks in bad suits?”

      “No, of course not! I’m not a snob, Mr. Cassidy. I’ve been too busy circulating to notice how anyone was dressed.”

      “For your own safety, I suggest you keep your eyes and ears open whenever you’re around your neighbors, Miss Wyatt. They’re not your friends.”

      “I’m well aware of that,” she said stiffly. “I know all about the attacks on the ranch. As far as I’m concerned, my brother and sisters and I can’t trust anyone.”

      “Including me?”

      “Including you,” she retorted honestly, then graciously added, “At least for now. I know Buck has a great deal of faith in you and that you passed a background check with flying colors. For what it’s worth, I hope you do turn out to be as trustworthy as you claim to be. It would be nice to know that there’s at least one person outside the family we can trust.”

      John had to give her credit. He didn’t know another woman, short of his mother, who would have looked him right in the eye and given him such a straight answer. “Trust takes time,” he said flatly. “Luckily I’ve got plenty of that.”

      He had, in fact, nowhere else to go, and he was pretty damn sure that Elizabeth Wyatt knew that. If Buck had told her everything, then she knew that his past was less than stellar. Oh, he’d been a Navy SEAL, and he’d been damn good at it. But then he’d made a mistake—just one—and a man had lost his life.

      How many years had he punished himself for that? Three? Five? His commanding officer, the base psychiatrist, even the chaplain, had assured him that everyone made mistakes—it could have happened to anyone. Nothing they’d said, however, had helped. Because he’d killed his best friend, and the memory of that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

      He’d tried to forget. But years of drinking hadn’t dulled the images from the past—just destroyed his life. His wife had walked out on him, he’d lost his ranch, his self-respect, everything he cared about. And it was all gone forever. When he’d told Elizabeth he had nothing but time, he hadn’t lied. He had nowhere else to go, and nothing to do but lose himself in work.

      “Just for the record,” he added, “I’m not interested in getting my hands on your land. I just want to do the job I was hired to do. That means taking care of the ranch…and you and your sisters when Buck’s not here.”

      For a moment, he didn’t think his words registered. Then her sapphire-blue eyes flashed indignantly. “Take care of me and my sisters? You think that was the job you were hired to do?”

      “I know it’s one of them,” he retorted. “If you don’t believe me, ask Buck.”

      “Don’t worry. I will.” Lifting her chin, she stormed off to find her brother.

      She found him almost immediately, but it quickly became obvious that she wasn’t going to get a chance to talk to him in private. The dancing started, and almost immediately a cowboy asked Elizabeth to dance, grabbed her by the hand and pulled her out onto the dance floor before she could even think to object. Luckily, she’d worn her cowboy boots, just as Buck had suggested. After that, she was on the dance floor for what seemed like hours.

      Breathless, she finally escaped with the excuse that she needed something to drink, but then the photographer snagged her and the other bridesmaids and the single women in the crowd so Rainey could throw her bouquet. No one was more surprised than Elizabeth when it fell right into her hands.

      “Oh, my God!” she gasped, blanching. “Rainey, you threw that at me deliberately!”

      Grinning, she didn’t deny it. “You’re the oldest. Your turn’s next.”

      “Oh, no, it’s not!”

      “You’ll be married by next year,” Priscilla predicted with dancing green eyes.

      “I will not. I’m not even dating anyone.”

      “Doesn’t matter,” Katherine chuckled. “Everybody knows not to catch a bridal СКАЧАТЬ