Animal Attraction. Maisey Yates
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Название: Animal Attraction

Автор: Maisey Yates

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472074935


СКАЧАТЬ he moved that sinful body of his even closer.

      Filling her lungs with needed oxygen didn’t help because it also filled her head with his rich scent. Shohn Hudson smelled like the great outdoors, like heat and man and pure deliciousness.

      In contrast, she probably smelled like dog. “Shohn...”

      “Nadine.” He smiled, again looking into her eyes as if he knew her every thought.

      But why now?

      She’d known him forever, and not once, not ever, had he come on to her. He was always his usual charming self—all while seducing every other young woman in Buckhorn County.

      But not her.

      Her he treated the same as he did elderly Mrs. Crook at the grocery, or twelve-year-old Suzy who helped her dad at the vegetable stand.

      Was Shohn bored? Was this retaliation because she wouldn’t let him have Rookie? Nadine pulled her brows down and asked, “What are you doing? You can’t just walk in here.”

      But he already had. And now he stalked toward her, his gaze touching all over her body again, turning her into a puddle of nerves.

      No, she would not let him toy with her like this. She lifted one hand, palm out. “Stop, Shohn. I mean it.”

      He did. He even looked confused by the fact that he’d intruded uninvited. He nodded at her chest and said, “You’re mangling the buns.”

      “What? Oh.” Now that he was no longer advancing on her, she turned and put the buns on the counter. Maybe if she didn’t see all that masculine perfection, she could get herself together. “I have some leftover barbecue. How’s that sound?”

      “You going to eat with me?”

      She’d planned to, but now, with him acting so differently—as if he were lustful or something—she just didn’t know.

      His breath brushed her ear when he spoke from right behind her. “So much hesitation. I won’t bite, you know.”

      Paralyzed by his nearness, she grabbed the counter to ground herself.

      When he whispered, “Unless you want me to,” it wasn’t just his breath she felt. It was his warm lips, too, barely touching her earlobe.

      Nadine almost knocked him over when she bolted out from between him and the counter. Spinning to face him, she backed up a few more steps and bumped into her fridge.

      Damn her cozy little cottage for being so...cozy.

      She put her shoulders back, lifted her chin and said, “All right, Shohn. Just what do you think you’re doing?”

      Chapter Two

      One side of Shohn’s mouth curled. “You keep asking me that.”

      “Only because you keep doing...stuff!” Oh, God, she was screeching.

      With a lot of carnal insinuation, he murmured, “Not the stuff I’d like to be doing.”

      Don’t ask, Nadine. Do. Not. Ask. She even bit her lip to keep her sensual curiosity from exploding.

      Shohn smiled. “You’d rather I just surprise you?”

      “No.” Get it together, Nadine. She cleared her throat. “Do you want to eat or not?”

      “Definitely yes.”

      The way he said that, with so much heat burning in his eyes, left her even more unsettled. “Then grab a seat at the table. I only have a few minutes left before I need to let the others head home.”

      He looked undecided before finally turning a chair at the little table and straddling it.

      Relieved, and maybe a little disappointed, too, Nadine went to the microwave and pulled out the now-steaming barbecue. She loaded cheese from the fridge, a bag of chips, two paper plates and two cans of Coke onto a tray.

      With his gaze tracking her every move, Shohn asked, “Can I do anything to help?”

      Stop trying to melt me. “No. Just...stay over there.” If he started bumping that hot, hard body into her again, she’d end up dragging him down to the floor. “Everything is ready.”

      He stood to take the tray from her, holding it in one hand so he could pull out her chair with the other. Such a gentleman. Of course, all the men from his family were the same, meaning they were all gorgeous, sexy, protective, mannerly and alpha. Even the girls seemed to have gotten a little extra “oomph” from that amazing gene pool.

      While she loaded up the buns with barbecue, Shohn popped open the drinks. “So once everyone clocks out, you’ll be here alone?”

      Uh-oh. She didn’t, couldn’t, look at him. “Me, and twenty-five dogs.” Going past that as fast as she could, she added, “I’ll have at least an hour’s worth of work to get through yet before I can call it a day.”

      “What time did you start work?”

      “I let the dogs out into the yard early. Around six or so.” She wrinkled her nose. “Cuts back on cleanup.”

      “They don’t ever fight with each other?”

      “You know right away which animals are social and which ones prefer a little privacy. A big part of the backyard is divided up to suit them all, with separate runs and fenced areas.”

      “That’s a long day.” He nodded to the clock on her wall. “It’s almost eight.”

      “Overall, it doesn’t really seem like work. I love animals, they love me.” She put some chips on her plate and handed him the bag. With a telling glance his way, she said, “It’s the pet owners who are sometimes a bother.” Especially when they flaunt their perfect pecs at the dinner table.

      “Since I was a bother,” Shohn teased, “why don’t I hang around and help you put the pups to bed for the night.”

      No, and no. “That’s okay. I have a routine.” And she didn’t even want to say “Shohn” and “bed” in the same sentence, never mind that he meant small pet beds.

      “Then let me bring dinner by tomorrow as a payback.” He ate half his sandwich in two big bites. “It’s the least I can do.”

      She was already shaking her head, denying him. “No, really. It’s only warmed-up barbecue. No payback necessary.” And trying this twice would be too much temptation.

      He finished his sandwich, downed half his Coke then folded his arms on the table and studied her. “You’re not going to give an inch, are you?”

      Definitely not. She thought about pretending she didn’t understand, but knowing Shohn, he’d just spell it out for her. So instead, she rolled a shoulder, drank her own Coke and said, “There’s no point.”

      “The point could be lust, chemistry—or even good old fun.”