The Cowgirl's Forever Family. Helen Lacey
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Название: The Cowgirl's Forever Family

Автор: Helen Lacey

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: The Cedar River Cowboys

isbn: 9781474041645


СКАЧАТЬ had filed for emancipation from my parents,” he said, his voice void of any emotion.

      She sucked in a breath. “Oh, gosh...why?”

      His expression narrowed. “It doesn’t matter why.”

      It did, she thought, imagining all kinds of horrors. “Were they mean to you?”

      He offered a cynical grin, like he couldn’t believe how inquisitive she was. “No, they were kind people. And good parents. They still are.”


      He sighed heavily, clearly irritated by her questions. “They were a little...unorthodox,” he said and stood. “We should get Cara fed and—”

      “You don’t like talking about yourself, do you?”

      “Not particularly,” he replied. “Do you?”

      “No,” she said. “But you have the advantage here. I need to make a good impression for Cara’s sake, so that means you get to ask whatever you want. And since we’re going to be living together for the next week, it’s only natural that I might want to know something about you. Plus, it will be a long week if we don’t speak to each other, don’t you think?”

      His mouth curled, like he wanted to smile, but didn’t. “Okay, you can ask a couple of questions. What would you like to know?”

      Brooke inhaled deeply. “You said earlier you don’t have a wife. Have you ever been married?”



      He shook his head. “No.”

      “Longest relationship and who was she?”

      He shook his head again. “Six months. She worked in the DA’s office.”

      “Do you have any siblings?”


      “Why did you divorce your parents?” she asked quickly.

      “Emancipate,” he corrected. “And it’s complicated.”

      Brooke raised both brows. “I’m still listening.”

      He sighed. “Like I said, they are kind people, but when I was thirteen they took up residence at a shared living community. It wasn’t a life that I wanted for myself.”

      Brooke’s eyes widened. “Like a commune?”

      He nodded. “I wanted to go to college. They didn’t agree with that decision.”

      She grabbed a couple of mugs and put them on the counter. “So you ran away and got a lawyer.”

      “I ran away and ended up in social services.”

      It sounded like a nightmare and made Brooke even more grateful for her happy childhood. “And that’s where you met Yelena’s grandfather?”


      She glanced at him. “Do you still see your parents?”

      “Not much.”

      “They must miss you, though... I mean, if you’re their only child. Family and blood ties are important and—”

      “I was adopted,” he said, silencing her immediately.

      Brooke stared at him, thinking of his complicated upbringing, and feeling an acute kind of sadness deep down. “Thank you for telling me. How old are you?”


      “Any vices I should know about?”

      He grinned just a little, showing off his dimple. “Not one.”

      The air between them thickened. There was a kind of seductive energy surrounding him that was impossible to ignore.

      “No one is that perfect,” Brooke said, feeling heat smack her cheeks. “Take me for instance. I like sweet white coffee, cold toast and I love sleeping in on Sunday mornings.”

      He propped Cara on his hip and looked at Brooke so intently that her knees weakened. Suddenly having him living in her house didn’t seem like such a great idea.

      Because there was something in the air between them.

      Something she hadn’t experienced for a long time, felt for a long time.

      Awareness. Attraction. Chemistry. Heat.

      Call it by a dozen different names...but it was really only one thing.


      And it was everywhere. In the air, crawling over her skin, pumping through her blood.

      “I like unsweetened black coffee,” he said smoothly, not missing a beat, not dragging his gaze from hers. “I like warm toast. And I only ever stay in bed on a Sunday morning if I have a woman in that bed with me.”

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