To Catch a Camden. Victoria Pade
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Название: To Catch a Camden

Автор: Victoria Pade

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish

isbn: 9781472048226


СКАЧАТЬ And what if one of them dies and the other is left all alone—?”

      “You want to just move them in here?” Derek joked.

      “You know how I feel about this one, Derek. It’s going to need some involvement on our part for what remains of the Bronsons’ lives,” GiGi insisted. “And you know that just donating money doesn’t guarantee that the money will get into the right hands or get used in the ways it should be used, especially down the road. We have to know that these people have whatever they need to finish out their lives—financially and otherwise. And their needs can change depending on how their health or situation changes. We have to have some kind of presence in their lives. So you have to make nice with them. Win them over and establish a relationship with them so we can help later on, too, if need be. For their sake.”

      “I touched on some of that with Gia. But I still couldn’t even get in the door....”

      “Well, you’re going to have to do whatever it takes to accomplish that, honey. Maybe first you’ll have to win over the guard at the gate....”

      That brought a vivid image of Gia Grant to mind—something that had been happening at the drop of a hat since he’d met her last night.

      Maybe because of that hair, he thought.

      That hair was just great!

      Every time the memory of it popped into his head it made him smile.

      Full and thick and shiny and wildly curly...

      That was probably why it appealed to him. He liked things that were a little on the wild side.

      And he’d loved that hair....

      Plus, she had big, beautiful brown eyes the color of espresso sprinkled with gold dust.

      And peaches-and-cream skin that didn’t show a single flaw.

      And a straight nose that turned up almost imperceptibly and just a little impudently at the end.

      And a picture-perfect mouth that was exactly the kind he liked to kiss because her lips were slightly full and sumptuous-looking....

      All on top of a body that was tight but still soft and curvaceous even if she wasn’t particularly tall....

      Oh, yeah, he’d done a lot of thinking about Gia Grant since last night....

      For no reason he could put his finger on.

      “I did ask her to intervene on my behalf, but she wasn’t too optimistic that she could convince the Bronsons to accept anything from us,” he told his grandmother when he’d pulled himself out of his thoughts of Gia.

      “Like I said, win her over first, then,” GiGi advised. “The better she likes you, the more apt she is to sell you to the Bronsons. And from what I understand from Jean, that shouldn’t be too painful for you—Jean says she’s never met a nicer, friendlier, more helpful person, and that she’s beautiful to boot and doesn’t even seem to know it. So she’s humble, too. I know Jean has her eye on her for Lucas once his divorce is final, and she and the other ladies in her church committees are all worried that their pastor is very taken with this Gia Grant—”

      “So wouldn’t that make her perfect for their pastor—a paragon of virtue like that?”

      “Shame on you for saying that like it’s a bad thing! That’s what gets you into trouble.”

      No truer words were ever spoken, so Derek couldn’t deny it. Besides, he didn’t dare. Not after his most recent blunder, the one that had really caused him to cross the line.

      The one he wanted to kick himself over.

      The one that had cost him a bundle and most of his dignity....

      “If she’s all that your friend says she is, why wouldn’t the church ladies want her for their pastor?” he asked more respectfully.

      “She’s divorced.”

      “And that’s an issue?”

      “It’s only an issue when it comes to their minister—they want someone purer for him, I guess. Plus, like I said, Jean wants Gia for Lucas—”

      “Lucas Paulie is a weasel,” Derek said, not understanding why it rubbed him wrong to think of the woman he’d spent all of about five minutes with either the church pastor he didn’t know or the guy he did know.

      “I didn’t realize you disliked Lucas Paulie so much,” GiGi said.

      “I just wouldn’t wish him on some poor unsuspecting do-gooder.”

      “There it is again, Derek James Camden! Do-gooder—that is not a bad thing. A nice girl is what you need. You’d better start looking for one and stay away from what you’ve been bringing around here since you were a teenager. Haven’t you learned your lesson yet?”

      “I have, Georgie,” he said on a sigh. “I just can’t help it if the...tame ones don’t do it for me. I like a little spice.”

      “What you’ve brought around here is not a little spice. And this last one—”

      “I know. You don’t have to tell me—again—how damn stupid that was.”

      “And yet here you are, barely out from under the mess you were in, looking down your nose at someone doing some good.”

      “I’m not looking down my nose at Gia Grant.”

      He was doing anything but that, if the truth be known. He sure as hell hadn’t been thinking bad things about her since last night.

      It just didn’t matter. He knew the way things went for him—regardless of how beautiful the woman, regardless of how much he might respect and admire her or what she was doing, in no time the good girls just couldn’t keep his interest. In no time they started to seem ordinary. They started to get predictable. They started to bore him to tears.

      But he wasn’t a kid anymore. And he had no business letting himself be sucked into situations with the bad girls anymore.

      It had been bad enough when he was a kid, but now it was inexcusable. Especially when it embarrassed the whole family right along with himself. Like this last time.

      Which was why he was lying low. Why he was doing some self-imposed penance by staying away from all women for a while. Why he was putting his energies into work and the Camden Foundation and trying to make things up to the Bronsons the way his grandmother had asked him to. Even if he was reasonably sure that his grandmother’s intent was to keep him well-occupied so he wouldn’t have time to get involved with anyone else for a while.

      Not that he could blame her....

      “I gave Gia Grant my card and told her if I didn’t hear from her I’d track her down,” Derek said then, ignoring how much he was looking forward to seeing her again. “She apparently lives next door to the Bronsons, so even if I have to knock on the wrong door before I get the right one, I’ll find her. Then maybe I can try to go through her to get to the Bronsons. I think she may have seen the benefit of our help over her donation jars and church СКАЧАТЬ