The From Paris With Love And Regency Season Of Secrets Ultimate Collection. Кэрол Мортимер
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      “I want to talk to you.” Those devastating blue eyes cut to the side. “Alone.”

      Sarah followed his searing gaze. An entire gallery of female faces peered over, around and between the production department’s chin-high partitions. A few of those faces were merely curious. Most appeared a half breath away from drooling.

      She turned back to Number Three. Too bad his manners didn’t live up to his looks. The aggressiveness in both his tone and his stance were irritating and uncalled for, to say the least.

      “What do you want to talk to me about, Mr. Hunter?”

      He didn’t appear surprised that she knew his name. She did, after all, work at the magazine that had made hunky Devon Hunter the object of desire by a good portion of the female population at home and abroad.

      “Your sister, Ms. St. Sebastian.”

      Oh, no! A sinking sensation hit Sarah in the pit of her stomach. What had Gina gotten into now?

      Her glance slid to the silver-framed photo on the credenza beside her workstation. There was Sarah, dark-haired, green-eyed, serious as always, protective as always. And Gina. Blonde, bubbly, affectionate, completely irresponsible.

      Two years younger than Sarah, Gina tended to change careers with the same dizzying frequency she tumbled in and out of love. She’d texted just a few days ago, gushing about the studly tycoon she’d hooked up with. Omitting, Gina style, to mention such minor details as his name or how they’d met.

      Sarah had no trouble filling in the blanks now. Devon Hunter was founder and CEO of a Fortune 500 aerospace corporation headquartered in Los Angeles. Gina was in L.A. chasing yet another career opportunity, this time as a party planner for the rich and famous.

      “I think it best if we make this discussion private, Ms. St. Sebastian.”

      Resigned to the inevitable, Sarah nodded. Her sister’s flings tended to be short and intense. Most ended amicably, but on several occasions Sarah had been forced to soothe some distinctly ruffled male feathers. This, apparently, was one of those occasions.

      “Come with me, Mr. Hunter.”

      She led the way to a glass-walled conference room with angled windows that gave a view of Times Square. Framed prominently in one of the windows was the towering Condé Nast Building, the center of the universe for fashion publications. The building was home to Vogue, Vanity Fair, Glamour and Allure. Alexis often brought advertisers to the conference room to impress them with Beguile’s proximity to those icons in the world of women’s glossies.

      The caterers hadn’t begun setting up for the working lunch yet but the conference room was always kept ready for visitors. The fridge discreetly hidden behind oak panels held a half-dozen varieties of bottled water, sparkling and plain, as well as juices and energy drinks. The gleaming silver coffee urns were replenished several times a day.

      Sarah gestured to the urns on their marble counter. “Would you care for some coffee? Or some sparkling water, perhaps?”

      “No. Thanks.”

      The curt reply decided her against inviting the man to sit. Crossing her arms, she leaned a hip against the conference table and assumed a look of polite inquiry.

      “You wanted to talk about Gina?”

      He took his time responding. Sarah refused to bristle as his killer blue eyes made an assessing trip from her face to her Chanel suit jacket with its black-and-white checks and signature logo to her black boots and back up again.

      “You don’t look much like your sister.”

      “No, I don’t.”

      She was comfortable with her slender build and what her grandmother insisted were classic features, but she knew she didn’t come close to Gina’s stunning looks.

      “My sister’s the only beauty in the family.”

      Politeness dictated that he at least make a show of disputing the calm assertion. Instead, he delivered a completely unexpected bombshell.

      “Is she also the only thief?”

      Her arms dropped. Her jaw dropped with them. “I beg your pardon?”

      “You can do more than beg my pardon, Ms. St. Sebastian. You can contact your sister and tell her to return the artifact she stole from my house.”

      The charge took Sarah’s breath away. It came back on a hot rush. “How dare you make such a ridiculous, slanderous accusation?”

      “It’s neither ridiculous nor slanderous. It’s fact.”

      “You’re crazy!”

      She was in full tigress mode now. Years of rushing to her younger sibling’s defense spurred both fury and passion.

      “Gina may be flighty and a little careless at times, but she would never take anything that didn’t belong to her!”

      Not intentionally, that is. There was that nasty little Pomeranian she’d brought home when she was eight or nine. She’d found it leashed to a sign outside a restaurant in one-hundred-degree heat and “rescued” it. And it was true Gina and her teenaged friends used to borrow clothes from each other constantly, then could never remember what belonged to whom. And, yes, she’d been known to overdraw her checking account when she was strapped for cash, which happened a little too frequently for Sarah’s peace of mind.

      But she would never commit theft, as this...this boor was suggesting. Sarah was about to call security to have the man escorted from the building when he reached into his suit pocket and palmed an iPhone.

      “Maybe this clip from my home surveillance system will change your mind.”

      He tapped the screen, then angled it for Sarah to view. She saw a still image of what looked like a library or study, with the focus of the camera on an arrangement of glass shelves. The objects on the shelves were spaced and spotlighted for maximum dramatic effect. They appeared to be an eclectic mix. Sarah noted an African buffalo mask, a small cloisonné disk on a black lacquer stand and what looked like a statue of a pre-Columbian fertility goddess.

      Hunter tapped the screen again and the still segued into a video. While Sarah watched, a tumble of platinum-blond curls came into view. Her heart began to thump painfully even before the owner of those curls moved toward the shelving. It picked up more speed when the owner showed her profile. That was her sister. Sarah couldn’t even pretend to deny it.

      Gina glanced over her shoulder, all casual nonchalance, all smiling innocence. When she moved out of view again, the cloisonné medallion no longer sat on its stand. Hunter froze the frame again, and Sarah stared at the empty stand as though it was a bad dream.

      “It’s Byzantine,” he said drily. “Early twelfth century, in case you’re interested. One very similar to it sold recently at Sotheby’s in London for just over a hundred thousand.”

      She swallowed. Hard. “Dollars?”


      “Oh, СКАЧАТЬ