By Request Collection April-June 2016. Оливия Гейтс
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СКАЧАТЬ to life in her center and sent sparks spreading in a slow burn through her system. When he slipped a finger into her, she gasped his name as the unspeakable pleasure rushed through her. Then she fell weightlessly, bonelessly, and even as she did, he used his mouth on her and sent her soaring again. And again. There was nothing, no one but him. He could have asked anything of her. She would have refused him nothing. But all he did was give her more.

      WHEN HE DREW BACK, HE WATCHED her in the thin shafts of sunlight as he hurriedly dealt with the rest of his clothes and slipped on protection. Her skin was sheened with moisture, her hair spread out on the floor, her eyes dazed and on his.

      “Now,” she whispered.

      That one word shredded whatever thin grasp he still had on his control and triggered a series of explosions inside of him. The craving that had been building for so long had become so huge that he wasn’t going to survive another second unless he filled her.

      When he did, she cried out from the shock, from the intensity of the pleasure, and he felt his control snap. As he drove into her in fast, desperate thrusts, she matched him move for move. Heat became intense. Glorious. The pace was fast. Furious.

      They were in a race, one that everything depended on, and they were neck and neck. The speed was insane, the pleasure outrageous. They both cried out as they reached the finish line together. He heard his name blend with hers before reality faded completely.

      WHEN PIPER FINALLY OPENED HER eyes, she was lying on the floor of the library staring up at the ceiling two stories above. Her mind was gradually swimming back to reality, and she wasn’t sure she could move. It wasn’t just the fact that Duncan’s arm and leg were pinning her down. She’d just never felt so relaxed, so spent. So … right?

      No. Quickly, she pictured her bottle and corked up that little idea. Sex on demand was the perfect fantasy. No strings. No expectations. That was the deal she’d made with Duncan and herself.

      At least she hoped they’d both agreed to it. She’d done most of the talking before she’d climbed onto his lap and conversation had pretty much ceased. She wasn’t even clear on how much time had passed since she’d first entered the library. Minutes? Surely not hours. The slant of the sun through the windows hadn’t shifted that much. And the dust motes had returned to their slow dance.

      Still, she couldn’t work up the will to move. She’d never noticed before that the ceiling was intricately carved and painted with some sort of scene; she couldn’t imagine a more delightful way to have discovered its beauty. She felt her lips curve at the thought. So at least some part of her body was working.

      Duncan stirred at her side. She angled her head, pleased to discover that it was also working, and met his eyes. For just a moment, she lost track of time again and there was just the two of them. Nothing else. No one else. She could have lain there just like that for a long time.

      Too dangerous, she thought and searched for something to say.

      Duncan beat her to it. “Do you think that qualified as monkey sex?”

      She blinked, and then smiled at him. “I highly doubt that monkeys know how to do what you just did.”

      “Thanks, I think.” He kissed the tip of her nose, then drew back to study her for a moment. He’d never felt so relaxed with her before. He wasn’t sure he’d felt this comfortable with any woman. “You surprise me.” Stunned would have been a more accurate word, he thought. And when he saw the slight frown flicker over her face, he gave her a quick hug. “In a good way.” In every way. She’d been wild in a way he’d never imagined. And more responsive than he’d ever dreamed. “I don’t think I’ll ever look at this library—or any library—in quite the same way again.”

      The smile lit her face again. “Me, neither. So … are we in agreement?”

      “About what?” For a moment he’d become totally focused on the way the light played over her features.

      “About my proposal—sex on demand. It’s the best solution to what’s happening between us. It’ll keep everything simple and neat.”

      Duncan traced a finger along her jaw line, felt her tremble. “You like simple.” He liked it himself. Especially in his personal life, he’d always preferred it to complicated. But whatever they called it, he knew that what he’d just begun with Piper MacPherson was going to be as complicated as hell. He lifted the strap of her bra, rubbed the red lace between his finger and thumb. Who would have thought that beneath those conservative suits she was wearing something this… provocative?

      “Duncan.” She raised her hands to clasp the sides of his head, then waited for his eyes to meet hers. “I need you to focus on this because we have a lot on our plates.

      We should get at least this part settled, and I have the feeling that half of your mind is on something else.”

      “It is,” he said. “But I can multitask.” There was some satisfaction in seeing her eyes widen as he fished into the pocket of his jeans to get another condom, then sheath himself in it. “If I recall, our deal is sex on demand, anytime, anyplace?”


      “Okay then.” He settled himself between her legs and then entered her in one smooth stroke. “This time it’s going to be a long, slow ride.”

      And it was.


      TAKING A HIKE HAD BEEN Duncan’s idea. Piper had been motivated to agree when she realized that after making love three times, she would have been perfectly content to lie curled up with him on one of the couches in the library until they’d recovered enough for round four.

      The sex on demand she’d fantasized about at nineteen was supposed to be convenient, not addicting. One of its benefits was they should actually be able to get some work done. So far they hadn’t made much headway in the Lightman files. So it was probably a good idea to take a break and clear their heads.

      It was one of those perfect days in the Adirondacks. The sun was high in the sky, the lake a perfectly matching blue below them. By the time she’d showered and changed, Duncan had already packed their lunch into a backpack and was waiting for her on the kitchen terrace. The man was meticulously organized.

      His pace was brisk, but in spite of the fact that his legs were longer, she had no problem keeping up with him. The path he’d chosen was a familiar one that wound upward through the woods to the cliff face bordering the lake.

      “Have you visited those old caves lately?” Duncan asked.

      “No.” She’d run along the cliffs frequently when she was in high school, but she’d never climbed down to revisit the caves after that summer he and his brothers had visited. She shot him a sideways glance. Maybe he’d forgotten how she’d frozen on the cliff face that day. “It was never one of my favorite places. If you’ll recall, playing damsel in distress wasn’t exactly my cup of tea.”

      “I do. After the first time we played pirates there, Reid and I tried to talk Cam out of playing it again. We thought it was too dangerous for you girls.”

      “Good thing you didn’t tell us that. And I take it you didn’t convince СКАЧАТЬ