His Amish Teacher. Patricia Davids
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Название: His Amish Teacher

Автор: Patricia Davids

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: The Amish Bachelors

isbn: 9781474064446


СКАЧАТЬ accept Brandon as a gift, but growing up, my brother faced prejudices from inside and outside of our home. I’m amazed he has turned out as normal and happy as he seems to be.”

      “We have a proverb about our children. The more a child is valued, the better his values will be.”

      “You are making me sorry my great-great-grandfather left the Amish. May I ask you something personal?”

      Lillian thought their conversation was already personal, but she nodded.

      “I had the feeling that you were upset after my arrival today. Did I do something wrong? I don’t want to alienate you or others in this community. If I did do something unacceptable, please tell me. I won’t be offended. I plan to begin teaching adult education classes in this area on health and food safety later this fall, and I know I need to learn more about your Amish ways if I’m to be effective.”

      Lillian looked down at her hands. “I was upset, and I beg your forgiveness for that. It wasn’t your behavior, so much as the behavior of Timothy Bowman that upset me.”

      “His behavior? I found him incredibly friendly and very sweet. What did he do that upset you? He’s a bit of a flirt, but that’s harmless. Oh, unless you two are dating or something? That would put a totally different spin on it.”

      “Timothy and I are simply friends,” she said quickly. Maybe too quickly. A hint of speculation widened Debra’s eyes.

      “He’s a nice-looking fellow. Is he married?”

      “Timothy is single.”

      “I notice you aren’t wearing a wedding band. I take it you’re single, too?”

      “Amish women do not wear jewelry, even wedding rings, but I am single and I shall remain so. If I were to marry I would have to give up teaching.”

      “Really? That’s very old-fashioned.”

      “We are an old-fashioned people. Becoming a wife and a mother is a sacred duty that must come before all else. Very few married Amish women work outside the home.”

      As an outsider, Lillian wasn’t sure Debra would understand, but if she was going to be working in their community, she had to become informed about what was and was not acceptable. “You may have seen Timothy’s behavior as harmless, but our church would take a very different view. We are to be meek before God and man, never drawing attention to ourselves or putting ourselves above others. We call it demut, humbleness.”

      “I think I see. I wouldn’t consider Timothy’s behavior humble, but it wasn’t offensive.”

      “Timothy has a sweet nature, but his outgoing personality draws attention and that is frowned upon.”

      “I was told the Amish were cold and unwelcoming. I’m happy to say I have not found that to be true. Thank you for explaining this to me. I’ll ignore Timothy’s winsome ways and practice being modest and humble.” Debra leaned toward Lillian and grinned. “I’m afraid that will be a hard task for me to master.”

      Lillian decided she liked this outsider. “We have another proverb that may help. You can tell when you’re on the right track because it’s usually uphill.”

      * * *

      “Care to share with us, bruder Timothy?”

      Timothy looked up from contemplating the coffee in his white mug to find his brother Luke staring at him. He glanced around and found his little brother Noah, his mother and his father all staring at him as if waiting for him to speak. He had no idea what they had been discussing. Lillian’s accusation had been the only thing on his mind since he left the school yesterday afternoon. Why had she accused him of flirting with the English lady? Her lack of trust chafed at his mind.

      Knowing only she could answer his questions, he forced his attention back to his family. “I’m sorry. What were you talking about?”

      Luke chuckled. “Who put a knot in your tail?”

      Timothy knew better than to ignore Luke’s teasing. It would only get worse if he did. “No one has put a knot in my tail. I was thinking about my fire safety class and how I could improve things.” It wasn’t the whole truth, but he hoped it would satisfy his sharp-eyed brother.

      “I asked you how it went.” His mother refilled his coffee cup from the pot sitting on a hot pad near her elbow and offered him the last cinnamon roll in the pan. Ana Bowman was happiest when she was feeding someone. He was surprised that they weren’t all as plump as bullfrogs.

      He nodded his thanks for the refill but passed on the roll. “I think it went well. For the most part, the children paid close attention. They sure are a bright bunch. No wonder Lillian enjoys teaching them.”

      Ana put the pan aside. “You impressed Hannah. She told me all about it when she came home yesterday. I’m dying to know who Lillian’s boyfriend is. Do you know?”

      Timothy cringed. He would be in hot water with Lillian now for sure. “She isn’t seeing anyone. I made up a story about her having a boyfriend to show how she might become distracted, and...never mind. I can’t believe Hannah repeated that. Lillian doesn’t have a beau.”

      “Told you she didn’t.” Luke stuffed his last bite of cinnamon roll in his mouth and reached for the pan. “If Lillian was seeing someone, Emma would know.”

      “But would Emma tell you?” Mamm asked.

      Their father pushed away from the table. “If we are done gossiping about our neighbors, perhaps we can get some work done today.”

      His sons heeded the annoyance in his tone and quickly finished their coffee. They followed him out the door and across the graveled yard to the woodworking shop. The sun was just peeking over the horizon. It promised to be another warm day. One of the horses whinnied at them from the corral. The cattle and horses in the big red barn had been fed well before the men sat down to breakfast.

      In the large workshop, they were joined by several other carpenters. Timothy’s oldest brother, Samuel, moved to stand beside their father with a clipboard in his hand. Everyone gathered around him awaiting instructions for the day.

      Samuel flipped through the sheets of paper on his board. “We’ve received a new order for sixteen beds with carved headboards and footboards.”

      “Must be an order from an Amish family if they need sixteen beds,” Noah said under his breath to Luke and Timothy.

      Timothy choked on a laugh. Luke nudged their little brother with his elbow. “The Amish aren’t the only ones with big families.”

      Noah elbowed him back. “Tell that to Mamm. She expects us to give her a dozen grandchildren each. Or more.”

      A grin twitched at the corner of Samuel’s mouth. “I’m doing my part.”

      He and his wife had welcomed a baby boy in May to the delight of everyone, especially Ana Bowman.

      “This order comes from an inn being built in upstate New York,” Daed said, clearly struggling to keep from laughing. They all knew Noah spoke the truth.

      Timothy thought of his conversation СКАЧАТЬ