Rancher's Hostage Rescue. Beth Cornelison
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Название: Rancher's Hostage Rescue

Автор: Beth Cornelison

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: To Serve and Seduce

isbn: 9781474094160


СКАЧАТЬ avoided Lilly at Helen’s funeral. He’d been too swallowed up in his own shock and heartache to face Lilly’s accusations and criticism. But he deserved anything Lilly could dish out. She’d been right about his lackluster attitude toward his relationship with Helen, and now he lived every day with regrets he could never correct.

      At the very least, he owed Lilly an apology. Well, he owed Helen an apology, but with Helen gone, Lilly was as close as he’d get to earning forgiveness for his blithe attitude while Helen was alive. He wiped his damp palms on the seat of his jeans and headed toward her. Her brow furrowed, and her gaze dropped briefly to his bad leg as he limped toward her. Had Helen told her about his accident, his surgery, his temporary unemployment?

      Lilly’s shoulders squared as he approached. Blinking hard, as if battling back tears, she glanced toward the door and took a few quick steps in that direction.

      He blocked her path, wrapping his hand around her arm when she tried to brush past him.

      “Lilly, wait. Please.”

      “I have nothing to say to you.” Her green eyes glinted at him, and she tugged at her arm. “Let me go.”

      “Give me just five minutes. Please.” He heard the rusty sound of his voice and paused to clear it. “I want to apologize.”

      His request stilled her attempt to get free. She narrowed a suspicious glare on him. “An apology. For what?”

      “For...lots of things. The way things went down between me and Helen.”

      She scoffed. “Isn’t Helen the one who deserves that apology?” She tipped her head in mock enlightenment and added, “Oh, wait. She’s dead. It’s too late to apologize for the way you treated her.”

      Guilt pooled like acid in his gut. “I know that, but—”

      “But nothing, Dave!” she said, her voice rising.

      The other customers in the bank glanced their way. The security guard, a retired sheriff’s deputy who’d once busted a sixteen-year-old Dave for trespassing on school grounds after hours, put his hand on his utility belt and strolled over. “Is there a problem here?”

      “No, Deputy Hanover,” Dave said, flashing a tight smile. “I just need a moment’s privacy with Ms. Shaw.”

      Hanover glanced to Lilly for her response. After a few seconds to consider, she frowned and gave the security officer a nod. Deputy Hanover stepped away, and Dave guided Lilly out of the main lobby toward a corner near the loan offices.

      “Look...” he said and sighed. Now that he had her ear, what did he say? He hadn’t prepared anything in the last few weeks on the off chance he might run into Lilly. He’d honestly thought he’d never see her again.

      “I—I had a ring. Have a ring. An engagement ring,” he began awkwardly.

      Clearly his opening caught her off guard. She blinked rapidly and gave her head a small shake. “Excuse me?”

      “I was going to give it to her on New Year’s Eve. I had this whole thing planned with dinner and driving out to this lookout spot and—”

      “Why are you telling me this?” she asked in a low growl.

      “Because... I want you to know I did have feelings for Helen.” He scrubbed a hand on his face, deciding what needed to be said next.

      She arched a delicate eyebrow, her expression cool. “You had feelings for her?”

      “Yes! I was serious about her, not just playing at a relationship.”

      “Evidence would say otherwise.”

      He opened his mouth to protest, but she held up a hand to cut him off. “You can’t even say you loved her. You have to use phrases like you had feelings for her.” She gave a bitter laugh. “Yeah, that’s a sentiment that will make a girl want to marry you. ‘I have feelings for you, Helen. Let’s spend our lives together.’”

      He took a deep breath and exhaled. Even as irritation with her sarcasm scraped through him, he reminded himself he’d earned Lilly’s scorn. He flexed and balled his hands at his sides, trying to recalculate. To find the right words. He might not get another chance to set things right with Helen’s only family. Maybe earning her forgiveness shouldn’t matter to him, but...it did.

      “I screwed up with her. I know. She was a great, kind, terrific person, and I blew it. Okay? I know that!” He took a cleansing breath, his stomach knotting as he added, “And I did love her. I only... It’s just hard to say the words now because she’s... It makes it harder now that she’s...”

      “Dead,” Lilly said, her stare penetrating and unnerving. “My God, you can’t even say that word? Helen is dead. Say it.”


      “I want to hear you say it.”

      He swallowed hard. “She’s dead.”

      Lilly’s mouth puckered a bit, and she glanced away. But not before he saw the sparkle of tears that filled her eyes.

      Dave poked his fingers in his jeans pockets, shifted his weight...then shifted it back when his bad leg protested with a dull throb. “Lilly, I’m sorry.”

      Her gaze darted briefly to him.

      “I’m sorry for your loss.”

      She drew a slow tremulous breath. “Thank you. And... I’m sorry...for your loss, too.”

      She caught him off guard with that, and he had to work to suppress the rise of emotion in his throat. “Why, um, why are you in town?”

      “I’m in Boyd Valley to close her house and put it on the market, if that’s what you mean.” She gave him a matter-of-fact look, and her tone had regained its sharp edge. “I’m at the bank to empty her safe-deposit box.” She raised both eyebrows now in a way that said, “Satisfied, Mr. Nosy?”

      He wasn’t sure how to respond. He hadn’t even known Helen had a safe-deposit box. And knowing that Lilly was preparing to sell Helen’s house, was getting rid of all the things that represented the life of the woman he’d loved, gave him a sick feeling in his gut. After a beat too long, he finally managed a flat “Oh.”

      She snorted a wry laugh. “You have such a way with words.”

      He gritted his back teeth, then took a moment to push aside her biting comment. Rather than answer her quip with one of his own, he said, “If you need any help with the house—”

      She shook her head. “No. I can do it by myself.”

      “Are you sure? ’Cause I can—”

      She shot him a hard look, so he dropped the matter.

      “Was that it? You just wanted to tell me you had a ring? You thought I needed to know you had feelings enough to plan a proposal that never happened?”

      Okay, now her mocking was starting СКАЧАТЬ