The Italians: Alessandro, Luca & Dizo. Rebecca Winters
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СКАЧАТЬ flaring in one last burst as dusk settled and the evening sky darkened.

      ‘If we wait, you’ll see the stars emerge,’ Alessandro informed quietly as he moved to stand behind her.

      His close proximity stirred her already awakened senses, and she stilled as he wrapped an arm about her waist and leant in close.

      She should step aside, put some distance between them, and she almost did. Except his arm, his presence, made her feel … protected. Safe, she added silently, declining to examine precisely why.

      ‘Watch closely,’ Alessandro bade, directing her attention.

      And there they were, tiny pinpricks of light in the sky, gradually appearing brighter as the night’s darkness assumed a deep indigo. A beautiful backdrop for the illumination of villas and street-lighting of towns spread out below them.

      He was tempted to seek the soft hollow at the edge of her nape. To shift his hands to her midriff and let them slide up to cup her breasts. To pull her in close and allow her to feel the strength of his arousal.

      Knowing if he made even one of those moves, any pleasure he gained would be exceedingly temporary. And he didn’t want temporary.

      ‘Food, I think,’ he suggested lightly as he stepped back. ‘There’s a trattoria a few kilometres from here. Their fare is family oriented and good.’

      He was right, Lily concluded as she ordered lasagne, a side salad and fresh bread with olive oil and herbs for dipping.

      There was music, the soft lilt of a guitar and piano accordion accompanying a handsome young man as he sang the traditional songs of his homeland.

      This was the Italy she loved. Good food, a little wine, fine music and the company of a pleasant companion.

      A very attractive man, with rugged features, dark piercing eyes that saw more than she felt comfortable with, and whose attention she was at a loss to define.

      ‘You are enjoying yourself.’

      Her eyes held a pleasurable sparkle as she gifted Alessandro a warm smile.

      She had eaten every morsel of her lasagne, finished the salad, declined dessert, and chosen tea instead of coffee.

      A woman who ate with a genuine appetite, instead of the token salad sans dressing together with a minuscule serving of fresh fruit that passed as an evening meal, made for a pleasant change, Alessandro mused as he sipped his coffee.

      ‘It’s been a lovely day.’ It was the truth, she acknowledged simply. ‘Thank you.’

      He took hold of her hand and lifted it to his lips. ‘My privilege.’

      Her eyes widened a little as she met his own, and for a few timeless seconds she couldn’t look away.

      I don’t know where you’re going with this. Worse, why did she have this instinctive feeling he was several steps ahead of her? Steps leading where? Surely nowhere other than friendship.

      And if so, why the sense of disappointment? It didn’t make sense.

       Because you don’t want it to make sense.

      Such contrariness didn’t bode well for her peace of mind as she gathered her composure. ‘Shall we leave?’

      Alessandro summoned the waitress, paid the bill, then he rose to his feet and escorted Lily from the trattoria.

      It was almost eleven when they drew to a halt outside the entrance to Sophia’s villa, and she released her seat belt with one hand and reached for the door-clasp with the other.

      ‘I have my key,’ Lily said quickly. ‘There’s no need for you to …’

      Except he had already slid out from the car, and her remaining words remained unsaid as he crossed to her side, took the key from her fingers and inserted it into the front door.

      ‘Goodnight, Lily,’ he intoned gently. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow evening.’

      She looked at him blankly.

      ‘A party given by one of Sophia’s dearest friends to celebrate her daughter Anabella’s engagement,’ Alessandro revealed.

      How could it have slipped her mind? ‘Of course. Sophia mentioned it this morning. Goodnight.’ She moved indoors, locked up and reset the alarm as Sophia had demonstrated, then she crossed the foyer and ascended the stairs to her suite.

      A small dinner party with friends to celebrate the host’s daughter’s engagement would make for a pleasant evening, Lily reflected as she ran a last-minute check. Black evening trousers, a stunning red silk chiffon blouse, black cropped jacket, which she’d remove on arrival, evening purse, black stilettos. Hair in an elegant upswept knot, diamond ear-studs, pendant and bracelet.

      Good to go, she decided as she exited her suite and descended the stairs to join Sophia in the lobby.

      ‘Have I kept you waiting?’

      ‘Not at all,’ Sophia reassured. ‘Alessandro has just arrived. I was about to open the door.’

      Which she did, and he stood in the wide aperture, a tall dark-haired figure in an immaculately tailored suit, exuding an overwhelming sense of masculine power.

      ‘Sophia, Lily.’

      ‘Caro,’ Sophia greeted with a smile as she accepted the brush of his lips to her cheek, while Lily flashed him a silent please don’t message, which he naturally ignored.

      This close, even briefly, he stirred her senses and sent the blood coursing through her veins as she took in the subtle aroma of his cologne, the faint hint of freshly laundered clothing.

      For one totally wild moment she had the craziest feeling her body swayed towards his of its own accord, something she immediately corrected, and missed the faint narrowing of his eyes.

      Everything took on a different look at night, Lily mused as the car took a route leading towards the hills. Lights sparkled in the distance, providing a delicate tracery against the indigo sky.

      Small was a misnomer, Lily decided as she saw the number of cars lining a large circular driveway leading to a magnificent three-storied villa set in beautiful softly illuminated grounds.

      They were greeted by their host, then escorted by a staff member to what could only be termed a large ballroom where an impressive number of guests mingled while staff circled offering trays of canapés, champagne and wine.

      Lily recognized a few familiar faces, guests she’d met on a few previous occasions over the past week, and during the ensuing half hour she received introductions to those remaining.

      As well as the host’s daughter, Anabella, and her fiancé Enrico.

      The couple looked so happy, with eyes only for each other, and the secret smile that lovers had, convinced that love alone would surmount whatever life could throw at them.

      Had she been that happy on the night of her engagement to James? СКАЧАТЬ