Her Handyman Hero. Lorraine Beatty
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Название: Her Handyman Hero

Автор: Lorraine Beatty

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781474080262


СКАЧАТЬ have a handyman now?”

      “I hope so. Floyd fired me.” She hastened to explain. “There’s always something around the place that needs to be fixed or repaired, and I’ve been calling Floyd to send someone over. But he can’t keep pulling guys off other jobs, and he’s going to start charging me for each call, so he suggested a guy who could work part-time and be on call for all my repairs.”

      “Can you afford it?”

      “No, but I don’t have a choice. If I’m going to have the bed-and-breakfast open for Thanksgiving week, I have to get all these repairs taken care of. Having someone on call would be a huge help. I already have four guests lined up. Everything has to be ready.”

      A little body pushed past Shelley and lunged at Tori.

      “Aunt Tori.”

      A rush of softness coursed through Tori’s body as she bent down to hug her little girl. “Did you have a fun day?”

      The dark curls shimmered as she nodded enthusiastically. “We made paper flowers. But we can’t show you yet. It’s for a surprise.”

      “That sounds like fun. I can’t wait.”

      Lily looked up at her teacher. “Can Emily come to our house and play when we get home?”

      Shelley touched Lily’s head lightly. “Sorry, kiddo. Emily has a dentist appointment today, but she can come over for a while later.”

      Lily pouted. “But I’ll miss her.”

      Tori hugged the girl. “You got a new book in the mail today. You can read it until Emily gets home.”

      “Yay! A book.”

      “We’d better go. I want to see how the handyman did, and maybe I can get him to take a look at the pocket door that’s jammed.”

      “So about this handyman,” Shelley prompted. “Old, young?”

      “Oh, he’s thirtyish, tall, dark, serious. I’ll let you know more if he works out.”

      “Are you working on the flood committee this weekend?”

      Tori nodded. “You?” Torrential rains last week had caused the Pearl River to overflow its banks, leaving serious damage to the west side of town. It had flooded several homes in an upscale neighborhood with four feet of water, but it was the homes farther downriver that had borne the brunt of destruction. The residents there had no insurance, no means of repairing or replacing their homes. Peace Community Church, along with other organizations in town, had formed committees to help pull out damaged walls and floors and rebuild the homes. Sadly, there were enough homes in need on that side of town to keep everyone busy for many weeks. Some had turned their attention to collecting furniture, clothing and household goods for them, as well.

      “I did, but I’m not sure how much help I’ll be. I’ve never cleaned out a flooded home before.”

      “Me neither, but my brother Linc said be sure and wear a mask because the stench is awful.”

      Shelley grimaced. “I suppose it is nasty work. But I can help.”

      “Are you sure?” Tori smiled as an image of the fastidious Shelley covered in grime formed in her mind. “I can’t wait to see that—Miss Spotless guts a house. I hope you have an appropriate outfit.”

      Her friend feigned insult. “I’ve got game. You wait and see.”

      Tori chuckled. “I’m going to take pictures. I know several people who won’t believe it without proof.”

      They said goodbye and Tori took Lily’s hand as they left the building, her thoughts still with the victims of the flood. She counted her blessings each time she thought about the people who had been forced from their homes. It put her problems into perspective. She faced a multitude of obstacles in getting her new B and B up and running, but it was nothing compared to losing everything.

      On the ride home Lily regaled Tori with stories from school, funny things she and Emily had done, and speculated on the book waiting for her at home.

      Tori was relieved to see that Reid’s dark blue truck was still parked at the curb when she pulled into the drive. The thought did cross her mind that she’d left a stranger in her house without a second thought. Then again, Floyd had sent him, so he must be trustworthy and qualified.

      Lily scurried ahead through the gate in the picket fence into the backyard. “Where’s my book?”

      Tori stopped on the walk when she saw the handyman sitting on the porch steps. He looked relaxed and at home. She started to smile, but his gaze latched onto hers and she caught her breath. He was studying her, sizing her up. She could sense his probing intellect reading her.

      She sucked in a breath and shook off the sensation. She was being silly. The man had a commanding presence to go along with his chiseled features. His jaw had been cut with a straight edge, his nose even and strong over a generous mouth. The air of intensity and mystery about him was both intriguing and unsettling.

      She stopped at the steps. Lily was already there staring. “Lily, this is Mr. Reid. He’s going to be helping around here for a while.”

      “Are you going to fix things? ’Cause we have lots of things that are broken.”

      Reid glanced at Tori, and the look in his eyes startled her. His mouth softened; his dark probing eyes warmed as he looked at her little girl. “Then I’ll do my best to fix them all.”

      Lily flashed her brightest smile. “Good, ’cause we have bee bees to get ready for.”

      Tori smiled and rested her hands on her daughter’s shoulders. “She means bed-and-breakfast guests. B and B. I want to have the house ready by the middle of next month. Will you be available during that time?”

      He looked at Lily. “I think I can work it out.”

      “Aunt Tori, where’s my new book?”

      “On the kitchen table.”

      The girl bounded up the stairs and hurried inside.

      Reid met her gaze with raised brows. “Aunt Tori?”

      His tone and gaze suggested there was more behind his question than mere curiosity.

      “Lily is my ward. I became her guardian when her mother died. Aunt Tori just sort of happened.” She faced her handyman and sensed his probing gaze again. He was gauging, trying to figure her out and making a mental list of her good and bad points. She looked away, flushed and uncomfortable. When she glanced back, the probing look was gone and his gaze was unreadable.

      Or was she merely being overly sensitive? It was happening more and more since she’d brought Lily back to her hometown. She questioned her decisions, second-guessed every move and read something negative in others’ comments and expressions too often.

      He stood. “I finished attaching the hardware. Is there anything else?”

      She had a long list, but for some reason she wasn’t ready to hand СКАЧАТЬ