To Catch A Wife. Lee Mckenzie
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Название: To Catch A Wife

Автор: Lee Mckenzie

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Heartwarming

isbn: 9781474054836


СКАЧАТЬ he hadn’t called. He had a knack for picking up on a person’s emotions, for reading their body language, and right now, Emily was both surprised and irritated. He hadn’t expected this third emotion, though, something akin to fear.

      “How did you know I was here?” he asked, sitting up straighter. It was a dumb question, a question he wouldn’t have asked, and in a tone he wouldn’t have used if he felt more in control.

      “I had no idea you were here.” She narrowed her gaze. “Why are you here?”

      Wasn’t it obvious? “A shave, a haircut.”

      She rolled her eyes. “Here in Riverton.”

      “Oh. I have to interview a witness at the police station this afternoon.”

      “Okay.” She looked as though she didn’t believe him.

      “What are you doing here?” he asked.

      “I live here.”

      His turn for an eye roll. “Here, in the barbershop, not here in Riverton.”


      But he already knew the answer. “Fred texted you I was here, didn’t he?”

      Emily shook her head. “He didn’t say anything about you. He just said I needed to get over here.”

      Jack did not like the sound of that, not one bit. “Why would he do that?”

      She started to say something, seemed to think better of it and closed her mouth.

      “Why did he say the two of us need to talk? Did you tell him about us?”

      She was blushing furiously and looking guilty as all get-out. He could understand that she’d maybe talk to a girlfriend or her sisters about their night together. He knew women shared those kinds of details, but would she talk to another guy about them?

      Unless...for a few seconds, his doubts got the better of him. Were she and Fred more than friends? Or was Fred more of a girlfriend type of friend? Not that Fred’s relationships were any of his business, but there was obviously something going on here that involved Jack, and that was his business. There had to be a reason the guy had been so jumpy when Jack had walked into the shop. He planned to find out what it was.

      Jack stabbed his fingers through hair that was evidently not going to get cut after all. “Why would you do that? And how many other people know about us?”

      “Us? There’s an us? Huh. You could have fooled me.” Her tone was defensive, and he could hardly fault her for it.

      Not only had he started out on the wrong foot, now he’d made her mad. Who was he kidding? She had probably been mad for weeks. Now there was every chance he’d messed up a good thing, possibly the best thing that had happened in a long time. To make matters worse, if she had talked to Fred about their night, she would have told her sisters, too, and possibly any number of other people. This might be all over Riverton by now. No. It couldn’t be. If it was, his mother would have heard about it, and then he really would have heard about it.

      At this point, it didn’t matter who knew and who didn’t. He needed to come clean with Emily, make her understand how intense this triple homicide investigation was and explain he was an idiot who wanted a second chance. Maybe grovel a little.

      “Look, I’m sorry,” he said. “Not calling you was a stupid move. Or maybe lack of a move is a better way to describe it. I meant to call, wanted to see you again. I never meant to take this long to get around to it.”

      “Technically, you still haven’t.”

      Ouch. She was more composed now. She wasn’t going to make this easy for him, and he could hardly blame her.

      “That’s true, but I was going to.” To prove his point, he jumped up and crossed the shop to where his jacket hung and then returned to the chair with her business card in his hand. “I was planning to call this afternoon, as soon as I finished my interview.”

      He glanced at the wall clock. He was going to have one antsy witness on his hands by the time he finally made it to the station, but this thing with Emily couldn’t be rushed.

      “You were?”

      “I was. I...” He considered his options before he continued. Pour on the charm? Shoot from the hip? Knowing she would see right through the first option, he decided on the second. “Look, the truth is, I’m not very good at being in a relationship when I’m working a case.”

      Her eyes widened at his use of the R word. Confident he was on the right path, he continued.

      “Really lousy at it, actually.” He’d been hauled on the carpet by several former girlfriends, and one had used far more colorful language than that to describe his single-minded absorption with a case, but this was not the time to share those kinds of details with Emily.

      “Within a few days after Eric’s funeral, there were three murders in Chicago. Different parts of the city, different times of the day over three days. Three victims who at first seemed to have no connection to one another. The only similarity was the MO. All three victims were stabbed multiple times and with the same knife.”

      Emily paled. “I remember reading about them. Didn’t pay attention to the details, though. Those kinds of news stories give me the willies, which is why I prefer human-interest stories. You had to investigate the murders?”

      “I did.”

      “I’m sorry. “

      He shrugged. “It’s what I do. It took some time, but we eventually figured out the connection. A social worker, a foster parent and a street person, all with a past connection to a young woman.”

      “She killed them?” Emily sounded incredulous.

      “No, her boyfriend did, and then she disappeared. He’s in custody now, but he’s not talking. Until this morning, we had no idea if she was dead or alive.”

      “And that’s who you’re here to interview?”

      “That’s right.”

      “Why would she come to Riverton?”

      “I guess I’ll find out when I talk to her.” He checked the clock again. He really needed to get to the station, ASAP. “Anyway, none of this is an excuse for not calling you. It’s just how I am when I get caught up in a case. Until it’s solved, it’s 24/7. And since it looks like I’m not getting that shave, I need to get to the station and get this interview over with. They’re holding her on a suspected DUI, but they can’t keep her there forever.”

      Emily studied the card he held. He couldn’t tell if she was avoiding eye contact or if she had something else on her mind. She took a deep breath, let it out in a rush. “There’s something else.”

      He had no idea what she was about to say, but he had a pretty good idea he wasn’t going to like it.

      “That night when we were...together. Something sort happened.”

      An СКАЧАТЬ