Historical Romance – The Best Of The Year. Кэрол Мортимер
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СКАЧАТЬ straight and upright in her chair. ‘You may have the bedroom.’

      ‘Nonsense. I have already said I shall sleep on the sofa.’

      She put up her chin. ‘I have made up my mind.’

      ‘Then unmake it.’

      His autocratic tone only strengthened her resolve.

      ‘I will not.’

      ‘I am not so unchivalrous as to condemn you to such discomfort.’

      ‘I shall be perfectly comfortable. Besides, there are bolts on the parlour door, while the bedchamber boasted not even the flimsiest lock.’

      Gideon sat up, frowning.

      ‘Are you saying you do not trust me?’

      ‘Yes, I am.’

      He jumped up.

      ‘Damn it all, when have I given you occasion to doubt me?’

      Her brows went up.

      ‘When you insisted we come here.’

      The truth of her statement caught him on the raw and he swung away, striding over to the window.

      ‘Do not be so damned obstinate, woman! I have said I will sleep on the sofa and I shall.’

      His words appeared to have no effect.

      ‘Impossible. It is far too short for you. Why, you must be six foot at least.’

      ‘Six foot two,’ he said absently. ‘But that is not the point.’

      ‘It is very much the point.’ He heard the quiet rustle of skirts. ‘You see, it is the perfect length for me.’

      When he looked around she had stretched herself out on the sofa. Her gown fell in soft folds around her, accentuating the contours of her body, the swell of her breast and curve of her hip that only served to emphasise the tiny waist. And how had he failed to notice the length of her legs? She stretched luxuriously and he had a glimpse of dainty ankles peeping from beneath the hem of her skirts. In any other situation he would have found the view enchanting, but—hell and confound it, she was mocking him!

      ‘The bedroom has been prepared, madam and you will sleep in it.’

      ‘And I tell you I shall not.’

      He almost ground his teeth in frustration.

      ‘I admit it was a mistake to come here.’ He spoke carefully, reining in his anger. ‘I was at fault, but you will agree the provocation was great.’

      ‘Of course.’

      ‘However, when all is said and done, I am a gentleman. I will not have it said that I enjoyed the comfort of a feather bed while you spent the night on a sofa!’

      Dominique felt an unexpected frisson of excitement at his rough tone. He was rattled and clearly no longer in control of the situation. An exulting feeling of power swept through her. She put her hands behind her head and gazed up at him defiantly.

      ‘But I am already in possession, so I do not see that you can do anything about it. I suggest you admit yourself beaten and retire in good order.’

      She closed her eyes and forced herself to keep very still, feigning indifference. He would see she was not to be moved and would go away and leave her in peace. She expected to hear a hasty footstep and the door snapping closed behind him. Instead she heard something between a snarl and a growl and the next moment she was being hoisted none too gently off the sofa. Her eyes flew open and she gave a little scream as she experienced the novel sensation of being helpless in a man’s arms. But not just any man, and along with her natural indignation she was aware of the urgent desire curling through her body. It frightened her, but she would fight it. She would show him she was no milk-and-water maid, to be treated so abominably.

      ‘You said you were a gentleman,’ she protested, struggling against his hold. In response his grip tightened, one arm pressing her against his chest while the other supported her knees, so that her frustrated kicks met nothing but air.

      ‘I am, but you have tried my patience too far!’

      ‘Put me down this instant!’

      She tried to free her arms, but at that very moment he loosened his grip around her shoulders. Instinctively her hands went around his neck to save herself from falling. He looked down at her, a wicked glint in his hazel eyes.

      ‘I thought you wanted me to let go?’

      She was feeling extremely breathless and her heart was thudding so painfully against her ribs that he must feel it, since she was pressed against his hard chest, but she replied with as much dignity as she could muster.

      ‘I do not wish to be dropped on my head.’

      With a little grunt of satisfaction he settled her more comfortably before him. Her arms were still around his neck and she could not for the life of her release him. Dominique told herself this was solely for the purpose of supporting herself, should he drop her, but she could not deny the sensual pleasure of feeling the silk of his hair, where it curled between her fingers and the back of his collar. Shocked by the idea that part of her was enjoying Gideon’s masterful behaviour, she gave a half-hearted kick. His arms tightened and her breathing became even more constricted.

      ‘You are suffocating me,’ she protested.

      ‘Keep still, then.’

      He crossed the room in three strides and somehow managed to open the door.

      ‘Put me down!’ she hissed at him as they crossed the empty hall. ‘I can walk perfectly well.’

      ‘And give you the opportunity to run straight back into the parlour? I think not.’

      Silenced, Dominique marvelled at his strength as he took the stairs two at a time. He held her firmly with his arm around her back and his hand clasped about her ribs and she was achingly aware of how close his fingers were to her breast. She was filled with outrage—at herself, for her wanton feelings, but even more so at Gideon for his cavalier behaviour. How dare he manhandle her in this way!

      As they reached the landing Chiswick appeared in the corridor. He stopped, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

      ‘Don’t just stand there gawping, man,’ barked Gideon. ‘Open the door for me!’

      Speechless with anger and shock, Dominique watched the servant throw open the door to the bedchamber. The golden light of the fire and several candles greeted them. Gideon sailed through with his burden and the butler reached in to close the door behind them. As it clicked shut there was the unmistakable sound of a throaty chuckle. It was all that was needed to fan the spark of her anger into full flame. She began to kick and struggle violently.

      ‘How dare you treat me like this!’

      ‘If you behave like a fishwife, then I will treat you as one.’

      ‘Fishwife! СКАЧАТЬ