Historical Romance – The Best Of The Year. Кэрол Мортимер
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      * * *

      From the sofa on the far side of the room, Dominique and Gwendoline watched this exchange.

      ‘If I am not mistaken, you are causing my brother considerable consternation this evening,’ Gwendoline murmured. ‘He does not know what to make of you.’ She slanted a glance at Dominique. ‘That is what you wanted, is it not?’

      ‘I think so.’

      Dominique clasped her hands tightly together in her lap. Gwen reached over and gave them a squeeze.

      ‘Do not lose your nerve now, my dear. Gideon is quite besotted with you tonight.’

      She went off to mingle with her other guests and Dominique was left alone with her thoughts, but not for long—Mr Severn was making his way towards her. With a sad want of manners Gideon slipped past him and sat down beside her. The old man stopped in his tracks, then turned and moved off, muttering. Dominique felt a smile bubbling up.

      ‘You show scant respect for your elders, Gideon.’

      ‘Would you prefer that elderly roué’s company to mine?’

      His voice wrapped about her, deep and rich as warm velvet, and the glow in his eyes sent a frisson of excitement through her. Dominique spread her fan and peeped at him over the top.

      ‘It would be most unfashionable of me to agree, sir.’

      ‘And who says we must be slaves to fashion?’ He leaned closer. ‘Shall we make our excuses now? I want to take you home.’

      Her heart leaped at his words. It began to thud erratically against her ribs—surely he must hear it? She could feel the hot blush in her cheeks and kept her fan raised as she tried to answer demurely.

      ‘It is a long drive to Chalcots.’

      He turned to look at her, resting one arm along the back of the sofa. She could feel his fingers resting lightly on the nape of her neck, a gentle, sensual touch that bewitched her.

      ‘If we stay to supper we shall be damnably late.’

      Swallowing, she struggled to match his indifferent tone.

      ‘G-Gwen promised us cards later. Are you sure you do not want to stay and play a hand?’

      ‘There is only one hand I want to play tonight, my dear,’ he murmured provocatively. ‘Shall we go?’

      She could only nod. Her eyes were fixed on his mouth, the finely sculpted lips which curved now into a smile so devastating she thought she might melt. The feeling intensified when he raised her hand to his lips.

      ‘I shall go now and ask Anthony to order our carriage.’

      ‘What excuse will you give him?’

      She was suddenly anxious and was only partly relieved by Gideon’s wicked grin.

      ‘No excuse will be necessary.’

      * * *

      Gwen saw her husband on the landing and stepped out to join him. He was staring down into the empty hall, a little smile on his lips. She reached out and touched his arm.

      ‘I cannot find Dominique or Gideon.’

      ‘He has taken her home.’

      ‘Really?’ She clapped her hands in delight. ‘She was looking particularly delightful tonight.’


      Her smile slipped a little.

      ‘Yes. All the men were looking at her. Including you.’

      He turned towards her, a look she could not interpret in his grey eyes.

      ‘I am surprised you noticed, since you were busy flirting with Arndale.’

      ‘Sir Desmond?’ She fluttered her fan. ‘I was not—’

      ‘Don’t lie to me, Gwen. I am growing weary of your games, my dear.’

      ‘G-games, my lord?’

      He caught the fan, his long fingers closing it up and pulling it from her hand.

      ‘It has gone on long enough, madam, your flirtations and intrigues. I do not want to come home and learn that you are out at this party, or that rout. I need you here, supporting me, do I make myself clear?’

      There was something implacable about Anthony’s stern gaze that made Gwen’s heart flip. She gave an uncertain little laugh.

      ‘La, you are very masterful tonight, my lord. If I did not know better, I would think you were jealous.’

      He did not smile.

      ‘If you do not mend your ways, madam, you will discover just how masterful I can be.’

      He held out the fan, and when she took it he turned on his heel and walked away.

      * * *

      ‘Oh, that was quite, quite terrible,’ cried Dominiqiue, when she and Gideon were in their carriage and homeward bound. ‘Everyone was smiling when we got up to leave! And, and—oh, heavens. They will think that we, that we—’

      ‘And is that not the truth of it?’ He caught her fingers and held them in a warm, sustaining clasp. ‘I wanted you to myself, to make love to you.’

      ‘Oh, Gideon.’ She tried to make out his face in the near darkness. Whatever the outcome, she must be honest now. ‘That is what I want, too.’

      With a growl he pulled her into his arms, seeking her mouth, teasing her lips apart so that his tongue could plunder and explore. She responded instantly, aware that this was the first time since their wedding night, a full twelve months ago, that they had come together in passion, rather than the restrained couplings of the marriage bed.

      He tugged at the strings of her cloak until it fell away and his mouth moved to that sensitive spot below her ear, where the touch of his lips made her pulse leap alarmingly. He touched her jaw with light, butterfly kisses, continued down the slender column of her neck, his tongue flickering in the hollow at the base of her throat and making her moan softly. She leaned into him, her breasts hot and aching as they pushed against the restrictions of her gown. His hands smoothed over her shoulders, pushing aside the muslin sleeves and leaving her skin free for more kisses. Dominique reached out for him, fumbling with the buttons of his waistcoat and shirt. She slid her hand under the fine linen and caressed the smooth, hard frame of his chest.

      The coach lurched over a particularly uneven section of the road and they were thrown apart. Dominique fell back into the corner while Gideon slipped to the carriage floor. She expected him to jump up, but instead he remained on his knees, gently pushing aside the whispering skirts. She caught her breath as his hands caressed the soft skin of her inner thigh. Where his fingers explored his mouth followed. He slid his hands under her bottom and pulled her towards him, holding her firm while he kissed her even more intimately, his mouth and tongue СКАЧАТЬ