A New Year Bride. Scarlet Wilson
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Название: A New Year Bride

Автор: Scarlet Wilson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9780008901035


СКАЧАТЬ was a second of silence. The question obviously caught the concierge unaware.

      He could almost picture the way Frank sucked the air through his teeth when he was thinking—he could certainly hear it.

      ‘Staff from the Maids in Chelsea company have been working here for the last four months, Mr Armstrong. There were some…issues with some of our chambermaids and Mr Speirs decided to take a recommendation from a fellow hotel.’ Frank paused and then continued, ‘We’ve had no problems. The girls are excellent. Mrs Archer, in particular, really loves Grace and asks for her whenever she’s on duty.’

      He cut right to the chase. ‘What were the issues, Frank?’

      The sucking sound echoed in his ear. He would have expected Rob Speirs to tell him of any major changes in the way his prestigious hotel was run. But Speirs was currently in hospital after an emergency appendectomy. That was part of the reason that he was here at short notice.

      ‘There were some minor thefts. The turnover of staff was quite high. It was difficult to know where the problem lay.’

      ‘And Rob—where did he get the recommendation?’

      ‘From Ailsa Hillier. The Maids in Chelsea came highly recommended and we’ve had no problems at all.’ There was another hesitation. ‘Mr Armstrong, just to let you know, I have something for you.’

      ‘What is it?’

      ‘It’s from Mrs Archer. She left something with me to pass on.’

      Now he was curious. ‘What is it, Frank?’

      ‘It’s a Christmas present.’

      Frank was silent for a few seconds. Just as well really. Every hair on Finlay’s body stood on end. Of course, he’d received Christmas presents over the last few years. His parents and sister always sent something. But Mrs Archer? This was a first.

      Frank cleared his throat again. ‘Mr Armstrong, is there anything I can help you with?’

      This time it was Finlay that paused. He liked Frank. He’d always liked Frank. The guy knew everything that happened in his hotel—including the fact that his manager had used a company recommended by their rivals at the Corminster—interesting.

      ‘Keep a hold of the present, I’ll get it from you later, Frank.’ It wouldn’t be good to seem ungracious. Then he asked what he really wanted to know. ‘Have you seen Grace Ellis in the last five minutes?’

      ‘Grace? What’s wrong with Grace?’

      Finlay really didn’t want to get into this. He could already hear the protectiveness in Frank’s voice. He should have guessed it would be there. ‘Nothing’s wrong, but have you seen her?’

      ‘No, sir. Not in the last hour at least.’

      Finlay put down the phone. She could easily have run out but he had the strangest feeling that she hadn’t.

      He walked back outside, leaving the penthouse door open behind him and heading towards the stairs. When he pushed the door open he felt a rush of cold air around him.

      The roof. She’d gone to the roof.

      He ran up the stairs, two at a time, pausing when he reached the top.

      She was standing at the end of the roof, staring out over London. She wasn’t thinking of…

      No. She couldn’t be. But the fleeting thought made him reluctant to shout her back in.

      He crossed the roof towards her. As he neared he could see she was shivering—shivering badly.

      He reached out and touched her shoulder and she jumped.

      ‘Grace? What are you doing out here? You’ll freeze.’

      She must have recognised his voice but she didn’t turn towards him. Her arms were folded across her chest and more wisps of her hair had escaped from the bun.

      He walked around slowly, until he was in front of her, blocking her view.

      Her lips were tinged with blue and her face streaked with tears.

      Guilt washed over him like a tidal wave.

      Him. He’d caused this. He’d made this girl cry.

      Why? After five years he’d thought he was just about ready to move on. But Christmas was always the hardest time for him. He was frustrated with the rest of the world for enjoying Christmas when it only brought back what he had lost.

      Thank goodness he still had his coat on. He undid the buttons and shrugged it off, slipping it around her shoulders.

      She still hadn’t spoken to him. She was just looking at him with those huge brown eyes. The ones that had caught his attention in the first place. The ones that had sparked the reaction he should never have had.

      Why was that? He’d always kept things locked inside. His friends knew that. They knew better than to try and discuss things. They spent their lives avoiding Anna’s name or any of the shared memories they had of her.

      ‘I’m sorry,’ he said hoarsely. ‘I should never have shouted at you.’

      She blinked. Her eyes went down to her feet. ‘I should never have decorated the room. I’m sorry,’ she whispered.

      He shook his head. ‘No, Grace. You were trying to do something nice. Something sweet.’ The words made his insides twist a little. Was it really so long that someone had done something sweet around him?

      She blinked again. The shivering hadn’t stopped yet and he could tell why. The wind was biting through his thin knit black jumper. It didn’t matter he had a shirt underneath. It had been a long time since he’d felt this cold.

      She bit her bottom lip. ‘I…I sometimes forget that other people don’t like Christmas. I should have been more sensitive. I should have thought things through.’ A tear slid down her cheek. ‘Did you come up here to fire me?’

      ‘What? No.’ He couldn’t believe it. That was the last thing on his mind right now.

      She looked confused. ‘But you said…you said—’

      ‘Forget what I said,’ he cut in. ‘I was being an idiot. I’m tired. I haven’t slept in three days. I’m sorry—I know it’s no excuse.’

      ‘I’m sorry about your wife,’ she whispered.

      It came out of the blue. Entirely unexpected.

      Sweeping through him like the brisk breeze of cold air around him.

      It was the waver in her voice. He’d heard this a thousand times over the last few years. Most of the times the words had seemed meaningless. Automatically said by people who were sometimes sincere, sometimes not.

      This woman—Grace—hadn’t known his wife at all. But there was something about her—something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. It was as if she knew mourning, she knew loss. It was probably the СКАЧАТЬ