Historical Romance – The Best Of The Year. Кэрол Мортимер
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      ‘Yes, my lady. I was sure you could not object for he is a respectable gentleman.’

      Madeline smiled and nodded toward the obliging gentleman and he swept off his hat to her. Thomas helped her into the chaise and the order to move off was given. Thomas and Captain Mardle followed, riding together. She looked at Sally as she settled back against the squabs.

      ‘Was Thomas pleased?’

      ‘Oh, yes, my lady. He says he shall buy his inn in London for his brother knows of one by the river and no more than five miles from his own. It is exactly what Thomas wanted, though he would have changed his plans to please me.’

      ‘Well, now you may please yourselves,’ Madeline said. ‘We must have a pretty gown made for your wedding and I shall think of something nice to give you.’

      ‘I should like something in ivory, I think,’ Sally said ‘and a velvet bonnet trimmed with silk roses to wear with it.’

      ‘Oh, yes, that would be charming,’ Madeline said. ‘We shall go shopping together, Sally. You must let me buy your bride clothes for I owe you so much.’

      Sally blushed and demurred, but did not refuse and they spent some happy minutes speaking of various things that a young bride needed when she married. Thomas had not spoken of taking his bride on a wedding trip and it was unlikely that she would need many smart gowns, but simple dresses for everyday, underclothes and linens for her home were essential.

      Madeline was determined to make her a present of cloth and linen that she would find useful in her married life and also to give her various bits and pieces for her house, beside the coin she’d already decided on. It was wonderful to have a wedding to plan and Madeline managed to put all thought of the marquis from her mind.

      Now and then thoughts of Hal made her heart ache, for she ought to have been planning her own wedding soon, but she must be brave. Her letter had made her feelings clear and she doubted that Hal would pursue her. He would be hurt, but he would realise that their parting was for the best...although Madeline was no longer sure that it was. But he would receive her letter and then he would despise her for being a coward.

      * * *

      Hal cursed as he ran his hand over the horse’s left hind leg. It had gone lame and there was no way he could push on further now. He must lead the poor beast to the nearest inn and leave the chaise there—but perhaps he had pushed himself too hard. He was so tired that he hardly knew how to go on. His mind cast for the best solution and he recalled a posting inn he’d passed in the early light of the morning. It was perhaps half an hour behind him. Better to go back to a decent inn than go on not knowing how far he must lead the horse or what he would find there. He could breakfast there and rest for an hour before continuing his journey. It had been foolish to travel without a groom, for he could not leave the other horse and the chaise here in the road. Perhaps he could find help at the farm just ahead, for if he could leave the chaise and horses with a respectable man, he might arrange to borrow a hack and continue his journey.

      Hal was debating what to do next when he saw a man riding towards him and shouted, hoping that the stranger might know of someone who could help him. Turning back to the lame horse, Hal began to release it from the traces as the man came up to him.

      ‘Thank God,’ a voice he knew said and he spun round to find himself facing Adam. ‘I thought you might be in London by now.’

      ‘Adam!’ Hal cried. ‘Your man found me and told me that Maddie has run off—whatever possessed her to do it?’

      ‘I fear she may have overheard us in the library. You remember I questioned your intentions...she must have thought I was against her for she left rather than bring shame on us.’

      Hal swore loudly. ‘I was on my way back to Ravenscar,’ he said. ‘I thought you were searching for Madeline—what brought you this way?’

      ‘She hired a chaise to take her to Dover. I have asked at all the posting inns and this morning I discovered that she put up at the Hare and Hounds last night.’

      ‘Dover?’ Hal was puzzled. ‘Why on earth would she go there? She cannot be thinking of leaving England?’

      ‘I think she must have done it to put anyone off her scent,’ Adam said, ‘for I was told at the inn that the lady had left but had hired a chaise not for Dover but London.’

      ‘She deliberately tried to deceive us?’ Hal’s mouth set hard for this was deceitful. ‘I do not understand this, Adam. Something is not right. What can she intend?’

      ‘I think she is confused and distressed,’ Adam said. ‘Her letter to Jenny made it clear that she was leaving for our sakes.’

      ‘I must find her, Adam. She is in danger whether or not she realises it—and I must know why she has run away from me.’

      ‘Yes, of course. What has happened to your rig?’

      ‘The poor beast has gone lame. I must lead it to a posting house where it can be looked after until I can have it returned to its owner.’

      ‘Let me lead the lamed horse while you harness mine to the chaise and go on, Hal. I can arrange for this horse to be cared for and eventually returned to its owner—hire another horse at the posting house and leave my horse for me. I shall rest for a while and then return to Jenny, because I know she must be anxious.’

      ‘Are you sure?’ Hal looked doubtful for his cousin’s horse was a fine animal and unused to being between the shafts of a chaise.

      ‘Horace is well trained and will obey you, but treat him gently. Here, I’ll give you a hand.’

      ‘How far behind her were you?’ Hal asked as the cousins re-harnessed the horses. ‘I saw a chaise heading towards London some time back. Now I think about it, there were two men riding behind on horses, but I did not look at their faces for I was in too much hurry.’

      ‘It could not have been them for she took only her maid and Thomas.’

      ‘No, I dare say you are right,’ Hal said. ‘I shall return to the post house that I passed some time back. I think I shall hire a groom to drive me this time, for otherwise I may fall asleep. You should rest there before you return home, Adam.’ He clasped his cousin’s hand. ‘I am sorry Madeline has caused distress. I think she did not mean to upset anyone.’

      ‘I blame myself, Hal. If she heard what I said to you, she may have felt I did not welcome her in my house. I should have been kinder, but I could not forget the pain she had caused you in the past. Now I realise I was wrong to doubt her. Do not think ill of her for what she has done—go after her and tell her you care for her. It is all she needs to know, surely?’

      Hal thanked him and they parted, Adam preparing to lead the horse as Hal set off at a more measured pace than before. At least he knew where Madeline was headed now. Before, he had been uncertain what had happened, but now it seemed that she meant to return to London—perhaps to her late husband’s home? She had every right to do so, of course, but she had told him she wanted nothing more than her settlement so that she could find a home of her own.

      Why had she decided to return there? Hal could make nothing of her flight for it appeared to contradict all he’d believed. Adam seemed to imagine that Madeline was uncertain of Hal’s feelings, but she could not have thought СКАЧАТЬ