Caught In A Storm Of Passion. Lucy Ryder
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Название: Caught In A Storm Of Passion

Автор: Lucy Ryder

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781474037327


СКАЧАТЬ waved his arm, sending drops of water flying. “That’s an open invitation to dehydration and heat exhaustion.”

      She eyed the sodden mass for a couple beats before lifting her gaze, her expression rife with annoyance and maybe her opinion of his medical skills.

      It wasn’t in the least complimentary. So why the hell did Chase feel his lips twitch?

      There was nothing amusing about this. Nothing at all. And he certainly wasn’t attracted to her. No way. She was too uptight for his liking, and she literally vibrated with exhaustion and impatience.

      After a couple more beats she sighed and rose shakily to her feet. Taking the towels from him, she sagged weakly against the counter, where she dumped the sloppy mess and reached for the dispenser.

      “Maybe because I was on my way to a conference in London when I got a very disturbing message about my sister getting married to a man she’s only just met. A loser who’s probably taking advantage of her right this minute. And,” she added, sending him a look in the mirror that questioned the size of his brain, “in case you think everyone lives in perpetual summer, the northern hemisphere is experiencing a season called winter. I left Boston in freezing rain and landed in a London blizzard.”

      “Well, that—” he gestured rudely to her once-snazzy outfit, outraged by the nasty quip about his brother “—will have to go, or you’ll be fainting on me every five minutes.” Jude wasn’t the kind of guy to take advantage of women, more like the other way around.

      She made a growling sound in the back of her throat and her narrowed gaze snapped up to lock on his in the mirror. Her expression didn’t bode well for his continued good health.

      He barely managed to cover his grin with another frown.

      Dammit. What the hell was wrong with him?

      “I did not faint,” she said slowly, precisely. As though he was a few bricks short of a wall.

      He snorted, beginning to enjoy himself. “Could have fooled me.”

      Her eyes narrowed further. “I never faint. Anyway, why do you care? It’s not like we’re ever going to see each other again after I fly out of here.”

      Her tone suggested she couldn’t wait for that moment, so he sighed and pushed away from the counter. Yeah, well, neither could he. But that wasn’t about to happen.

      For either of them.

      His enjoyment abruptly vanished.

      “Uh-huh?” he drawled, heading for the door, where he paused, turning to find an odd expression on her face as she watched him leave. “And how do you plan to fly out of here, Your Highness? Grow a pair of wings?”

      “Don’t be absurd. I’m looking for Chase...something or other.” She frowned and lifted pale unsteady fingers to the bruise already forming on her forehead.

      He tried not to feel guilty for putting it there as it had mostly been her fault. Besides, his eye was also swelling, and his cheek hurt like hell.

      Her hand dropped to clutch the counter, as though she was a little dizzy. She sucked in a deep breath that just about gave him a heart attack as those creamy mounds of flesh rose above the lace-trimmed camisole. It was several seconds before he realized that while he was having some very racy thoughts, she was gaping at him with dawning horror.

      “You’re Chase, aren’t you?”

      For a long moment he stared at her with an odd feeling clenching his gut. It wasn’t exactly fear. Because he wasn’t afraid of anything. Not Chase Gallagher. Nuh-uh. No way. And certainly not of a city woman.

      He snorted. Especially not this city woman, with her tawny hair, creamy skin and large whiskey eyes. She was going to be his brother’s sister-in-law, for God’s sake. Which made her practically family. And if there was one thing a Gallagher didn’t do it was leave family—no matter what.

      “Don’t be too long,” he ordered over his shoulder. “Our lunch should be here soon, and I need to load the cargo before we leave.”

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