Mills & Boon Christmas Delights Collection. Rebecca Winters
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СКАЧАТЬ nodded, which was just about all I could do.


      Janey was sat on her yoga mat next to me, eating a yoghurt whilst I looked at her upside down from my current full bridge position. The yoga teacher had been giving her various suitable exercises to do during her pregnancy but it seemed that tonight Janey was disinclined to do many of them.

      ‘I’m going to be the size of a house,’ she whispered, opening the lid of another yoghurt which squirted me right in the eye as the seal broke.

      ‘Oh sorry!’ Janey dabbed at my ever reddening face with a tissue.

      The teacher released us from the position and I shuffled on my mat to get ready for the cool down exercises. Janey wiggled herself around and stretched her legs out in front of her. It seemed only the men had got the height in her family. She moved her toes back and forth in a half-hearted attempt at doing something resembling what we were there for.

      ‘Jesus,’ she whispered. ‘Look at that woman’s arse. How is that even possible? It makes Kylie’s backside look…well, like mine!’

      She had a point. The woman’s backside was bloody perfect and the fact that I was stuck right behind her was doing absolutely nothing for my ego.

      ‘You’re not going to be the size of a house. You’re pregnant, for goodness’ sake. There’s another human being inside you!’

      Janey was still focusing on the woman in front of me. ‘Do you think she spends all day doing squats or just won the arse lottery?’

      Laughter burst from me in the middle of a deep breath in and we got a look from the instructor that told us we were heading for the naughty step.

      ‘Stop it,’ I whispered. ‘You’re getting me into trouble.’

      ‘Ah, a bit of trouble can be good for you.’

      I glanced over and Janey winked.

      ‘I don’t have time for trouble.’

      ‘Is that so?’

      ‘Absolutely so. Now shush and lie down for a few minutes. The rest will do you good.’

      Janey pulled a face at me but did as she was told. I closed my eyes and let my thoughts drift. A hand touching mine pulled me back. I rolled my head to see Janey. She squeezed my fingers and smiled, her eyes remaining closed.

      ‘You’ve a kind soul Katie girl.’

      I returned the finger squeeze and then resumed concentrating on my breathing, pushing out all the thoughts and memories that were threatening to invade.


      As I stood on my client’s driveway waiting, yet again, I was seriously reconsidering my declaration to Bernice the other day that I didn’t entirely dislike Michael O’Farrell as much as I had done initially. I’d texted and got no answer and when I called a quarter of an hour later, his phone had gone straight to voicemail. I’d already waited over half an hour and had absolutely no inclination to waste any more time. I couldn’t believe that he’d done it again!

      Picking up my bag, I began marching back towards the pavement when the sound of a motorbike getting closer made me pause. But only for a moment. I didn’t have time to be messed about. He’d have to reschedule this time. The bike swung onto the parking area and Michael was off it quicker than he had been before, pulling his helmet from his head as he walked towards me. I watched for a moment and frowned.

      ‘Katie I’m so sorry! I know you’re probably mad as stink with me, but I swear to God, this time – ’

      I tilted my head, my frown deepening. ‘Are you limping?’

      ‘What? Oh, yes, maybe a bit.’

      I peered around his bulk at the bike behind him. Half the fairing was cracked and the paintwork was all scarred down one side. I looked up at him, my annoyance replaced with concern, a silent question on my face.

      ‘Some idiot opened his car door without looking.’

      My eyes widened.

      ‘Stupid bastard.’ He looked down at me. ‘I tried to call you, but I think I must have landed on my phone at one point, and it kind of ended badly for the phone.’

      ‘At one point?’

      ‘Yeah. There was some acrobatics involved. Quite impressive, if I do say so myself. At least a nine point seven.’

      He grinned but as he began walking up the steps, I could see the pain behind it.

      ‘You need to go to hospital.’

      ‘No, I don’t.’

      ‘Michael something might be broken!’

      ‘They gave me a good check over at the scene. It’s fine.’

      ‘But there might be something internal! Really, you should go. Please!’

      I heard the crack in my voice at the same time as Michael did. He stopped and looked down at me, the intense gaze full of question.

      ‘What’s going on Katie?’

      I took a breath. ‘Nothing. I’m just saying. Some injuries aren’t always obvious. It’s best to be safe.’

      ‘I’m going to have some bruises, that’s for sure but that’s all it is. I promise.’

      I nodded, and broke the gaze.

      ‘Thank you for your concern though. I do appreciate it.’

      ‘Janey would be devastated if something happened to you.’

      Not looking at me, Michael hesitated with the key at the lock for a moment before plunging it in and turning. ‘Of course.’

      ‘You know, you probably ought to rest. It must be a shock, something like that, apart from all your bumps and bruises. I can sort another time for this session, even if it’s the weekend, so that we don’t get behind.’

      ‘No plans for the weekend then?’

      ‘No, not really,’ I said, keeping my voice light. No need to tell Michael that all my recent suggestions for plans with Calum had come to nothing.

      ‘The man’s a fool.’

      ‘So everyone keeps saying.’

      ‘Maybe you should start listening to everyone then?’

      I let out a sigh. ‘Could we get back to you?’

      ‘Sure.’ He smiled.

      I rolled my eyes. ‘I should have known that would be a favourite topic.’

      He really did have a nice laugh, I had to admit that, no matter how infuriating the rest of him could be at times.

      ‘And СКАЧАТЬ