Married To The Mum-To-Be. Helen Lacey
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Название: Married To The Mum-To-Be

Автор: Helen Lacey

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: The Cedar River Cowboys

isbn: 9781474059565


СКАЧАТЬ know soon enough,” he said quietly, reaching down to briefly rest his hand against her belly.

      Kayla stilled at his warm touch and felt cold when he moved his hand away. She didn’t want to think about the whole world learning about her pregnancy. Confirming the news aloud to him—and to herself—was dramatic enough. “I have no intention of saying too much too soon, even if I do see my friends on a Thursday night.”

      “When you’re hanging out at the Loose Moose?” he queried.

      Kayla shrugged. Lucy’s fiancé owned the Loose Moose, and although it was a different kind of place than O’Sullivans, it was still competition. And Liam knew she went there every other Thursday evening to have dinner with her friends. Brant was always there because he owned the place and Brooke regularly brought Tyler on their get-togethers. But Kayla had not taken Liam...not once. She didn’t want the questions she would get from her friends. Or their concern, since they knew about the feud between her father and J.D. O’Sullivan.

      “It’s a nice place,” she said extra sweetly. “The steaks are good.”

      His gaze narrowed. “You’re a vegetarian.”

      Kayla managed a tight smile. “I like the salad bar,” she said and shrugged lightly.

      His hand came up to touch her cheek and as his fingertips gently rubbed her jawline the sensation spread heat through her with the speed of a brushfire. “I know what you like.”

      His words were packed with innuendo. He did know. Better than anyone. “Well, I guess I should get back to work.”

      “Not yet,” he said, his voice so quiet it was almost a whisper. He leaned in closer, his intent obvious. She’d craved his kiss since that first date and tilted her chin acceptingly. He kissed the corner of her mouth softly. And then her cheek and then the sensitive spot just below her earlobe. “Come home with me tonight, Kayla,” he whispered against her skin. “Come home and let me make love to you.”

      It should have been easy to nod and fall into his arms and to agree to anything he suggested. But it wasn’t. If she was pregnant, then their complicated relationship was about to become even more so.

      “I can’t,” she replied, woozy from the feel of his lips trailing over her skin. “Ash is coming by this evening to drop off some flyers for the hospital benefit. You know she’s on one of the committees and is helping me with the—”

      He pulled back, straightened and stared down at her. “Is this because of the fight we had the other day?”

      She remembered the words they’d exchanged a few days earlier. It was the same discussion they’d been having since the beginning of their relationship. But she wasn’t ready to break her father’s heart. And she wouldn’t be pushed.

      “Was that a fight?” she asked and sighed.

      He shrugged loosely. “Maybe. If it was, then I’m sorry.”

      Kayla reached out and touched his jaw, felt the bristle of stubble and smiled. “You didn’t shave this morning?”

      He met her gaze. “I don’t sleep well unless I have you next to me. Then I woke up late and ran out of time.”

      His words melted her. She didn’t want to give him sleepless nights. She didn’t want to argue with him, either. She wanted...she wanted it to work out. She wanted their families to end the feuding. With a heavy heart, Kayla suspected she wanted the impossible.


      “It kills me to be away from you,” he admitted and swallowed hard. His gaze dropped to her stomach and without a word he gently pressed a hand to her middle. “Do you really think that you’re...” His words trailed off with a kind of agonized sigh when she nodded. “My god, Kayla...if you are then everything changes. Everything,” he said again, steadier, as though he was affirming the idea to himself.

      His palm was warm against her belly. And strong and familiar. Their connection had never seemed more intense than it did in that moment and she had to say what was on her mind. And in her heart. “This isn’t what I least, not yet. But, the more I think about it, the more I want this baby, Liam. Despite what it will mean to our families. Despite how...complicated it is.”

      They hadn’t talked about having children, not in any real depth. It was one of those things that seemed too hard, considering they were keeping their relationship a secret from everyone they knew. From the world.

      “So do I, Kayla.”

      Of course she knew that. Liam would make a great father. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said and dropped her hand. “Okay?”

      He nodded resignedly. “I’ll pick you up in the morning at eight thirty and we’ll drive into Rapid City.”

      Kayla frowned. “My mother is coming by in the morning, plus I have a busload of tourists arriving tomorrow, so it will have to wait until the afternoon before I—”

      “You could cancel your mother and get Shirley to cover you,” he said. “This really can’t wait.”

      Sixtysomething Shirley had been working part-time at the museum for over twenty years and would certainly work if Kayla needed her. She pushed down her impatience at his high-handed logic. “Stop telling me what to do, Liam.”

      “I’m not trying to make things harder here, Kayla. But if I’m going to be a father I’d like to know sooner rather than later.”

      Of course he would. Kayla had a fleeting thought that she was being selfish. She’d had all morning to get used to the idea. Liam had only had fifteen minutes. “Okay,” she said agreeably. “Okay... I’ll call Shirley when I get back to work. And my mother,” she added.

      His mouth twisted a little, as though he’d won a round. “I’ll call you later.”

      She knew he would. He called her every night.

      She grabbed her bag and headed for the door, stopping when he said her name. “What?”

      “So I know that you’re okay, text me when you get back to the apartment this afternoon.”

      The apartment. Not her apartment. Liam had his mind set on her spending every night at the house by the river. But she wasn’t ready for that. Not yet. Not until her parents knew about their relationship. Sure, she was stalling. But she had her reasons and they were valid. Even if Liam did struggle to understand, Kayla knew she had to do what she thought was right. As she always had.

      “I really am fine,” she lied. “I mean, despite the fact that I’m probably pregnant and the baby is going to be caught in the middle of two families who hate one another.”

      His jaw tightened. “Kayla, you know that I will never allow that to happen. If you are pregnant, then our child will come first, before any old squabbles, before any decades-old resentment, before anything.”

      She shivered, because again she knew she should have been reassured. She knew Liam, she knew he could be ruthless when he needed to be. And she knew their relationship would be blown out of the water the moment her pregnancy was confirmed...and that Liam would be the one to do so.

      “Of СКАЧАТЬ