The Amish Midwife's Courtship. Cheryl Williford
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СКАЧАТЬ bruder’s son, Wilhelm. I’ve heard a lot about you from Molly. I thought I’d come see this youngie she speaks of so fondly, with his fine mind for motors and winning personality.”

      Isaac nodded at the tall man and the skinny teenage boy standing next to him and smiled his welcome as he readjusted the crutch shaken loose from under his arm. “Molly’s been talking to you about me?”

      “Ya, she has. Nasty bump you’ve got there.”

      Isaac’s gaze skimmed the bland expression Molly directed his way. Had she told him what really happened? As if feeling guilty, she looked down, busying herself with a pile of magazines on the floor. “Ya. Like a bensel I fell over my own feet.”

      “So I heard.” Mose winked, telling Isaac he knew what had really happened. “I hope you don’t mind us coming to help. We may live in a tourist town, but I think you’ll find Pinecraft’s a strong Amish community, ready to help out in times of need.” He slapped Isaac on the back. “Besides, I have an ulterior motive. One of my little girls has a bike that needs a tube replaced, and I don’t have time to work on it. You’ll find we do a lot of bike riding around here. There’s a real need for this shop to be up and running, for the community’s sake, as well as your own.”

      Isaac looked around at the smiling people. They all seemed ready to work. He sent a grin of appreciation Molly’s way. She’d gathered this mob of workers for him, even though he’d been rude to her at breakfast this morning. He owed her a debt of gratitude. He’d find a way to pay her kindness.

      Mose pulled on the arm of an Englischer man in jeans and a white T-shirt who was busy working on organizing parts against the wall. “Let me introduce you to one of our local police officers, Bradley Ridgeway.”

      Smiling, his arm full of bike tubes and tires, Officer Ridgeway extended his free hand. “Glad to meet you, Isaac. Anytime you need help, you just let me know. I’ve got two sons who love their bikes. They’re going to be glad to hear the bike shop’s opening again.”

      Isaac shook the man’s hand, but shame made him avoid looking directly in his eyes. “Danke,” Isaac managed to croak out. He turned away, pretending to be looking for something in the old desk in the office.

      Molly moved close to him. He watched her as she and a well-rounded, middle-aged woman navigated a cluster of men working along the back wall. She caught his eye and motioned for him to join them.

      “This is Becky Esch, our local baker,” Molly said, and linked her arm through the woman’s.

      The older Amish woman smiled up at him, her startling blue eyes reminding him of his mother. Heavyhearted, Isaac nodded, quickly pushing away the momentary sadness that threatened to overwhelm him. “ must have been the one who made those wonderful doughnuts someone was passing around,” he said.

      “Ya, well. Single men need nourishment, I always say, especially when they’re working this hard. I have an idea. Why don’t you come eat dinner with us some Saturday night? The girls and I could use some company. We get lonesome now that Zelner’s passed on to be with the Lord. It’ll be nice to have a man at the head of our table for a change.”

      He glanced at Molly. The people crowded into the bike shop were her friends, not his. He wasn’t sure what to say, but relaxed when Molly grinned at him with a twinkle in her eyes. “Ya, sure,” he said. “That would be fine. Danke.”

      “Gut. The girls and I will expect you at six next Saturday. And make sure you bring your appetite.”

      As the woman walked away, Molly giggled under her breath and poked him in the rib.

      “What’s so funny?” he whispered, his head tilting her way.

      “You have no idea what you just stepped into,” Molly said, laughing with all the joy of a five-year-old. “Becky Esch has two old-maid daughters and she’s just set a trap for you.”

      “You could have warned me,” Isaac scolded.

      Molly’s brows went up as her smile deepened. “I could have,” she said, then straightened the ribbons on her kapp as she turned her back on him and shouldered her way through the throng of workers.

      Isaac’s eyes narrowed as he noticed the slight limp in her gait. He didn’t know what to think of their push-pull relationship, but knew he’d better work harder at keeping his distance from her. Molly was the kind of woman he’d choose if he were looking for someone to court. But after what he’d done to Thomas, there was no chance he would risk getting married any time soon. If ever.

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