Rancher's Hostage Rescue. Beth Cornelison
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Название: Rancher's Hostage Rescue

Автор: Beth Cornelison

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: To Serve and Seduce

isbn: 9781474094160


СКАЧАТЬ this ordeal.

      “Hands behind your back,” the cretin barked, kneeling beside Lilly.

      Sighing, she complied. “What are you going to do with us?”

      Dave was wondering the same thing. If the robber meant to kill them, wouldn’t he have done that already? Why bother binding them and holding them hostage if he meant to be rid of them?

      “I don’t know.” The thug began wrapping the packing tape around her wrists, and she grimaced. “This wasn’t supposed to happen. Mr. Hero there screwed things up when he shot me. I should be a hundred miles from here by now.”

      “Going where?”

      The robber jerked a startled gaze toward Dave when he spoke. “Away from this Podunk town. That’s all you need to know.”

      “In that rattletrap?” Dave said and scoffed. “You’d be lucky to make it fifty miles before something essential fell off or gave up the ghost.”

      The thug narrowed his eyes on Dave. “Did I ask you?”

      “Just sayin’.” Dave wasn’t exactly sure where he was going with his comments, but an idea niggled at the back of his head. He followed where the forming idea led him. “If you plan to make your getaway in that thing, you’re gonna need some work on the engine at least.”

      “And you know this how?” the robber grumbled, pausing from his work binding Lilly’s wrists.

      “I followed you outside the bank when you drove away. I heard the motor.” He lifted one shoulder. “I work on farm machinery primarily, but the ranch trucks need tweaks every now and then. I know engines.”

      The robber held his stare for a tense moment before tearing off the tape and dropping Lilly’s hands. “Well, I can’t hardly take the thing into a shop around here and wait around while they give me a tune-up, now can I? Cops all over the state are looking for me by now.”

      His gut felt as though snakes were writhing inside him, biting his flesh and filling his blood with poison. He swallowed hard and said, “I’ll do it.”

      Beside him, Lilly stiffened. The robber blinked in surprise, then twisted his face with skepticism. “What?”

      “I’ll fix your engine.” Confidence in his impromptu idea flowed through him, emboldening him. “If you’ll let us go, unharmed, then I’ll do whatever repairs are needed to get you on the road and out of state.”

      Lilly gaped at him. The robber sat back on his heels and rubbed his cheek.

      A bubble of hope swelled in his chest. This could work. He cocked his head in question as he eyed the robber. “So...do we have a deal?”

       Chapter 5

      Dave held his breath, while in his mind, the details of his plan began spinning out and taking shape. This could work, if—

      The thug snorted. “Nice try, Hero. But I wasn’t born yesterday. If I let you two go, your first stop will be the police, and I’ll have cops on my tail inside of twenty minutes.”

      Dave’s hope deflated a little, but he wouldn’t give up. “We won’t go to the cops.”

      “Sure, you won’t,” his captor said, sneering. “And the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are real.” He faced Lilly. “Feet together, Lilly.”

      “How about this,” Lilly said, complying with his demand. “We give you twenty-four hours to drive as far out of Colorado as you can before we go to the cops.”

      The robber gave Lilly an ugly grin. “But that arrangement still has you going to the cops. And that is the deal breaker.” He tore another long strip of tape from the roll with a jarring rrriipp and began binding Lilly’s feet.

      Dave gritted his back teeth. At least they were talking, negotiating. He knew that, deep down, the guy was intrigued, tempted. The thug had to know his car was crap and was on the verge of breakdown. The promise of repairs that would facilitate his escape had to be enticing the thug on some level. “Then don’t let us go.”

      Lilly’s head swiveled toward him, her eyes wide, her mouth slack.

      But he had the robber’s attention, and he continued, “I fix the crap-mobile, and you leave us safe and uninjured, still bound, right here in the bedroom. You drive away, scot-free. But you have to swear not to hurt us. We are not injured in any way. That is my deal breaker.”

      He cut a brief look to Lilly, praying she’d trust him, and met her baffled expression.

      The robber stood and tossed the rest of the tape roll on the dresser. He twisted his mouth as he glared at Dave. “We’ll see. I ain’t making any deals now. I’m hurtin’ and need time to rest, regroup. I’m better off hiding here while the cops spin their wheels lookin’ for me.” He rubbed his side, carefully touching his bandage before walking into the bathroom. When he returned, he wore his shirt and had the gun in his hand again. Scowling, he divided a hard look between them. “I gotta get my pain pills outta my car. Don’t try anything while I’m gone, or I swear I’ll start shooting off toes.”

      The hardwood floor vibrated as the robber stomped out of the room.

      Dave muttered under his breath, calling the cretin every foul name he could think of.

      “You forgot ‘bastard’ and ‘son of a bitch,’” Lilly said quietly.

      “Hmm. Didn’t forget ’em. I was saving them for you.”

      She chuckled wryly, as he’d hoped she would, then fell silent. He searched for something, anything he could do to encourage her and buoy her spirits. As bad as things looked for them, he needed her not to give up, not to accept defeat. He’d rather she be fighting mad than fearful or hopeless.

      She scooted across the floor, pushing with her bound feet and wiggling her bottom a little at a time, until, back to back, they could lean against each other. He heard—and felt—Lilly heave a sad sigh. “I’m so sorry I got you into this, Dave.”

      He furrowed his brow, certain he hadn’t heard her correctly. “What? How...?” He gave a short dry laugh. “How is any of this your fault?”

      “He’s here at the house because of me. He told me that when I was cleaning out his gunshot wound.”

      “Are you saying you know him? I noticed he used your name.”

      “No. Nothing like that. It’s... He took my purse. Remember?”

      He grunted an acknowledgment.

      “Well, he saw my hospital ID in my purse and decided I was going to fix him up. He found Helen’s address on the stuff I took from her lockbox. I’m the reason he’s here. And I’m the reason you’re here, because I asked you to drive me and get your things.”

      Her forlorn tone gouged at his heart. He wished he could comfort her in some way. A hug, a smile, a pat on the back, but none of those options were СКАЧАТЬ