Emergency Response. Susan Sleeman
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Название: Emergency Response

Автор: Susan Sleeman

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: First Responders

isbn: 9781474048866


СКАЧАТЬ headed for the utility box.

      By the time he crossed the road, his jacket was soaked and water dripped from his hair. He swiped the moisture from his face and cautiously approached. The last thing he wanted was for Darcie to mistake him for her assailant and fire at him. Or even let a nervous finger jerk the trigger.

      “Darcie,” he called out when he was still ten feet away. “It’s me. Noah. The shooter is gone. You can lower your gun now.”

      She didn’t respond.

      Was he too late? Had she been shot?

      Closing the distance, his heart slammed against his chest. “Darcie, are you okay? Did you lower your gun?”

      “Yes.” The barely audible word drifted over the box.

      He nearly sagged with relief and stepped around the box. He found her slumped against the metal, her legs splayed out, her gun lying on her knees. Her chestnut hair hung wet and limp to her shoulders, and her usual smile was nowhere in sight. She stared ahead, her eyes vacant.

      Her unfettered anguish stopped Noah cold. He’d had an awareness of Darcie for years, but neither of them was in a place for a relationship so he’d kept his interest to himself. But now, seeing her like this—emotionally ripped apart—it was all he could do not to wrap his arms around her and comfort her. The only thing stopping him was the certainty that she’d push him away.

      “I’m going to take your gun now, Darcie,” he said to keep from startling her. He gently took the weapon, but she didn’t move. He clicked on the safety and shoved the gun into his belt. Still no reaction.

      She was in shock. Not surprising after her ordeal.

      He gently laid a hand on her arm to encourage her to look at him. “How are you doing?”

      She didn’t bat an eye. “I’m okay.”

      “No, you’re not. You’re in shock and need medical care.”

      She shifted to face him. “I’m the EMT here. I know what I need and I’ll be fine.” She fired him a testy look and started to rise.

      Good. At least he’d gotten her to react, but he wasn’t letting her get up.

      “Hold on.” He tightened his grip on her arm. “They’re still chasing down the suspect. We’ll wait here until he’s apprehended.”

      Her eyes flew open, fear lurking in their depths. “Surely he won’t come back here.”

      “With officers in pursuit, it’s not likely, but you never know. He could double back. Could even try to barricade himself in one of these houses.”

      “Isabel,” Darcie cried out and shook off his hand. “She could be in danger. I have to protect her. This guy, I think he’s one of those gang members terrorizing the neighborhood. There might be others.”

      As much as Noah hated to admit it, Darcie’s assessment was spot-on. In neighborhoods like this, gang members were like ants. Where there was one there were a bunch more. It meant Isabel and her grandmother, Pilar, were constantly in danger living here. In fact, he and Darcie had scheduled a meeting with Pilar today to discuss finding a safer place for the two of them to live. That would now have to wait until the immediate danger had passed.

      Darcie started to rise. “I have to check on Isabel.”

      Noah rested a hand on her shoulder. “It’s not a good idea to leave yet.”

      Darcie shrugged free. “Good idea or not, Isabel’s in a wheelchair and I need to make sure she’s protected.”

      His resolve wavered. Always did around Darcie. She had a heart the size of Texas—one of the things he admired about her—and she mothered everyone in her life. Though that had more to do with losing her child in a car accident a little over six years ago than anything. She would risk her own life in a heartbeat to make sure others were safe. He respected her for that, too. Along with her fierce personality that let no one get in her way. Like right now. If he didn’t escort her to Isabel’s house, Darcie would walk over there on her own.

      He had no choice. She was staying under his protection until her attacker was apprehended. There was no question about that. None.

      “Let me check things out first and then I’ll take you to the house.” He stood, keeping an eye on her for a moment to make sure she remained seated, and then made a careful survey of the area.

      His radio squawked as one of the officers in pursuit reported his location about a mile north of their position and requested a lockdown of the nearby elementary school.

      Now that Noah knew Darcie was okay, he wanted to get in on the action. He was a cop at heart. Had always wanted to be one, always would be one. And right now, he wanted to join his fellow officers in pursuit of a creep who’d terrified Darcie. To hunt him down, slap cuffs on him and toss him in the back of his car. Glare at him, too, and offer a few choice words for good measure. But at this moment, Darcie needed him more. Even if she wouldn’t admit it.

      He turned back to her and swallowed his emotions. “We’re clear for now, but stay close to me. We’ll go straight to the house and inside. Got it?”

      A wooden nod was her only reply.

      “Remember—” he paused for emphasis and offered his hand to help her up “—this situation is volatile and could change at any moment. Your life is still in danger and you need to follow my directions, not only for your safety but for Isabel’s and Pilar’s welfare, too.”

      Another stiff nod as she slid icy cold fingers into his hand. He tugged her to her feet and drew her close.

      She winced and jerked free.

      “You okay?” he asked, wondering if he’d hurt her, or if she just didn’t want him to touch her.

      She held up her palm. “I scraped my hands and knees when I fell.”

      Hot anger flared at the raw skin, but he swallowed it down as he’d done on the job countless times. “I know you can treat the abrasions yourself, but you could have other injuries that shock or adrenaline are masking. It’s best to get you checked out by a medic.”

      She frowned. “Isabel and Pilar are far more important right now than spending time on a scrape.”

      She was right, but he’d still arrange for the medic. He urged her forward with an arm around her back. Her body trembled, sending his thoughts to the man dressed in blue. The thug who’d terrorized her. Her fear as she crouched in the rain waiting for him to kill her.

      Noah’s anger fired hotter. Once they found the shooter, Noah would make sure the creep paid for hurting her. “Did you recognize the man who attacked you?”

      “No,” she whispered. “But I can describe him.”

      “Great. If we aren’t able to apprehend him today, we can get a sketch made.”

      She shot him a pained look. “Not apprehend him?”

      “Hopefully that won’t happen. Our officers are doing everything they can to catch him.”

      “I СКАЧАТЬ