Rags To Riches: At His Bidding. Rebecca Winters
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Название: Rags To Riches: At His Bidding

Автор: Rebecca Winters

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474068956


СКАЧАТЬ He chuckled.

      “Why do you laugh?” Coco asked.

      Mr. Bernard frowned. “I’m not laughing.”

      “Yes, you did,” Coco said. She sighed. “You’re safe. We won’t rat on you. Why did you laugh?”

      Mr. Bernard slid her a sideways glance. “Princess Stephenia is quite the handful. When she arrived here, she screamed every time she encountered the prince.”

      “When she arrived?” Coco echoed.

      Mr. Bernard pursed his lips. “That’s all I have to say. Princess Stephenia is a delightful child.”

      Coco glanced at Benjamin. “Looks like you and Stefan may have more in common than you thought.”

      Benjamin glared at her.

      The car stopped beside a playground with a slide, swings and climbing equipment. “It looks like a lot of fun for the children,” Coco said.

      “We are happy to please,” Mr. Bernard said and moved outside the car to open the door. “A stroller will be brought to you for your convenience.”

      Surprised at the thoughtfulness, Coco automatically extended her hand to Mr. Bernard’s arm. “Thank you. That is so very thoughtful.”

      Mr. Bernard looked at her in surprise then glanced away. “As I said, we’re very happy to please. Call me for any need,” he said and got back in the car.

      She and Benjamin watched the car drive away.

      “Weird guy,” Benjamin said.

      “But nice,” she said. “I think the royal stuff keeps him from being too real.”

      Benjamin shrugged. “Maybe. Let’s give Emma a try in the swing before everyone else shows up.”

      Coco smiled. “Great idea.”

      They strapped Emma into the baby swing and Benjamin gently pushed it from the front. Coco stood to the side and watched the baby’s eyes grow round. Benjamin increased the force of the push and Emma began to laugh. With each successive swing, she let out a shriek of delight.

      Seeing Benjamin with his baby girl in such a happy moment brought tears to Coco’s eyes. When she’d first arrived at Benjamin’s home, they’d both seemed terrified of each other. Now they were truly starting to bond. Coco knew that Emma was one lucky girl. Benjamin was on the road to becoming a terrific father. She was so caught up in watching Benjamin and Emma that she didn’t notice Princess Phillipa until she appeared by her side.

      “Oh, hello, Your Highness,” Coco said and started to curtsey.

      Phillipa shook her head. “Not necessary, and please call me Pippa.” She pointed toward Benjamin and Emma on the swings. “He looks like excellent husband material. I hear congratulations are in order for your engagement.”

      Coco blinked for a few seconds then remembered the pretend agreement she and Benjamin had made. “Thank you,” she said, uneasy with the deception. “It was nice of Prince Stefan to arrange this time on the playground for us.”

      Pippa chuckled. “You can thank Eve for that. Ah, here she comes, along with Stephenia, and the twins and Bridget bringing up the rear. When will Bridget learn not to wear heels when she’s chasing toddlers?”

      “Boys, Stephenia,” Pippa said, stepping in front of the galloping toddlers. “Careful of the swing.”

      The three youngsters stared at the baby in the swing. The little girl with ringlet curls pointed at Emma. “Who?”

      “That’s Emma,” Pippa said. “She belongs to Mr. Garner and Miss Jordan.”

      Benjamin waved at the kids and Pippa made the introductions. He continued to push Emma in the swing. The toddlers scrambled onto the various pieces of miniature playground equipment.

      “I didn’t realize there were so many children,” Coco said, trying to recall what she’d read about the Devereaux offspring on the internet.

      “And more on the way,” Pippa said, touching her abdomen. “Eve is due before I am, but I’m having such an easy time compared to her that I feel guilty.”

      “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” Coco said to the tall, dark-haired woman.

      “It’s not high-risk, just extremely uncomfortable,” Eve said.

      “How are you feeling today?” Pippa asked Eve.

      “I’m fine. I slept longer than usual,” Eve said then turned to Coco. “Coco, it’s my pleasure to meet you and welcome you to where the wild things grow here in Chantaine,” she said with a smile. “I hope you’ll enjoy your time here.”

      Bridget glanced around the playground. “Where are my little darlings?” she muttered, narrowing her eyes. “Ah, in the hide-and-seek house. Should have known.” She turned to Coco and smiled. “So nice to see you again. That’s a darling baby in the swing. Hope the man is just as darling, too. The Devereaux seem to have a weakness for Texans.”

      A shriek of distress sounded from the other side of the hide-and-seek house. “Excuse me,” Bridget said. “That’s mine. I know his voice.”

      “I never would have believed what a great mother she’s become,” Pippa said.

      “She fell for the doctor and his boys hook, line and sinker,” Eve said. “A joy to watch. Bridget always gave the impression of being the royal fashion plate, and single forever. Turns out her heart was squishier than she thought.”

      At that moment, Coco began to feel a little hope that maybe she wasn’t completely alone in the world after all. Maybe the Devereaux actually were a little bit like her. At least on the inside.

      After playtime, which included Benjamin chasing the toddlers and making them laugh until they were breathless, everyone went inside for lunch. Nannies arrived to take the children when they grew restless. Stephenia, however, wanted to stay, and Eve permitted it.

      Coco noticed that Benjamin talked very little. She could practically feel his mind clicking with all his observations. He put his hand over hers and her brain instantly stuttered. Even though she knew his touch was just for show, it still affected her. Bridget gave her apologies as she left for an event at a library. Pippa received a call from her husband and left the room to take it.

      Eve had seemed to grow much more weary as the day proceeded. Coco feared that Eve’s desire to make her feel welcome was making Eve stay longer than she should. “It’s been wonderful having this opportunity to get to know all of you better. I can’t tell you how much I’ve appreciated the time with you. We should probably get back so Emma can take a nap.”

      “Are you sure I can’t do anything else for you?” Eve asked as she shared a small cookie with Stephenia while the toddler sat on her lap.

      “Not a thing,” Coco said and stood.

      “Well, if you’re sure,” she said and set Stephenia on her feet. Eve stood, and the blood appeared to drain from her face. “Oh,” СКАЧАТЬ