Shock Marriage For The Powerful Spaniard / The Greek's Virgin Temptation. Cathy Williams
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СКАЧАТЬ forgo the tea and coffee for some water, and a sandwich would be good.’ He strolled through the kitchen. Big kitchen. Big house. Expensive people leading an expensive lifestyle.

      ‘Please don’t touch anything,’ she said anxiously from behind him as he began opening drawers. Rafael slowly turned to look at her.

      ‘If they’ve left you in charge here, they must expect you to open drawers and cupboards.’

      ‘Of course, but…’ Slow, hot colour crept into her cheeks.

      ‘But you’re the nanny and, when it comes to pecking order, the nanny ranks higher than the gardener?’

      ‘You don’t look like a gardener,’ Sofia said, changing the subject and turning her back to him as she expertly began making him a ham and cheese sandwich, which was exactly what she had had for her lunch. She hadn’t yet had dinner but somehow breaking bread with this dark, arrogant man sent a trickle of cold apprehension racing up and down her spine.

      Rafael grunted, watching and appreciating the length of her limbs, the willowy suppleness of her body, the innate grace with which she carried herself.

      ‘You need to check her out,’ his godfather had said urgently. ‘I know I’m harbouring romantic notions of this young lady, but I’m no fool. I don’t know what she’s like, what sort of character she has. My dear boy, it would mean so much to me if you could check her out, but incognito. She must have no idea of the vast fortune that could be hers, as I wouldn’t want that to influence her responses.

      ‘To be blunt, I wouldn’t want her to edit her personality to appeal. I would hope for someone kind, considerate, smart…and if she’s not, well, a bridge to be crossed but not yet. Check her out—that’s number one. And then…here’s the sweetener to the deal if you take this on, my dear boy…my company. All my shares. You can move in and troubleshoot my stepson back into place. With my own flesh and blood in place, rightfully there, and you by her side at the helm, all my worries would end. You have said yourself that your own empire virtually runs itself. It’s time you found a new challenge.’

      Rafael had no need for his godfather’s shares, although the leisure business would certainly be a healthy addition to his own vast portfolio. No, what motivated him went beyond anything tangible. The bottom line was that David had been there for him, mentor and friend, during all those long years when his own parents had jumped ship to do their own thing. His earliest memories of happiness didn’t involve his parents. They involved his godfather. Without him, his life would have lacked all structure, and God only knew where he would have ended up. David was the only human being Rafael actually loved and there was no request he would ever have turned down. The handover of shares, which would enable him to sort out the problem with Freddy, was icing on the cake.

      ‘Have you…um…?’ Sofia found that she was flustered and distracted by the play of muscle and sinew just visible beneath the old T-shirt and faded jeans as he strolled to sit at the kitchen table, a vast affair fashioned out of glass and chrome and hideously unsuitable for anyone with kids.

      ‘Have I…um…what?’

      ‘Been a gardener for long,’ Sofia said with strained politeness as her disobedient eyes fastened onto his lean, beautiful face, only to skitter away in alarm because she never stared at any man. It just wasn’t her thing. Least of all an over-the-top-good-looking one like this because, in her experience, good-looking always signalled trouble.

      Just like that, he looked up, their eyes tangled and for a few seconds she found that she couldn’t breathe.

      ‘It’s a burgeoning career,’ Rafael said vaguely. ‘And, on the subject of people not looking the part, you look nothing like a nanny.’

      Sofia stiffened, wondered whether this was going to be the start of the flirting game. He was going to be stationed in the annex by the pool. Coming as he did by word of mouth, she doubted that he would prove any kind of threat, but he could prove a nuisance, and she was going to be here on her own with him.

      ‘Do you have a lot of experience of nannies?’ she asked courteously. ‘Maybe you expect me to be older? Perhaps with a wart or two on my chin?’

      ‘We could have conversed in Spanish but I am more comfortable speaking English and you’ve answered in kind. You’re bilingual. Not what I would have expected.’ Rafael pushed away his empty plate and then relaxed back with his hands behind his head. ‘Now that we’re on the subject of expectations.’

      ‘You’re finished eating. I think I should show you where you’ll be staying. Like you said, you’re hot and tired.’

      ‘Is that your way of telling me that you don’t want me asking any more questions?’

      Sofia shrugged and didn’t bother to beat about the bush. ‘I suppose it is.’

      Rafael didn’t budge. He was here on a mission. The sooner he got the job done, the quicker he would be able to dump this ridiculous charade of being a gardener. The closest he’d ever got to gardening was the book he’d bought the day before he left London. He’d speed-read a few pages. How hard could it be to turn over some soil and run a lawn mower over a lawn? But, still, he didn’t want to hang around.

      But first he had to get past whatever defences this woman had erected and suss her out.

      More than that. If she passed the litmus test…

      His dark eyes roved lazily over her. Graceful as a gazelle and just as skittish…

      ‘What’s it like, working here?’ He chose to prolong the conversation.

      Sofia clicked her tongue in annoyance. ‘I thought you were tired. If I show you to your quarters, you can get an early night, and tomorrow I have a list of what you need to do.’

      ‘I’ve never been a fan of early nights. What other languages do you speak?’

      ‘What others do you?’

      ‘French. Spanish. Italian. Some Mandarin. A sprinkling of a few others…’

      ‘Very unusual for a gardener,’ Sofia said tartly and Rafael laughed under his breath.

      ‘Touché. I learnt them on the various jobs I’ve had over the years. I also have a curious mind and, face it, if people are conversing in a foreign language around you then you need to understand what they’re saying, as far as I am concerned. What about you?’

      Sofia hesitated. She rarely got the chance to talk to guys. When she wasn’t working, she was studying, looking ahead to a brighter future.

      Guys and dating didn’t feature in her calendar, not at this point in time.

      But having this good-looking man here in the kitchen, asking her about herself…

      She could feel her guard drop a little. The man was going to be around until James and Elizabeth returned with the kids and chances were that they would be thrown into each other’s company frequently. Life would be easier if she opened up a little.

      And he was so damned good-looking, so darkly, sinfully spectacular, and he didn’t make her feel…threatened.

      She was far too practical for a guy like him to get to her, but he was brilliant eye-candy, and СКАЧАТЬ