Snowflakes at Lavender Bay. Sarah Bennett
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Название: Snowflakes at Lavender Bay

Автор: Sarah Bennett

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Lavender Bay

isbn: 9780008281342


СКАЧАТЬ company, if he could turn a profit in the process, so much the better.

      When he’d boarded the train from London the previous morning he’d been full of foolish optimism. Walter Symonds, a local solicitor Owen had been cultivating a relationship with for the previous six months, had called to give him the heads-up on a potential property. Located directly on the seafront at Lavender Bay, it had looked ripe for development from what he’d been able to tell via Google Maps. The previous owner had died, leaving everything to a young woman who, from what Owen had been able to tell, had moved away from the area some years before. Hoping to jump the queue, he’d taken the unusual step of visiting in person to extend an offer to buy.

      Expecting her to be grateful for an excuse to offload the place, Owen had been disappointed to find her well ensconced behind the counter of the emporium with zero interest in selling the place. An afternoon touring the local estate agents as well as a good recce on foot had yielded nothing in the way of other empty or struggling properties. In a last-gasp attempt to find any sign of the Blackmore family, he’d spent the past couple of hours tromping around the local churchyards and come back to the pub with nothing to show for his efforts other than a nasty nettle sting on his arm. In other words, his entire weekend was a total bloody bust. Time to put this foolishness behind him—he’d managed thirty years without any family to speak of, he’d manage the next thirty just fine.

      ‘Pint, lovey?’

      Startled, Owen blinked at the smiling older woman on the other side of the bar. ‘What? Oh, yes. Lager, please, Mrs Barnes.’

      ‘Right you are. How’s your room, have you got everything you need?’ Oh great, she was the chatty sort.

      ‘Yes, it’s fine thanks.’ In so far as it had a bed and a kettle. Egyptian cotton and designer coffee machines hadn’t made it to Lavender Bay, that much had been clear from the moment he’d set foot in The Siren the previous day. Not that it mattered, now he wasn’t staying. ‘What’s the earliest I can check out in the morning?’

      Mrs Barnes placed his drink before him with a wry laugh. ‘I’ll try not to take offence at your eagerness to leave. You can settle your bill before you turn in tonight and then you’re free to leave as early as you like. You’ll be wanting some breakfast before you go, though, surely?’

      Owen shook his head. ‘Not the time I’m planning on leaving.’ He pulled a card out of his wallet, then hesitated. ‘Do you need cash?’

      Her laughter shook her whole body. ‘Oh, you city folks! The magic of contactless payment has made it as far as the south coast, I assure you.’ She produced a card reader from beneath the bar. ‘Tap away, dear.’

      Valiantly fighting a blush, Owen moved his card towards the machine, then hesitated. ‘Can I buy you a drink by way of an apology?’

      ‘That’s sweet of you, and I’ll take a glass of red for later, but not because you owe me an apology. You’re not the first to assume we’re a bit behind the times here, and you won’t be the last.’

      Owen watched her tap the keypad a couple of times before offering him the machine once more. Mrs Barnes might not have taken offence over his assumption, but he was annoyed with himself. He’d had enough of people passing judgement when he was younger, and had always thought himself better than that. Being in the bay had thrown him off his stride far more than he could’ve imagined. Just as well he was going to cut his losses and head back home.

      ‘Didn’t you come down on the train?’

      Placing his card on the screen, Owen felt a sinking sensation in his gut at the question. ‘Yeah, what of it?’

      Mrs Barnes gave him the kind of pitying smile that did nothing to ease his increasing bad mood. ‘Well if you’re hoping for a swift getaway in the morning, I’m afraid you’re out of luck. The first train on a Sunday isn’t until 9.30—proof we’re behind the times on some things, I suppose!’

      Bloody marvellous. ‘Well in that case, looks like I will be staying for breakfast, after all.’ As he was stuck there, he might as well make the best of it. A thought occurred to him. ‘Have you lived in Lavender Bay all your life, Mrs Barnes?’

      ‘Please, dear, call me Annie. And in answer to your question, I’m born and bred here, though compared to my husband’s family, we’re newcomers to the bay. There’s been a Barnes behind the bar of The Siren since before Nelson lost his eye, as Pops would say.’


      The smile on Annie’s face was full of warmth, with just a touch of wry exasperation. ‘My father-in-law. He used to run this place—and interferes often enough for anyone to think he still does.’ That warm expression slid into something more considering. ‘Is there a reason for you asking?’

      Kicking himself for letting his guard down, Owen gave her his best smile. ‘Not at all, Annie, just making conversation.’

      A raised eyebrow told him she wasn’t taken in by his glib response, but she didn’t push, thank goodness. ‘Of course, dear. Well, I’d better get on. Enjoy the rest of your evening.’

      Not filled with any expectation of finding much enjoyment, Owen cast a quick glance around the bar. A few families; a handful of old men playing dominoes; a gaggle of teenagers who, in spite of the thickness of their eyeliner and the shortness of their skirts, barely looked old enough to be drinking the cider they were giggling over.

      A couple of the girls caught him staring, and he cursed himself as they nudged each other. Owen turned swiftly back towards the bar, hoping he hadn’t drawn their attention. He wasn’t ignorant to the way he looked, and the last thing he wanted was to spend the evening fending off the clumsy flirtations of girls using him as target practice. Perhaps an early night might be better after all.

      Shoulders braced, he waited with dread for the clip-clop of high heels on the wooden floor behind him, but when he heard nothing he began to relax. Perhaps the girls had decided not to try and tangle with him. Shaking his head at his own arrogance, Owen took a mouthful of his pint—perhaps they weren’t remotely interested in a bloke a dozen or more years older than them. He’d just convinced himself the coast was clear when the hairs on his arm prickled and he felt the presence of someone at his elbow.

      ‘Even if I didn’t know everyone who lives in Lavender Bay, I’d know you’re not from around here.’ The slightly husky voice carried the soft burr of the local accent.

      Owen didn’t look around. He supposed she meant it as a compliment, but the reminder of his outsider status rankled. Nothing had worked out liked he’d expected it to, but wasn’t that the story of his bloody life? It was ridiculous, really, to have supposed he would feel any connection to a place he’d never heard of even six months ago, but the barb struck, bringing a sharper edge to his tongue than he might otherwise have intended. ‘The lack of webbed fingers gives it away, no doubt.’

      ‘And the lack of manners. Wow, Beth wasn’t kidding about you.’

      It was her scathing tone as much as the mention of an unfamiliar name that caused Owen to turn. Expecting to see a giggling teen tottering on a pair of heels, he found himself instead staring down into a pair of bright blue eyes half-hidden by a shock of luridly dyed fringe. A snub of a nose—as though whoever had conjured her had left it unformed with the intention of returning to it later—sat between that vivid stare and a bow-shaped mouth plastered in scarlet lip gloss. A chin bold enough to be labelled stubborn finished off her heart-shaped face.

      As СКАЧАТЬ