Saved By The Sheriff. Cindi Myers
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Название: Saved By The Sheriff

Автор: Cindi Myers

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика

Серия: Eagle Mountain Murder Mystery

isbn: 9781474079075


СКАЧАТЬ href="#u2b25039e-0841-5133-8b50-306d6b284fbc"> Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen



       About the Publisher

       Chapter One

      Lacy Milligan flinched as the heavy steel door clanged shut behind her. After almost three years, that sound still sent a chill through her. She reminded herself she wouldn’t ever have to hear that sound again after today. Today she was a free woman.

      She followed the guard down the gleaming tiled hallway, the smell of disinfectant stinging her nose. At the door to a reception room at the front of the building she stopped and waited while a second guard unlocked and opened the door. Her lawyer, Anisha Cook, stood on the other side, beaming. She pulled Lacy to her in a hug and Lacy stiffened. That was something else she would have to get used to—being touched. Touching wasn’t allowed in prison—even something as simple as a hug could lead to extra searches, even punishment. But those rules didn’t apply to her anymore, she reminded herself, and awkwardly returned the other woman’s embrace. Anisha, still smiling, released her, and Lacy noticed there were other people in the room—the warden, reporters, her parents.

      “Lacy, what are your feelings, now that your conviction has been overturned?” A sandy-haired man shoved a microphone at her.

      “I’m happy, of course,” she said. “Ready to go home.”

      “Do you have anything to say to Rayford County Sheriff Travis Walker?” another reporter asked.

      So Travis was the sheriff now. Putting a murderer behind bars had probably earned him points with the right people in town. Except he had arrested the wrong person. “I don’t have anything to say to him,” she said.

      “Even though he’s the one who came forward with the evidence that cleared your name?” the reporter asked.

      Travis had done that? She shot a look at Anisha, who nodded. Lacy would have to get the whole story from her later. “That doesn’t make up for the three years I spent behind bars for a crime I didn’t commit,” Lacy said. Three years of her life she would never get back.

      “What are your plans now that you’re free?” the sandy-haired reporter asked.

      Plans? Plans were something a person with a future made—something Lacy hadn’t had until yesterday, when word came down that she was to be released. She had been afraid to believe it was really going to happen until now. “I’m going to go home with my parents and consider my options,” she said.

      She caught her mother’s eye across the room. Jeanette Milligan was openly weeping, tears running down her cheeks, while Lacy’s dad held her tightly.

      “We need to be going now,” Anisha said. “We ask that you respect Lacy’s privacy as she settles in.” She put her arm around Lacy’s shoulders and guided her toward the door.

      Outside, her mother’s green Subaru Outback waited—the same car she had had when Lacy had entered the Denver Women’s Correctional Facility three years before. Lacy’s dad embraced her and kissed her cheek, then it was her mother’s turn. “I have your old room all ready for you,” her mom said. “And we’re having steak for dinner, and chocolate cake.”

      “Great, Mom.” Lacy forced a smile. Moving back home had seemed the best choice right now, since she had almost no money and no job. It would only be temporary, until she figured out what she was going to do with the rest of her life and got back on her feet. But it still felt like going back in time while the rest of the world moved forward.

      “We’ll get together next week for coffee or something,” Anisha said. “If you need anything before then, just call.” She waved and headed for her own car, then Lacy slid into the back seat of her parents’ car and they were off.

      They tried to make small talk for a while, but soon fell silent. Lacy rested her head against the window and stared out at the summer-browned city landscape, which quickly gave way to the green foothills, and then the Rocky Mountains. Only five more hours until she was home in Eagle Mountain, the little resort town where her family had settled when Lacy was fourteen. Once upon a time, she had thought she would stay in Eagle Mountain forever, but now she wasn’t so sure. Maybe there were too many bad memories there for her to ever be comfortable again.

      Lacy slept, and woke only when her dad pulled the car into the driveway of the Victorian cottage just off Eagle Mountain’s main street that had been their home for the past ten years. A lump rose in Lacy’s throat as she studied the stone walkway that led up to the front porch that spanned the width of the house, with its white-painted posts and railings and lacelike gingerbread trim. The peonies under the railings were in full bloom, like big pink pom-poms filling the flower beds. A banner over the front steps declared Welcome Home Lacy!

      She took her time getting out of the car, fighting the instinct to run up the steps and straight into her room. She was going to have to get used to facing people again, to dealing with their questions about what she had been through and what she planned to do next. She had never been good at that kind of thing, but she was going to have to find a way to cope.

      She started up the walkway, but at the top of the steps, she noticed the uniformed man seated in the porch swing and froze. Travis Walker, all six feet of him, made even taller by the cowboy boots and Stetson he wore, stood and moved toward her. “What are you doing here?” Lacy asked, heart pounding madly. Had there been some mistake? Had he come to arrest her again?

      Travis removed his hat, revealing thick brown СКАЧАТЬ