Welcome to Mills & Boon. Jennifer Rae
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Название: Welcome to Mills & Boon

Автор: Jennifer Rae

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

isbn: 9781474013673


СКАЧАТЬ a wide grin as he took the narrow steps in two strides and landed on the porch. “I’ve had the coffee ready for half an hour.”

      Tanner hugged her close. He hadn’t seen Ruthie for two years and she still looked as vibrant and healthy as she did back then. Her hair was still dyed an impossibly bright red, and she still wore moleskins, her favorite cowboy boots, and moved with that straight-backed confidence he’d recognize anywhere. Ruthie Nevelson was the best person he’d ever known, and he’d missed her like crazy.

      “Hello, Ruthie,” he said, smiling broadly. “It’s good to see you, too.”

      She set herself back to get a better look at him. “That leg still ailing you?”

      He nodded. “A little. The long flight didn’t help. It’ll ease up in a couple of days.”

      “Good,” she said and grabbed his arm. “Now, come inside and eat the cake I made for you.”

      There had always been something about Ruthie’s cooking that could cheer him up, and she knew it well. He followed her inside the house and down the narrow hall. Two small dogs came scurrying to greet them and bounced around his feet for attention.

      “Ignore them,” she said as she dropped her hat on the cluttered counter and pointed to a seat at the table. “They’ll lose interest soon enough.”

      “They’re new,” he said and pulled out a chair. “What happened to Bluey?” he asked about her old sheepdog.

      “Got sick and died last spring,” she replied. “Inherited these two when Stan Jarvis passed away a few months ago.”

      Stan had been Ruthie’s on-again, off-again suitor for over twenty years. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

      She shrugged and grabbed two mugs. “Everybody dies,” she said and gave him a wide smile. “Even this old girl will one day.”

      “Impossible,” Tanner said with a grin, then more seriously. “It’s so good to see you.”

      “You, too.” Ruthie poured coffee and brought the mugs to the table. “I was expecting you yesterday. Where’d you stay last night?”

      “Cassie’s,” Tanner said as he sat down and spotted a large frosted cake in the center of the table. He reached out to steal a fingerful of frosting, giving an approving “Mmm” at the delicious flavor.

      Ruthie stared at him. “I see.”

      “It was late when I got there,” he explained. “And since I wanted to see the baby anyway, she offered—”

      “You told her about the house?” Ruthie asked in her usual straight-to-the-point way.

      Tanner shrugged. “We discussed things.”

      She shook her head. “Messy situation. Typical of that no-good brother of yours.”

      Ruthie had never pulled punches when it came to Doug. But Tanner respected her too much to disagree. “I’ll have to sell the place.”

      “I thought as much.” Ruthie’s expression narrowed. “It’s not your fault. Some things even you can’t fix.”

      Tanner took the mug she offered. “I can try.”

      She tutted. “And get your heart broke all over again? I dunno if that makes you a fool or a saint.”

      “I’m no saint,” he said with a half grin. “You know that better than anyone.”

      “What I know is that you can’t keep cleaning up his chaos,” Ruthie said, her voice harder than usual. “That girl should be told the truth about him.”

      The truth about Doug? To the outside world he was charming and likable and there was no doubt he’d been a fine soldier. But he’d had troubles, too. In civilian life he’d been unreliable. The army had sorted him out eventually. But it wasn’t a truth that Cassie needed to know.

      “I’ll tell her enough,” he said quietly.

      Ruthie looked unconvinced. “And will you tell her that Doug McCord got your eighteen-year-old girlfriend pregnant and then dumped her right before he stole your inheritance?”

       Chapter Three

      No. Tanner had decided. He wouldn’t be telling Cassie anything about the girl who’d cheated on him with his brother and when she’d gotten pregnant how Doug had bailed on his responsibility. Or that his brother had taken the money put in trust for Tanner when he reached twenty-one, and used it to fund his partying and gambling. It had ended badly. For him. For Doug. For everyone. But telling tales wasn’t his style. And it had been twelve years ago. There was no point in rehashing old betrayals.

      “Still protecting him?”

      Ruthie’s voice got his attention again. “I just don’t want anyone to get hurt unnecessarily.”

      “Anyone?” Her silvery brows came up. “You mean Cassie Duncan?”

      “I mean anyone,” he emphasized.

      “She should be told,” Ruthie said, relentless. “Putting him on a pedestal won’t change the truth. You were too quick to forgive and forget.”

       I haven’t forgiven.

      Not yet. It was why he’d come back. Why he had to make things right for his nephew.

      Losing Leah had hurt. Even though their relationship was new and filled with the usual teenage angst, he’d fallen for her quickly. Four months later she’d announced she was pregnant and in love with his brother. But Doug made it clear he didn’t want her or the baby and skipped town, taking Tanner’s inheritance with him. Unable to get past such a betrayal, it was all the motivation Tanner needed to pack his bags and leave Crystal Point. He spent close to two years backpacking in Europe before Doug finally tracked him down and by then Leah and the baby she’d tragically miscarried were a distant memory to his brother. Doug returned some of the money, said he was sorry, and Tanner did his best to believe him. But the experience had forever changed their relationship. He came home, stayed with Ruthie for a month and then moved to South Dakota.

      And he’d never really looked back.

      Until now.

      Until Cassie.

      But he’d already loved one woman who’d preferred his brother. He wasn’t about to do that again. No matter how much her blue eyes haunted his dreams.

      Still, he was tired of being angry. Tired of resenting Doug and wishing things were different. Tired of living in the past. For years Tanner had battled the anger he’d felt toward his brother. It had kept him shut off and restrained in relationships with almost everyone he knew. Except for Ruthie and his closest friend, Grady Parker, who knew some of what happened between him and his brother.

      Almost losing his life in the accident had shifted his perspective. Tanner didn’t want to be angry anymore. He wanted to live the rest of his life СКАЧАТЬ