The Regency Season: Gentleman Rogues. Margaret McPhee
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СКАЧАТЬ dress from her body, to bare her and lay her down on his bed. Ned suppressed the thoughts. He was focused. He was disciplined. He kept to the plan. It was what had brought him this far.

      The plan had never involved a woman like her. The plan had been for someone quite different. But she was as refreshing as a cool breeze on a clammy day. She was Whitechapel, the same as him, but with vision that encompassed a bigger view. She had tasted the world on the other side of London. He had a feeling she would understand what it was he was doing, an instinct that she would feel the same about it as he did. And part of being successful was knowing when to be stubborn and stick to the letter of the plan and when to be flexible.

      His gaze shifted.

      The old vinegar manufactory across the road lay derelict. Pigeons and seagulls vied for supremacy on the hole-ridden roof. Weeds grew from the crumbling walls.

      Tower Hill lay at his back. And above his head the canopy of green splayed beech leaves provided a dapple shelter. He could hear the breeze brush through the leaves, a whisper beside the noises that carried up the hill from the London Docks; the rhythmic strike of hammers, the creak and thud of crates being moved and dropped, the squeak of hoists and clatter of chains, the clopping of work horses and rumbling of carts.

      A man might live a lifetime and never meet a woman like Emma de Lisle.

      Ned’s fingers toyed with the ivory token as he watched the men moving about in the dockyard below, men he had known all of his life, men who were friends, or at least had been not so very long ago, unloading the docked ship.

      Footsteps drew his attention. He glanced up the street and recognised the woman immediately, despite the fact she was not wearing the figure-hugging red dress, but a respectable sprig muslin and green shawl, and a faded straw bonnet with a green ribbon hid her hair and most of her face. Emma de Lisle; as if summoned by the vision in his head. She faltered when she saw him as if contemplating turning back and walking away.

      He slipped the token into his waistcoat pocket and got to his feet.

      She resumed her progress. Paused just before she reached him, keeping a respectable distance between them.


      Last night’s passion whispered and wound between them.

      He gave a nod of acknowledgement.

      Once, many years ago, he had seen a honeycomb dripping rich and sweet with golden honey. In this clear, pure daylight her eyes were the same colour, not dark and mysterious as in the Red Lion.

      Their gazes held for a moment, the echoes of last night rippling like a returning tide.

      ‘It seems that destiny has set you in my path again, Ned Stratham. Or I, in yours.’

      ‘And who are we to argue with destiny?’

      They looked at one another for the first time in daylight.

      The road she was walking led from only one place. ‘You have come from the dockyard.’

      ‘My father works there. I was delivering him some bread and cheese.’

      ‘He has a considerate daughter.’

      ‘Not really. He worked late last night and started early this morning.’

      But she had worked late last night, too, and no doubt started early this morning. A shadow that moved across her eyes and a little line of worry etched between them. ‘Delivering his breakfast is the least I can do. He has a quarter-hour break at—’

      ‘Half past nine,’ he finished.

      She lifted her eyebrows in unspoken question.

      ‘I used to work on the docks.’

      ‘And now?’

      ‘And now, I do not. Cards and chest,’ he said.

      She laughed and the relaxed fascination he felt for her grew stronger.

      ‘Five o’clock start. Your father will be done by four.’

      ‘If only.’ She frowned again at the mention of her father. Twice in five minutes; Ned had never seen her look worried, even on the night when she had thought herself alone facing the two sailors in the alleyway. ‘He is on a double shift in the warehouse.’

      ‘Good money, but tiring.’

      ‘Very tiring.’ She glanced down the hill at the dockyard with sombre eyes. ‘It is hard work for a man of his age who is not used to manual labour.’

      ‘What did he do before manual labour?’

      She gave no obvious sign or reaction, only stood still as a statue, but her stillness betrayed that she had not meant to let the fact slip.

      Her gaze remained on the dockyard. ‘Not manual labour,’ she said in a parody of his answer to her earlier question. She glanced round at him then, still and calm, but in her eyes were both defence and challenge. Her smile was sudden and warm, deflecting almost. ‘I worry over my father, that is all. The work is hard and he is not a young man.’

      ‘I still know a few folk in the dockyard. I could have a word. See if there are any easier jobs going.’

      The silence was like the quiet rustle of silk in the air.

      ‘You would do that?’

      ‘There might be nothing, but I’ll ask.’ But there would be something. He would make sure of it. ‘If you wish.’

      He could see what she was thinking.

      ‘No strings attached,’ he clarified.

      Emma’s eyes studied his. Looking at him, really looking at him, like no woman had ever looked before. As if she could see through his skin to his heart, to his very soul, to everything that he was. ‘I wish it very much,’ she said.

      He gave a nod.

      There was a pause before she said, ‘My father is an educated man. He can read and write and is proficient with arithmetic and mathematics, indeed, anything to do with numbers.’

      ‘A man with book learning.’

      She nodded. ‘Although I’m not sure if that would be of any use in a dockyard.’

      ‘You would be surprised.’

      They stood in silence, both watching the dockworkers unloading the ship, yet her attention was as much on him as his was on her.

      ‘Whatever you do for a living, Ned, whatever illicit activity you might be involved in...if you can help my father...’

      ‘You think I’m a rogue...’ He raised his brow. ‘Do I look a rogue?’

      Her gaze dropped pointedly to the front of his shirt before coming back up to his face. It lingered on his scarred eyebrow before finally moving to his eyes.

      ‘Yes,’ she said simply.

      ‘My СКАЧАТЬ