Mills & Boon Christmas Delights Collection. Rebecca Winters
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      ‘Yes. Thank you.’

      He shook his head.


      ‘When you realised I’d come off my bike the other day, you were fussing around me within moments – in a good way!’ He held up his hand before I could say anything. ‘And I know for a fact you are always checking on Janey and the kids, especially now with the baby coming. But the moment someone tries to do the same to you, you look like you just want to disappear.’

      I pulled a napkin off the table and dabbed at my lap with it, more as something to do with my hands than for any effective purpose.

      Because Michael was absolutely right. It wasn’t that I didn’t like people fussing over me. It was more that I just had no idea how to react to it. It had always been me taking care of others, a role I had grown up with and got used to. It was the way it had always been and one I knew I was good at.

      I shook my head and tried to laugh it off. ‘I just don’t like a fuss.’

      Michael looked like he was about to say something else but Linda’s arrival with the dinners interrupted.

      ‘Right. Let’s try again, shall we?’ She placed the plates and my drink down safely. ‘Are you warming up again now? Are you sure you don’t need to check that gravy didn’t burn you?’

      ‘No, really Linda, I’m OK. Honestly.’

      ‘It’s just – ’

      ‘I’ll make sure she’s all right,’ Michael interrupted, a charming and disarming smile on his face.

      Linda looked at him, then at me, smiled and nodded. ‘OK. Well, so long as I know you’re in good hands.’ She winked at me again. ‘Bon appetit.’ And she was off.

      ‘Now she definitely thinks we’re an item.’

      Michael shrugged as he dug in.

      ‘It did the trick, didn’t it?’ He took a forkful. ‘Mmm, this is really good!’

      He was right. It had done the trick. Of course it had.

      I loaded up my own fork. ‘Must be nice.’

      ‘What’s that?’

      ‘Women bending to your every whim, taking your word as gospel.’

      He pulled a face. ‘It can be. But that’s why I like spending time with you.’

      ‘Oh, I can’t wait to hear this.’

      ‘You help keep me grounded.’

      ‘God, you’re arrogant.’ I laughed, taking a mouthful of roast.

      ‘Maybe you can work on that for me too, along with the house.’

      ‘Sorry. Some things are beyond even my help.’

      ‘Ouch. And after I’d rescued you from all the fussing too?’

      ‘Rescued me? I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think Prince Charming has got anything to worry about just yet.’

      ‘Is that so?’

      I shrugged. ‘Sorry to be so blunt.’

      ‘I’ll get over it.’

      ‘I’m sure you will.’

      Michael lifted his gaze and met mine. Shaking his head, a resigned smile on his face, he set back to demolishing his dinner.


      ‘God, you smell delicious!’ Mark declared as he let us in and gave me a quick hug. Taking in the look of surprise on my face, and then the six foot four brick outhouse standing behind me, he seemed to suddenly feel the need to elaborate. ‘I mean, literally delicious. Like food. Like…’ He leant over and sniffed me again. I fixed him with a look and he backed off. ‘You smell like roast beef.’

      ‘Yes. Well, Emily had a moment and it ended with a roast dinner and all the trimmings in my lap.’


      ‘Anyway, Mark meet Michael, Michael, this is Mark. He’s our head vet and pretty much runs this place.’

      They shook hands and Mark threw me a private look which I made a point of ignoring.

      ‘So, how’s things?’ I asked.

      ‘Good. Timmy got picked up today and I swear to God he was smiling.’

      ‘I told you he smiled.’

      ‘Yeah. Well, I just thought you were a bit nuts.’

      ‘Thanks. He just never smiled at you because you’re a vet and do nasty things and I do all the nice things.’

      ‘Rubbish. He just smiled at you because he’s a tart and you’re pretty.’

      Michael chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

      ‘And you heard about Sara’s engagement?’

      ‘Yes! Isn’t it wonderful? I’m so happy for them.’

      ‘Bit of a surprise, I have to say. Never thought old Henry would come round to the idea of marriage again. Sounds like his first one was a right disaster.’

      I was madly making signals with my eyes, hoping that we could drop the subject of first marriages that hadn’t gone particularly well, bearing in mind my present company. Unfortunately Mark wasn’t picking up on any of them up.

      ‘But you can’t assume just because one didn’t go well, the next one won’t. I mean, it’s a whole different set of circumstances, isn’t it? Thank God Jilly didn’t give up on the concept after her first one ended.’

      Forgetting the task of trying to avoid potential awkwardness for a moment, I smiled at his expression. ‘You old romantic,’ I said, nudging him with my arm.

      He gave me a look that as much as said ‘you caught me’.

      ‘So, anyway. I imagine you want to know how your boy Rooney is today?’

      ‘Rooney,’ Michael said quietly, shaking his head.

      ‘Bit of a crap name, isn’t it?’ Mark agreed. ‘You could always change it. He won’t mind.’

      I stifled a smile. Mark had used practically the same phrase as me but Michael saw it anyway and shot me a look. Which made me smile even more.

      We got to the kennel block and Mark turned to Michael. ‘Look, I know this is all Kate’s idea, more than yours. I’m not doubting your ability to look after a dog, or anything, and I know you’ve had one before, but like I said to Katie, it’s got to be the right time for you. Sadly there are always new ones coming in so if it’s not the right time, then it wouldn’t be fair СКАЧАТЬ