It's Now Or Never. Jill Steeples
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Название: It's Now Or Never

Автор: Jill Steeples

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Сказки


isbn: 9781474035545


СКАЧАТЬ of doubt in my mind.’

      We laughed, but I knew it was never going to happen. Giggling at dating profiles had been a blast when we’d both been in the same position, single girls looking for love, but doing it on my own with Angie acting as my chaperone smacked of desperation. And I wasn’t desperate. Absolutely not. Besides, I was quite capable of finding my own romantic hero if I wanted one. I certainly didn’t need anyone’s help on that front.

      ‘So what do you think of Alex then?’ she whispered in my ear.

      I span around just to make sure he wasn’t in the vicinity and his eyes locked on to mine from across the other side of the room, where he was chatting with Tom, as if he knew we were talking about him. He raised his glass of champagne to the air and hooked me with a smile.

      ‘Well, he seems lovely. Charming and, well, just delightful really.’ I don’t know if it was the effects of the champagne which was being topped up to the brim of my glass faster than I could drink the stuff or whether it was the emotion of the occasion, but I was already feeling lightheaded and we hadn’t even sat down to eat yet.

      ‘Ha ha, listen to you, acting all coy and “oh yes, he’s delightful.” I’ve seen the way you look at him. You fancy the pants off him, don’t you?’

      ‘He’s very attractive, I admit, but I’m just appreciating the beauty of a man who is clearly a fine specimen of his breed.’

      ‘Is that right?’ Angie’s mouth quirked in disbelief. ‘In all seriousness though, he is lovely. Totally charming, but let me just give you a word of advice. If you thought Tom was a player then Alex is in another league all together. He’s a love ‘em and leave ‘em type of guy and I think he’s left plenty behind in his past. I’ve lost count of the number of girlfriends he’s had since I’ve known Tom and none of them have lasted past the three month stage. If you want to keep your heart intact, then honestly, Jen, don’t even go there.’

      Okay, so it seemed that the lovely Alex was a scumbag/grotbag out of the same mould as his friend Tom. It didn’t surprise me in the slightest, but then I was a woman of the world and I could certainly handle the likes of Alex whatever-his-name-was. It would need more than a few appreciative glances and a couple of glasses of champagne to get past my exacting standards, I can tell you.

      ‘That’s very interesting to have the lowdown on Alex’s love life, thank you, but you have absolutely no need to worry on that score. He is so not my type. All that smooth polished sophistication leaves me totally cold. Besides, I could never go out with a guy who was so much better looking than me.’

      We giggled and for a moment it was as if we were back at my flat together sharing our dating woes. She took my face in her hands and kissed me on the lips.

      ‘Listen I ought to go and mingle, but I just want to say thank you for everything you’ve done for me. You’ve been a complete star!’

      ‘What have I done? I haven’t done anything.’

      ‘Oh, but you have, Jen. You’ve done everything. You’re the best friend I could ever ask for. You’ve always been there for me and are totally supportive and you’ve never told me I’m doing the wrong thing in marrying Tom. A couple of people have, you know. Oh, and back there, you were absolutely the perfect witness to my marriage. I mean you watched and witnessed the whole thing with… with aplomb.’

      I burst out laughing.

      ‘Well, it was a very difficult job, I have to tell you.’

      ‘Honestly, I mean it. It wouldn’t have been the same without you.’

      I could see tears of happiness and joy brimming in her eyes.

      ‘Go on,’ I said, shooing her away before we both collapsed in an emotional heap. ‘Go and see to your guests. Oh, and thank you for the warning,’ I said, looking over in Alex’s direction. ‘I’ll be sure to steer well clear.’

       Chapter Four

      It might have been easy to heed Angie’s advice if it hadn’t been such a small and intimate wedding, but there were only about eighteen of us in total and as luck would have it Alex and I were placed next to each other at the lunch table.

      Still there were worse problems to have than having to be wedged up against a good-looking, sweet smelling man at a wedding reception and to be honest I was quite enjoying Alex’s attentiveness. He pulled out my chair, filled my water glass, flapped my napkin with a flourish in the air before laying it on my lap and generally went out of his way to make me feel completely at ease. I wasn’t quite sure why Angie had gone to such lengths to warn me off him – after all, it wasn’t as if I’d be likely to see him again after today.

      ‘So,’ he said, leaning into my side, his breath warm against my cheek, taunting me with his citrus loveliness again, ‘how long do you give them?’

      ‘Sorry?’ I said, uncertain I’d heard him correctly.

      ‘Angie and Tom,’ he whispered. ‘How long do you think it will last?’

      I looked over my shoulder to see if Tom’s Nana Gladys who was sitting on the other side of me had heard Alex’s impertinent question but she was deep in conversation with her sister. Thank goodness! I turned back to Alex who looked as though he was actually waiting for some kind of sensible answer.

      ‘I honestly can’t believe you said that! That’s a terrible question to ask. The ink’s barely dry on their marriage certificate and already you’re questioning how long they’ll be together. That’s so disrespectful. Can’t you just let them have their special day and be happy for them?’

      ‘Oh, I am happy for them. Really I am. And I hope it works out, but, you know, you can’t help wondering these things, can you?’

      ‘I haven’t even given it a thought,’ I said, taking a restorative sip of water from my glass. Well actually I had given it more than a second thought, but I would never admit that to anyone else, especially someone I’d only just met. I quickly reassessed my opinion of Alex.

      ‘Maybe it’s just me then.’ He shrugged, his mouth twisting in a way that might have been charming if I wasn’t quite so irritated with him.

      ‘Yes, I think it might be. I mean why would you think something like that on a day like today?’

      ‘Well you have to admit it’s a bit of a lottery, getting married.’

      In profile, Alex’s strong jawline and defined cheekbones lent him an air of superiority that might have been intimidating if it wasn’t for the amused knowing smile that seemed to hover permanently at his lips. His eyes flickered with amusement too, particularly when he focused his gaze on me, and I wasn’t sure if he was genuinely worried about the newlyweds’ future or if he was being deliberately provocative. Maybe he knew something I didn’t know. After all, he was Tom’s best friend.

      ‘Hmm, well in that case we have to hope that Tom and Angie have picked out the winning ticket.’

      At the other end of the table Angie’s father stood up and proposed a toast to the bride and groom.

      ‘To Tom and Angie!’ We all stood up and raised our СКАЧАТЬ