Home on the Ranch: Colorado. Julie Benson
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Название: Home on the Ranch: Colorado

Автор: Julie Benson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474033305



      Ouch. “I am not, and that’s a low blow.”

      “You need to get some balance in your life,” Janice continued, shifting into sympathetic mode. “You’re all work and no play. You need to date. Have fun.”

      Elizabeth winced, knowing where the conversation was headed. Why did every married or engaged person feel they possessed a sacred duty to impart relationship advice to single relatives and friends? “Work is so crazy right now I don’t have much time for anything, especially dating.”

      “Is it a time issue, or is it because no guy meets enough requirements on your ridiculous checklist?”

      “It’s not silly. I have to know what qualities I want in a partner, and what things are deal breakers.”

      “You’ll be surprised how fast you’ll throw out that list when you find the right guy.”

      Elizabeth had begun to think the right guy for her didn’t exist. Or if he did, she worried she wouldn’t find him without a map and a guide.

      She grabbed a deep, calming breath. “Can we start over? I know I haven’t been the most fun lately. We’ve had one round of layoffs already at work, and with this client halfway out the door, I’m way past stressed out.”

      “It’s really that bad?” Janice asked, genuinely concerned.

      She nodded.

      “I’m sorry my wedding turned out to be poor timing for you.” Janice reached out and clasped her hand. “I appreciate you being here, considering what’s going on with you. Is the altitude sickness getting any better?”

      Biting her lip to hold back her emotions over her cousin’s unexpected empathy, Elizabeth nodded. “I’m tired and a bit queasy, but I can handle it, as long as it doesn’t get worse.”

      “Look at that gorgeous cowboy walking our way,” Claire said, popping up beside them. “Not that your wedding isn’t reason enough, but this guy makes the entire trip worthwhile.”

      Janice squeezed Elizabeth’s hand and let go. “Yumoh.” Her face lit up like Times Square after dark. “Elizabeth, you’ve got to see this guy. He’s behind you a few feet. Turn, but don’t be obvious that you’re looking.”

      Behind her in the corral stood an attractive cowboy. His dark brown hat cast a shadow over his face, but didn’t conceal his strong jaw or classic cheekbones. Dressed in a simple navy button-down shirt, jeans, chaps complete with leather fringe and dusty cowboy boots, he was the real deal.

      “I’d be willing to risk getting hay in all sorts of awkward places for a little time alone in the barn with him,” Claire said.

      “Close your mouth, Janice, or you’ll start catching flies,” Elizabeth teased. “Plus you’re getting married tomorrow.”

      “That doesn’t mean I’m dead. I can still appreciate the exceptional scenery.”

      Elizabeth shook her head. “Sure he’s good-looking, but what’s so fantastic about a cowboy? I don’t get it. They smell like horses. They spend a good part of their days cleaning manure out of barn stalls. What about that inspires romance?”

      Claire looked ready to tackle the cowboy. “They’re so rugged. So strong.”

      “Janice Rogers and party,” cowboy hottie called out in a lazy drawl.

      “That’s me, or us, rather.” Janice waved her hand and gave him a big smile.

      “Let’s see about getting you ladies on some horses.” He pointed to Claire. “Come with me.”

      Claire beamed and practically ran over Laura to get to the cowboy. Then she introduced herself, giggled and tossed her hair.

      Elizabeth laughed. Watching this show unfold might be fun, after all.

      The ranch hand tilted his hat and nodded. “Rory.”

      “Even his name’s gorgeous,” Laura crooned dreamily to no one in particular.

      “Clem, help this lady with Biscuit.”

      Claire slowly started moving toward an older cowboy, but kept glancing over her shoulder at Rory all doe-eyed.

      Then he motioned to Janice, who stepped on Elizabeth’s foot in her haste to reach him.

      “Watch it,” Elizabeth snapped.

      “Sorry,” her cousin said, but her gaze remained locked on the cowboy. If he offered to sell her the Rocky Mountains right now, she’d be whipping out her Master-Card.

      Wait a minute. Elizabeth smiled. That’s exactly what she wanted people to do—open their wallets. Thank you, Lord, for sending the answer to my prayers. She just might be able to pull this campaign out of the fire.

      When she’d proposed that Devlin Designs center its men’s jeans campaign on a cowboy, she’d had this type of female reaction in mind. Micah Devlin liked the idea, but not the models she’d suggested. Now she understood what he’d meant about something being missing in all the models dressed like cowboys. They weren’t authentic.

      Bingo. Yes, sir. Rory could be the answer to all her problems.

      By the time he motioned her forward, she had a tentative pitch mentally mapped out.

      “I hope the horse knows what he’s doing, because I don’t have a clue,” she joked as an icebreaker. Starting her conversation with, “Come to New York to model designer jeans,” seemed a little abrupt. She needed to loosen the guy up first. Appear to be interested in his life here in the great outdoors.

      “As long as you hold on to the reins and sit up straight, you’ll be okay. We haven’t lost anyone yet.”

      “Elizabeth might be the first.” Janice laughed. “She’s not exactly athletic.”

      Rory looked her up and down with eyes that were liquid gold. She could feel herself blush, something she hadn’t done in years.

      “She looks like she can handle herself well enough.”

      Apparently chivalry wasn’t as dead as everyone believed.

      “Put your left foot in the stirrup,” Rory said as he pointed toward the saddle. “Then grab hold of the saddle horn with your right hand and pull up while you swing your leg over.”

      She glanced at the horse, an amazingly large one, and then back at Rory. The man had to be kidding. “Have you noticed how big the horse is, and how short I am? There’s no way I can get up there.”

      “You are a little thing,” he said, smiling.

      Again, she blushed. This blushing was getting a little out of control.

      “I’ll help you.”

      How, exactly? She pictured this gorgeous man pushing her butt to shove her into the saddle. Could this experience get more humiliating?

      She’d СКАЧАТЬ