Forgotten Past. Mary Alford
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Название: Forgotten Past

Автор: Mary Alford

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

isbn: 9781474047586


СКАЧАТЬ glanced at JT. “I don’t like it. There has to be some way he’s keeping track of Faith. Is this the same cell phone you’ve had since Austin?”

      His question surprised her. She hadn’t considered the possibility he might track her through her phone. “Yes it is, but I’ve changed my number each time I’ve moved. Do you think that’s how he’s able to keep finding me?”

      “I don’t know, but it would certainly make sense. I’m going to have one of my techs check the phone for any tracking devices.” Will grabbed his cell phone and spoke briefly to someone. “Do I have your consent to have your calls traced?”

      “Of course,” she agreed. “Anything you need.”

      “Good. If we can keep him on the line long enough, we might be able to find out where he is.”

      A huge weight lifted from her shoulders and hope took root. She quickly quashed it. It was too soon. She’d lived in fear for too long.

      While the tech set up his equipment to check her phone for a possible tracking device, the enormity of what had taken place there today finally sank in. She desperately needed a moment alone.

      She rose to her feet. “I could use some coffee. Would anyone else like some?”

      Both men nodded in unison.

      “Let me help you,” JT offered.

      “No, it’s okay...I can get it. I’ll be right back.” She hurried away before he could say anything else.

      The kitchen was empty although several officers worked outside. For the time being, she was safe. Her stalker surely wouldn’t try anything with so many law enforcement personnel around. Releasing a slow, steady breath, Faith got out the coffee supplies, and went about making a fresh pot.

      As she waited for coffee to brew, she struggled to make sense of the shadowy images coming more frequently. Since she’d stopped taking the meds prescribed for her at the hospital, things were becoming clearer. At times, she could almost see his face.

      Her fingers shook as she poured the coffee into three cups.

      “How are you holding up?” JT asked from the doorway. She hadn’t heard him come in.

      It took longer than she wished to steady her voice. “I’m fine. Did the tech find anything?”

      JT shook his head. “No. He did a thorough sweep. There’s no tracking device on the phone.”

      She sighed impatiently. “Then how does he keep finding me?”

      “I don’t know.”

      JT came into the room, took the cups from her and set them on the counter. He was so close. She could feel his warm breath against her face. His thumb stroked her cheek and she closed her eyes. She liked having him near, feeling his touch. Leaning on his strength.

      “I know this is hard,” he said gently.

      It was hard, but having him in her corner made it so much easier. “Yes, but I’m all right...I’ll be all right.”

      He grinned at her. “Ready?”

      She was. She was ready to move beyond the darkness of the past two years. Ready for some happiness in her life.

      JT picked up the cups and she trailed behind him to the great room.

      “Thanks.” Will accepted the coffee from JT, then he nodded at Faith. “I won’t lie, the fact that we hit a dead end with the tracking device was a setback, but there has to be some way this guy keeps finding you. It took some doing, but I was able to put a trace on your cell phone right away. When he calls again we’ll be ready for him.”

      “Let’s hope he calls,” JT told them grimly. “Because right now, nothing about this guy fits with what I’ve read about stalkers.”

      “I have to agree.” Will’s tone was tense. “I’ve worked dozens of stalking cases and there is always a history of some type. A love affair gone bad. Advances spurned by the victim. In cases not involving celebrities, I’ve never heard of someone stalking a person without having some unrequited interest in them. Unfortunately, your inability to remember your past puts us at a disadvantage. We don’t know what we’re up against.”

      His gaze bore into hers. She had a feeling he knew she hadn’t told him everything.

      “I know this has been hard for you, and I hate to be the bearer of more bad news, but I need you to understand something. This is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.” Will didn’t try to sugarcoat his words. “I can tell you one thing with absolute confidence—once this guy feels cornered, the violence will continue to escalate. We do have a slight edge, though. We know it’s coming and there are things you can do to protect yourself.”

      He gave her a moment to process what he’d said.

      “Such as?” Faith asked.

      “For starters, I don’t want you to leave the house. If you need something, ask for it. We’ll get it for you.”

      She’d given up so much of her life already. Now she had to become a prisoner in her own home? How much more freedom did she have to relinquish?

      “I’ve put my best officers on the house, but I’m going to suggest something as a precaution. JT, can you show her the proper way to use a weapon? At this point, we can’t afford to be too careful. I’d rather you know how to take care of yourself just in case.”

      Faith struggled to collect her thoughts. This was really happening. She’d chosen to stop running and fight. There was no turning back now.

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