The Texan's Promise. Jolene Navarro
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Название: The Texan's Promise

Автор: Jolene Navarro

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9780008906252


СКАЧАТЬ in hand, Jazz frowned at her screen. “It doesn’t look good. They’ve increased the chance of high winds and heavy rain.” Her dark curls bounced when she twisted her head to survey the kids. “Possible hail. Should we call parents for an early pickup?”

      Before Belle could respond, thunder rattled the walls of the arena. Then a bolt of lightning struck too close for comfort, blinding her.

      The mare reared, forcing Belle to stay clear of the hooves. Her boot stuck in the deep sand and she stumbled.

      Strong hands wrapped around her forearms, balancing her from behind.

      Her lungs froze. Like the scared horse, she wanted to lash out, but the hands were gone just as quick.

      “Are you okay?” A man’s deep voice, low and calm, washed over her.

      Belle kept her back to the stranger. She closed her eyes and took a steadying breath.

      She was being ridiculous. It wasn’t him, her ex, so she would move on as if nothing had happened. She focused on the young mare. The soft muzzle twitched with heavy pants. “Nothing’s going to hurt you. It’s okay, girl.”

      The mare’s nostrils flared, and her ears flicked.

      “Quinn!” Jazz’s voice was a little on the overenthusiastic side.

      This must be the poor guy.

      “Belle, this is Quinn Sinclair. He has twin daughters who want to join the horse club. They’re interested in the horse-judging team. Quinn, this is our fearless leader and my sister-in-law, Belle De La Rosa. Cassie and Lucy are her daughters.”

      The man stepped away from her and moved to the other side of the horse, looking at her over Little Lady’s withers. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. My daughters, Meg and Hannah, are in Cassie’s Sunday school class.” He ran a large hand over the mare’s rump. “Need some help?”

      They hadn’t embellished his good looks. He was tall with classic features. His hair was dark blond with streaks of gold from being outside.

      Good looks and an easy smile couldn’t be trusted. That took the humor right out of her. Just like her ex-husband. All charm, but as nasty as a rattler when you got too close.

      The grin on her sister-in-law’s face was bright enough to put the lightning to shame. “I’m so happy you’re here.” Jazz turned that beaming face to Belle. “He can help with the horses, and I’ll start calling parents to pick up early.” She looked at Quinn. “Is that okay with you?”

      “Sure.” His answer was clear and confident.

      No one bothered to ask her if she needed help. “I’m fine with the horses.”

      The rain pounded harder as strong winds pushed water under the edges of the large covered arena. Quinn moved closer to the nervous mare’s head and brushed her muzzle. His hands were gentle as he calmed her. “She’s a beauty. At least we’re not at the open arena. You have your hands full with this small herd.”

      She ignored his friendly chatter. They had probably told the poor man outrageous stuff about her to get him interested. Or made her sound like a charity case.

      “Looks like parents have started to arrive,” Quinn observed. “My girls were excited about the horse-judging team. They’ve never been in anything like that. Do they need experience? We don’t own horses, much to their displeasure.” He flashed her a smile, and her feminine side, dormant for years, woke up and paid attention.

      Settle down, girl. What had he asked? Oh, yeah, horses. “Most of the kids don’t. That’s why I bring these guys. Some of the kids just want to be around a horse. I’ll talk to your girls as soon as I get Lady in the trailer with Captain. He’ll keep her calm. I don’t want her panicking and hurting herself or any of the kids.”

      Jazz slipped her phone into her pocket and leaned close to Belle’s ear. “Smile! Don’t be so grumpy.” Her voice was low, excited. “He’s the one Selena wanted you to meet. He’s cute, right?”

      Belle rolled her eyes, then glanced at Quinn to make sure he hadn’t overheard.

      Of course, he had. He had his head down, but the quirk at the corner of his mouth was a giveaway.

      Great. Were they trying to embarrass her? What had she done to deserve this torture? Just because they were happily married didn’t mean she was missing out on anything.

      She’d set them straight later. Of course, she’d done that before, and they’d ignored her.

      Heading to the group of kids, Jazz waved at him. “Thanks for your help, Quinn.”

      He nodded, then smiled. Belle sighed. Of course he was better looking when he smiled. The long lines that cut into his cheeks were too perfect.

      The horses needed her full attention. The poor mare’s muscles were quivering under her beautiful roan coat.

      “The girls have been excited since Cassie invited them to join the horse club at church a few weeks ago. Selena seemed thrilled. She said you’re the best with kids and horses.”

      “Thanks.” Of course Selena was thrilled. Belle sighed again. The last thing she needed was to encourage her sisters-in-law’s matchmaking schemes or lead him on. “Sorry about Jazz and Selena. I find it best if I ignore them when they get...pushy.”

      “That’s okay. Family, a blessing and a mess. They tend to think they know what’s best. But it’s all out of love. What can I do to help?”

      That had to be a trick. She waited for Quinn to tell her what she needed to do or how she was doing it wrong. “I’m going to load Little Lady into the trailer, but I don’t want to leave her alone. If you could follow with Cap, that would help. He’s the big bay. With him by her side, she’ll be settled.” She headed off.

      Without an argument, he did as she asked, leading the big guy to her with confidence that spoke of his familiarity with horses. He stopped at the trailer. “Are you ready for us?”

      “Bring him in.”

      The trailer shifted as he loaded the gelding. Belle took the lead and secured him. “Thanks.”

      Quinn exited and waited for her at the gate. Once out, Belle slid the latch into place.

      He nodded over his shoulder. “What about the other three horses?”

      She had planned to use them for the demo tonight, but now it might be easier to load the trailer and be ready to leave. A couple of parents had already picked up their kids.

      A gust of wind pushed up under the metal roof. “I should get them all in and settled.”

      “How far are you driving? This weather’s getting ugly.”

      “I’ve handled worse. I’ve helped evacuate with a hurricane barreling down on us.”

      He raised his eyebrows. “That had to be terrifying. Which one do you want next? Do they have an order they travel in?”

      “They do.” And that he knew to СКАЧАТЬ