Historical Romance – The Best Of The Year. Кэрол Мортимер
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СКАЧАТЬ thankfully, he did not come to her immediately and she was able to control her feelings of panic. He could do nothing to harm her here.

      ‘I suppose I must circulate a little,’ Lord Ravenscar murmured. ‘I shall return as soon as I have done my duty.’

      She smiled and inclined her head as he stood and walked away to greet and welcome other guests. Undecided as to whether she would be well advised to do the same, Maddie was relieved when two matrons sat down on chairs next to her.

      ‘Well, isn’t this pleasant?’ one of the ladies remarked. ‘I was surprised when we received the invitation for it is hardly seven months since Mark was...killed, but I suppose the young people wish to entertain.’

      ‘Jenny consulted with Lord Ravenscar and he said it would do everyone good to put the sadness of his son’s death behind them.’

      ‘Ah, yes, a bride must be allowed her amusements, must she not?’ the matron said and looked at Maddie speculatively. ‘I believe you have been recently widowed, Lady Lethbridge?’

      ‘Yes, that is true,’ Madeline replied. ‘I am a guest here and felt I must attend, though of course I do not dance this evening.’

      ‘No, that would certainly be frowned on. I dare say London manners are a little different to ours here in the country—and your husband was some years your senior, I understand.’

      Madeline murmured something appropriate. She was being tested and perhaps censured for attending the dance, but she kept a cool smile in place and refused to be drawn on the difference between town manners and those that applied in the country. This woman could have no idea of Madeline’s circumstances, or of the pain and humiliation that she’d suffered at her husband’s hands. Nor did she intend to enlighten her.

      After a while the woman got up and moved away. Another lady came to take her seat and smiled at Madeline.

      ‘I believe I am slightly acquainted with your mama,’ she said in a friendly way. ‘We knew each other as girls. I have only sons, but I’ve brought my niece Patience this evening. The poor child has been in mourning for too long and I wanted her to enjoy herself.’

      ‘She is the very pretty girl with red hair, I think,’ Madeline said. ‘Lord Ravenscar pointed her out to me earlier.’

      ‘Yes, she is a pretty girl,’ the lady said. ‘I am Lady Eliza Smythe—and I know you are recently widowed. I am glad that you have some good friends. It can be such a lonely time and friends always pick one’s spirits up. I am a widow myself, you see. My husband died two years this past Christmas and I still miss him.’

      ‘Yes, for I dare say you were happy?’

      ‘Yes, very.’ The lady placed a sympathetic hand on hers. ‘I was fortunate. I do not ask your confidence, Lady Lethbridge, but I believe...forgive me. The count was not...but perhaps I speak too frankly. I happen to know he was not the kindest of men.’

      Madeline swallowed hard. Lady Eliza meant to be kind and she could not rebuff her. ‘No, he was not, which is why...I am not grieving.’

      ‘I thought not. You will recover all the sooner, my dear.’

      Madeline’s eyes had strayed to the dancers and what she saw made her cry out. Lady Eliza asked her what was wrong and she nodded in the direction of the dancers.

      ‘Forgive me, ma’am. Your niece is dancing with a gentleman I think she ought not...the Marquis of Rochdale. It is not my affair, but he may not be all he seems and perhaps not suitable company for such a young lady.’

      ‘No, indeed he is not. I know of his reputation. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. She will be warned not to dance with him a second time.’

      ‘He was not invited tonight, but came with friends, I imagine.’

      ‘He does have relatives in the area,’ Lady Eliza said and stood up. ‘Thank you for the warning. I must make sure Patience removes from his company as soon as possible without giving offence.’

      Madeline inclined her head as the lady set out with new purpose. A little shiver went through her as she thought of that pretty child at the mercy of an unscrupulous man like the marquis. Thank goodness her aunt had the good sense to know the man for what he was and not be blinded by his wealth or title.

      She knew that she was not the only young girl to be forced into an unhappy marriage, though perhaps her father had had more excuse than many parents for obliging his daughter to marry a man she could never love.

      Madeline was alone with her thoughts for a few minutes and then Hal came to sit beside her. He looked at her, a frown creasing his brow.

      ‘Adam begs your forgiveness for inflicting Rochdale’s presence on you, Maddie. He had no idea the Harrington-Browns would bring him here this evening. Mr Harrington-Brown is a friend of Lord Ravenscar and it was impossible to repulse him—but you are safe enough here.’

      ‘Yes, I know.’ She smiled at him. ‘I understand completely, Hal. Besides, Lord Rochdale is accepted everywhere despite whispers about his private behaviour. If I am ever to go into company again, I must accept that we may meet—and there is no proof that he...’

      ‘None. If we had even the smallest proof, Adam would have turned him out immediately even if it offended his relatives.’

      ‘Do you think he knew I was here?’

      ‘We cannot be sure,’ Hal said. ‘He knows now, however, and we must be extra vigilant.’

      ‘Yes.’ She bit her bottom lip, for the marquis’s arrival had cast a shadow over the evening. ‘I wish he had not come—but there is nothing we can do.’

      ‘He will not harm you. I shall make certain he cannot come near you.’

      ‘I would retire to my room, but that is the coward’s way,’ Maddie said. ‘No, I shall not let him drive me away. I will enjoy the evening despite him.’

      ‘We shall be going down to supper soon,’ Hal said and reached across the divide between them to take her hand. ‘You will let me take you down?’

      ‘Yes, of course, thank you.’ Maddie smiled. ‘Should you not be doing your duty and dancing with the guests?’

      ‘I have danced with three very silly young girls and with two married ladies. I think I have done my duty this evening and shall now devote myself to you, Madeline.’

      ‘You may take me for a little turn on the terrace before supper if you will,’ she said. ‘It is very warm and I should like a breath of air.’

      ‘Yes, of course,’ he said and offered her his hand. ‘You have only to say. I wish always to please you.’

      Madeline took his arm. They walked through the crowded rooms to the French windows. Hal opened one of the long glass doors and they stepped outside. The night air was cool, but not cold, and there were strings of lights on the veranda and in bushes and trees at the edge of the lawns.

      ‘This is much better,’ Madeline said. ‘I must confess that it has not been easy this evening, for I am an object of curiosity and the ladies are discussing my situation. Some pity me and others condemn me for not observing strict mourning.’