Dirty Secrets. Jane O'Reilly
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Название: Dirty Secrets

Автор: Jane O'Reilly

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9781474030748


СКАЧАТЬ against me as he leans over and turns the screen off. ‘You can look now,’ he says.

      I move my fingers slightly. I don’t move my hands until I see the blank screen. I’m breathing too fast, and my heart is racing. I can’t believe what I just saw. I’m shocked, so shocked I’m almost panicking.

      And I’m aroused. I don’t want to be. I know that it’s wrong. But it’s happening anyway. I get to my feet, needing to be away from this place. I shouldn’t have come here. It was a mistake.

      I turn, and see Theo watching me with those dark eyes. God knows what he must think of me. I sink slowly back into my seat. ‘Sorry,’ I say. ‘I’m sorry.’

      ‘What for?’

      ‘For overreacting,’ I tell him, dropping my gaze to the floor. ‘For being such a prude.’

      ‘You’ve got nothing to apologise for,’ he says. ‘I should probably have found a better way to explain this place to you.’

      ‘You don’t have to try and make me feel better,’ I reply.

      ‘I’m not,’ he says. ‘I’m just being honest. I wanted to be open with you about this place. I didn’t want to keep it a secret, have it turn into an issue.’

      That makes me wary. I’ve had enough honesty to last me a lifetime. My ex was big on it. ‘So…how does this place of yours work?’ I ask, wanting to steer the conversation away from things I don’t want to talk about, to think about. Needing to make it not about myself, and driven by an inexplicable prurient curiosity, which makes me feel slightly disgusted with myself.

      ‘We’re a members only club. We don’t advertise, and generally people find us through word of mouth. We vet every application very carefully. Ninety per cent don’t make it.’

      I smooth the fabric of my trousers. They’re navy blue, wide legged, and starting to fade, but they hide a lot of sins. ‘I see.’

      ‘Those who do are added to our database. They submit their fantasies, and we match them with people who have similar interests.’

      I stare up at him as he doctors his coffee, adds one, two, three sugars. This is the boy who grew up next door to me. The skinny boy who liked maths and dinosaurs and spent his weekends tramping round the abandoned quarry looking for fossils.

      The man staring back at me is not that boy. I’m not sure who he is. And for the first time in weeks, I realise that I’ve stopped thinking about myself. ‘And they pay you for this?’

      He nods. ‘Yes, they do.’ He takes a sip of his coffee, and I find myself turning to the one he made for me. It’s milky, sweet, the way I drank it when I was eighteen. I take a sip before I remember that I don’t drink it like that any more, and set it back down. ‘Something wrong?’ he asks.

      ‘No,’ I lie, not wanting to get into a conversation about how I need to watch my weight.

      ‘So how did you get into…this?’ I gesture around his office.

      ‘A friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go into business with him.’

      ‘Oh.’ I’m desperate to ask what sort of friend would set up a business like this, but I bite my tongue.

      ‘The database is my baby,’ he continues. ‘I designed it, I maintain it.’

      ‘And the rest?’

      ‘John takes care of that.’


      ‘My partner,’ he says. ‘You’ll be able to meet him later. I think you’ll like him. Are you hungry?’

      I say yes, only because I don’t want to say no and have him argue. I can’t breathe in here. It’s too hot, too claustrophobic, and I can’t stop myself wondering about what I saw on the screen. I keep glancing at it, even though it’s turned off. ‘Are you supposed to watch people?’ I ask. ‘Isn’t that an invasion of their privacy?’

      ‘That particular couple asked for a recording of the session,’ Theo says. ‘That means they agreed that John or I could check to make sure everything was working properly.’

      ‘That doesn’t mean you should have showed it to me!’

      ‘Are you going to tell anyone?’

      ‘Well no, but…’

      ‘Jules,’ Theo says gently. ‘It’s OK. Come on. I can see we’ve got a lot to talk about, and I’m hungry.’ He leads me out of his office, locking the door behind us. We move past more closed doors. Each one has a brass nameplate, with a word cut into it in scrolling letters. ‘I suppose you have a red room of pain somewhere,’ I say, only half joking.

      ‘We offer that, if it’s what a client wants,’ he says.

      ‘Do you…’ I falter. I can’t ask.




      I can’t think of anything else to say after that, so I follow him in silence as he leads me outside. I blink in the light, feeling a strange sense of confusion. I’m not quite sure where I am, but fortunately Theo does. On the other side of the road is an upmarket organic cafe, the kind that sells exquisite coffee and foraged salads. I find a table and let him order for me.

      I pick at my bruschetta and goat’s cheese. Theo watches, but doesn’t comment on it. ‘Tell me about your ex,’ he says.

      ‘There’s not much to tell,’ I say. ‘We were together, and now we’re not.’

      ‘Why not?’

      ‘That’s a pretty personal question.’

      ‘You phoned me up in the middle of the night,’ he reminds me. ‘This wasn’t some easy, mutual breakup, Jules.’

      I break my food into little pieces. ‘We broke up because of me.’

      ‘What did you do?’

      ‘I couldn’t be the girlfriend he needed.’

      ‘I see. So did he end it, or did you?’

      ‘This time? I did.’

      ‘There were other times?’

      ‘A few.’

      ‘Sounds exhausting.’

      I think about that. ‘It was.’

      ‘So what do you want, Jules? Do you want to get back together with him?’

      ‘No.’ I don’t let myself think about that. I won’t. I’ve made my decision, and I’m not going to go back on it. ‘It’s over. Permanently.’

      ‘You don’t sound entirely sure.’

      ‘It СКАЧАТЬ