Mills & Boon Christmas Delights Collection. Rebecca Winters
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      ‘How are the kids now?’

      ‘Much better, thank goodness. Lily’s upstairs having what’s she’s taken to calling a power nap, and Joey’s school has an inset day today so I’ve just dropped him off at a friend’s for the afternoon.’

      ‘That’s good. I think my previous client might be coming down with what they had. It really seems to be going around. She was looking pretty dreadful so in the end I just told her she ought to go to bed and give me a ring when she’s feeling better.’

      ‘Why didn’t she cancel before now, instead of dragging you out and risk giving it to you?’

      ‘Oh, she’s been so excited about getting started. I can’t blame her.’

      ‘Of course you can’t.’ Janey rolled her eyes.

      ‘What?’ I laughed.

      ‘You. You’re impossible. You project this no nonsense, strict school mistress persona – always smartly dressed, hair up, make-up immaculate–’

      ‘That makes me sound horribly dull, you know that don’t you?’

      ‘Don’t knock it. Some men love that look.’ She gave me a wink.

      ‘I sense a but.’

      ‘But it’s all bunkum.’

      ‘Excuse me?’

      ‘Underneath it all you’re as soppy as the rest of us.’


      ‘Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone. Although, between you and me, anyone worth their salt already knows anyway.’

      I got the distinct feeling that my friend didn’t count my current boyfriend as being amongst this group.

      ‘Right, I’d better be off.’ I slid off my stool. ‘Thanks for the tea and natter.’

      ‘Any time. Are you off to Michael now?’

      ‘No, I’ve got someone else in-between. Just a follow-up, so I’m hoping, unless something’s gone horribly wrong, that it shouldn’t take long.’

      Have fun. I hope things go OK tonight with Calum.’

      I tilted my head. ‘Do you?’

      Janey gave me a squeeze and then held me by my upper arms. ‘I’m afraid I’m too much like my big brother to pretend I like something when I don’t. I am not Calum’s biggest fan, that’s for sure. I think you deserve someone that makes you a whole lot happier and pays you a hell of lot more attention than he does. But I’m not going to fall out with you over him. I’ve a feeling you’ll see the light yourself eventually anyway.’

      ‘I don’t really know what to say to that. Thank you doesn’t really seem applicable.’

      Janey grinned. ‘At least make sure you order the most expensive thing on the menu.’

      I shook my head, slid my feet into my shoes and pulled my coat from the rack. Janey tucked a hair behind my ear.

      ‘We just want the best for you, you know. That’s all.’

      ‘I know you do Janey.’ I gave her a hug. ‘I’m so grateful for your friendship, and everything you are. You know that. Even if I’m not always very good at showing it, I promise you, I am.’

      ‘I know you are. Now, go on, be off with you and stop cluttering up my house. And text me later.’

      ‘I will. I promise.’

      Checking my watch, I calculated I had nine minutes to get to the next client. It should only take seven so I was pretty much on schedule.


      I walked up the steps to Michael’s house and rang the bell. The previous client’s follow-up had taken even less time than I’d planned as they had had done so well and were still happy with the way things were going. I’d texted Michael and explained the situation, suggesting that as I was cutting the appointment this evening shorter, I was happy to come a little earlier, but only if it suited him. He’d replied almost immediately saying to just come whenever I was ready.

      To be honest, I was a little nervous after the row and the walking me to the door. I felt a bit odd and slightly awkward. We seemed more than just client and service provider, but were we actually friends? And why was he so bothered about who I dated? I squared my shoulders and reminded myself that this was the very last time I did a favour for a friend. If this was the level of complication it caused, I could most certainly live without it.

      I pressed the doorbell and almost immediately Michael opened the door, making me jump.

      ‘Gosh! Were you hiding behind the door!’

      He smiled. ‘No. But I saw you walking up the street from my office.’


      ‘Here.’ He took my coat and hung it on a spare hook. I stared. For the first time, I could actually see most of the hall floor.

      ‘When did this happen?’

      He rubbed his hand over his stubble. ‘Last night. I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d get up and do something useful. I mean, I know it’s not perfect, but I tried to remember everything you said and put it into practice. And I took all those boxes to the charity shop and the dump this morning. That’s made quite a lot of space.’

      I couldn’t help smiling. The house was really coming together. For the first time since we started, I was actually feeling sure that we could really make the Christmas deadline.

      ‘I bet it has. Are you pleased?’

      ‘Huh? Yes. Yes, of course.’

      ‘Oh. Good.’ I struggled to maintain my smile. Michael didn’t look as pleased as I’d hoped he would, which made me worry about the longevity of the organisation. I’d never had anyone totally ‘relapse’ yet, but, then again, I’d never had a client come to me in quite the same set of circumstances as he had.

      ‘Is everything all right?’

      ‘Yes. I need to show you something.’

      ‘All right.’ I bent, took off my shoes and tucked them against the wall, then turned back to Michael.

      ‘Lead the way.’

      To my surprise, he merely took a few steps and then stopped outside of his office.

      ‘Oh no!’ I put my hands up to my mouth.

      ‘What?’ he asked, concern creasing his face.

      ‘You messed it up?’ I raised my eyes to his.

      ‘You know, a lesser man might be hurt at your complete lack of faith.’