What The Magnate Wants. Joanne Rock
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Название: What The Magnate Wants

Автор: Joanne Rock

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon By Request

isbn: 9781474093002


СКАЧАТЬ and vowed to ice it longer tonight. It’d have to do.

      “I had some twinges in my right knee in Kiev, but nothing that kept me off the stage.” She tucked her shoulder bag closer as a family with two strollers pulled up beside them on the crosswalk. Horns and squeaky brakes mingled with the occasional sound of a doorman whistling for a cab in a cacophony her ears welcomed after six hours of Tchaikovsky and Stravinsky.

      “Don’t overdo it,” Jasmine warned. “Staying healthy is more important than Idris and his ballet, no matter what you think.”

      “On the contrary, Idris and his ballet are my ticket to a post-dance career.” She knew that a starring role and working closely with the superstar choreographer would completely change her profile in the dance world. It would open doors for a creative project she had in mind, but she needed someone like him to be on board. So she just had to nurse her knee through this opportunity.

      Jasmine laughed. “You’re the same as ever, Sofia. I think I could replay the conversations we had at nine and they’d be exactly the same ones we have today. You’ve always had a plan, I’ll give you that.”

      Sofia slowed her step outside the door of Joe Coffee, grabbing Jasmine’s arm.

      “Not with Quinn McNeill, I don’t.” She wasn’t intimidated by him or his money. Yet there was something about the way he made her feel that kept her anxious. Was it just physical attraction? Or did that anxiety mean something more worrisome?

      Was it her gut telling her he was untrustworthy?

      A messenger on a bicycle slammed his bike into the rack near them before entering the coffeehouse. The scent of fragrant Arabica beans and baked goods drifted through the door in his wake. Hunger reverberated in Sofia’s stomach. Her diet was controlled and disciplined. Most days, she didn’t mind. The sacrifice of cheesy fries and pizza had yet to outweigh the worth of her dream. But the smell of food tempted her so.

      “He’s just a man. The same as any other.” Jasmine pursed her lips. “Your everyday average billionaire.” She linked her arm through Sofia’s and tugged her ahead. “Come on. I’ve got a few details to go over before I head out.”

      Squaring her shoulders, Sofia headed inside, determined not to let Quinn see that he made her uneasy. Distracted.

      And far too interested in the attraction she’d felt for him the first moment their gazes had connected.

      * * *

      Head high, Sofia Koslov strolled into the coffee shop like a dancer and Quinn took notice from his seat at a table in the back corner. She carried herself differently than other women, a fact he’d picked up on yesterday before Cameron had proposed to her.

      At that time he hadn’t known what it was about her perfect posture and her graceful movements. Now he recognized it as her dance training that made her move like that. He couldn’t picture her ever playing the Sugar Plum Fairy, however, despite the news clippings.

      The Black Swan in Swan Lake maybe. She had a regal elegance, a sophistication. Her hair was pulled back into a damp braid that highlighted the long neck traditional in ballerinas. Her clothing was simple and understated so that the only thing that shone was the woman herself. And the ring on her left hand, he amended with satisfaction. Even staring at her across a crowded coffee shop, Quinn wanted her.


      He rose to greet the two women as they made their way through milling patrons juggling cups and cell phones. Her friend continued to shadow her step for step, a fact that disappointed him since he’d been eager to speak to Sofia privately. Or as privately as he could in a Manhattan java shop. He would have lobbied to meet at his apartment or in a quiet restaurant, but Sofia had been tired and rattled last night when they’d made these plans and he had the impression she’d purposely chosen someplace more public.

      “Sofia.” He greeted her the way he would greet a woman he loved, sliding an arm around her waist and kissing her cheek, mindful of the public atmosphere but still appropriately warm. He thought it better to be cautious since he didn’t know her friend and wanted to be sure he played the part of Sofia’s husband-to-be at all times.

      Besides, it felt good to touch her.

      The cool skin of her cheek warmed as his lips lingered for a moment. When he backed away, he spied the hint of color in her face before he extended a hand to her friend.

      “Quinn McNeill,” he introduced himself.

      “Jasmine Jackson. I’m the best friend as well as the publicist. And total keeper of all her secrets.” Her grip was firm and professional, and her eyes made it clear she knew full well about their ruse. “Shall we have a seat so I can go over my suggestions for the two of you?”

      “Of course. Right this way.” He gestured toward the table he’d secured in the back. Jasmine went first, and he palmed the small of Sofia’s back to guide her along. Having his hands on her again made him realize how much he’d looked forward to acting out the part of fiancé.

      He claimed the seat beside Sofia while Jasmine took the spot across from them and set down the leather binder on the maple surface between them.

      “I’ve made copies of my ideal social calendar for both of you.” She slid matching papers their way. “I’ve already sent Sofia the digital file so she can forward it to you, Quinn.”

      Taking in the extensive notes on dates and events, he was impressed. She had details about the status of their invitations, directions, suggested attire, a who’s who list of people they should try to speak to at each event and potential spots for photo ops. Clearly, the woman had done her homework and she’d done it in a hurry.

      “I see you know the New York social calendar,” he remarked, wondering if his company’s PR firm would do half as good of a job. “This is ambitious.”

      As Sofia’s finger followed the lines of type, the diamond engagement ring caught the last of the pale winter sunlight. As impressive as the piece was, and he was glad she’d worn it, he felt a ridiculous urge to replace it with something of his own choosing.

      He hoped that normal brotherly competitiveness accounted for that instinct and not some latent sentimental notions. No way would he let his grandfather’s dictate to marry get to him. He had decided to use this time with Sofia as a way to enjoy their obvious attraction. Not romanticize it.

      “As I said.” Jasmine closed her binder and folded her manicured fingers on top of the leather. “This is simply a wish list that would serve several purposes at once for Sofia.”

      “You got in touch with Dance magazine to reschedule our interview?” Sofia asked, her finger now stalled on a line item toward the bottom of the page.

      “Yes. I told them today was full for you but that you could meet with them Friday night during the welcome reception for Idris Fortier.” Jasmine reached across the table to point out the event listed at the top of the paper. “In the meantime, I promised to release your statement about yesterday’s events to them first.” Jasmine pulled another set of papers from the binder and passed them across the table. “Here’s a tentative release. If you could make your changes and send the digital file back to me before seven tonight, I can get it to the reporters for a blog post spot they’re holding for you.”

      Quinn scanned the release, approving of the minimal personal details it included.