Vanished In The Night. Lynette Eason
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Название: Vanished In The Night

Автор: Lynette Eason

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Wrangler's Corner

isbn: 9781474084543


СКАЧАТЬ around her as tears dripped down her cheeks. He met her attacker’s gaze. “Get away from her. I’m calling the cops.”

      Joshua pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed 9-1-1. The man cursed, raced at Joshua and threw a right hook. If it had connected, it would have hurt, but Joshua easily deflected the intended blow.

      With expert precision, he flipped the man, who landed on his back, gasping and blinking. The attacker rolled to his stomach, still trying to draw breath. Joshua started toward him to move him out of reach of the woman and found himself staring at the muzzle of a black pistol.

      Joshua held his hands up and stepped back slightly. Even his extreme skills were no match for a bullet. “Whoa. There’s no need for that.”

      The man rolled to his feet, keeping the weapon trained on Joshua. The woman let out another low cry, but Joshua couldn’t do anything to help her. Not yet. His adrenaline spiked in a way he’d never felt before. “Get in your van and drive away,” Joshua said.

      “She’s coming with me.”

      Joshua glanced at the puddle of water on the ground at the woman’s feet. “Actually, I think she’s getting ready to have a baby. Have you ever delivered one?”

      Before the attacker could respond, a blue truck approached and slowed. The older man behind the wheel lowered his window, his brow furrowed in concern. “Hey, y’all need any help?”

      “No, we’re fine, thanks,” Joshua said. “It was a close call, but no one’s hurt.” He sure didn’t want to involve an innocent bystander. From his position, the newcomer couldn’t see the weapon in the other man’s hand. Joshua planned to keep it that way.

      “All right, then.” The driver gave a wave and sped off.

      “The cops are on the way,” Joshua said. “That man saw your vehicle. You shoot me or hurt her, you’ll be found.”

      A low growl escaped the man as he backed toward his van, never moving his weapon from Joshua. “You’ll regret interfering. I’ll be back.” He climbed in and slammed the door then peeled away as he headed toward the highway.

      Joshua let out a low breath and rushed to the woman’s side even as he barked orders to the dispatcher still on the phone. He gave her the make and model of the van and the direction it was headed, but couldn’t get the plate. However, he was able to describe the gun. He turned his attention to the moaning woman. “What’s your name?”

      “Kaylee...Martin.” She gasped. “Oh-hh, it hurts.”

      He froze for a split second. Kaylee Martin? As in the daughter of the man his mother planned to marry? Great. Just great. With a tight smile, he took her arm and led her to his SUV. “Get in the back. How far apart are your contractions?”

      “I don’t know. I haven’t exactly had a chance to time them.” She let out a low gasp and closed her eyes. He waited for the contraction to pass. She looked up. “I need to get to the hospital. I was on the way when he pulled in front of me. I barely managed to stop without hitting him.”

      “I don’t think there’s time to get to a hospital. I’m a doctor, let me help you.”

      “No. I want my doctor and my hospital. Please, drive me.”

      Joshua hesitated.

      She gave another low groan and bent, clutching her belly, still standing on the side of the road next to his SUV.

      “Breathe through it,” he said. “As soon as this contraction stops, you need to get into the back of my truck and I’m going to deliver your baby. Your contractions are coming too fast to make it anywhere. Where’s your husband? You want me to call him?”

      The contraction passed and she gripped his hand. “My husband is dead—and I wouldn’t call him if he weren’t. Now. Take me to the hospital.” She panted a bit then caught her breath. “Please. I can’t have this baby on the side of the road. What if something goes wrong? What if—?”

      “All right, we can try. Just promise me you’ll holler if you have to push. Understand?”

      “Yes, yes. I understand.”

      She made it into the back seat before the next contraction hit her. He talked her through it. “I’ve got to move your car out of the middle of the road, okay? I’ll be right back, I promise.”

      “Okay. Okay. It’s fine. I can do this.”

      The compassionate doctor inside him took over. “Of course you can, Kaylee. I’ll be there to help.”

      “The keys are in the ignition,” she whispered. “Hurry.”

      * * *

      Kaylee watched him leave and breathed a prayer to the God she wasn’t sure was even listening. But just in case he was... I don’t know why stuff like this happens to me, but, please, get me through it. Help me. Let my baby be all right, healthy, whole and fine...

      “I’m back.”

      “Drive. Please drive. Fast.”

      Still, he hesitated. “Kaylee, we’re an hour away—”

      “Get in and drive! Please.”

      Joshua sighed and climbed into the driver’s seat. “All right, but I can guarantee you we’re not going to make it.” He cranked the big Suburban and pulled onto the road that would take them toward Nashville’s hospital.

      “We’ll make it,” she said. “We have to make it.” After all she’d been through, delivering her baby on the side of the road would just be the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. No, she could do this. She was strong. She’d survived marrying into a mafia family—unbeknownst to her at the time—then being thrown out of said mafia family when her husband’s parents disowned him. She’d lived through visiting her spouse in prison, learning about his affair, then being tossed out of her home, pregnant and penniless, by the very man who’d promised to love her forever. She was a survivor. If she had to have her child on the moon, she would do it, and they were going to have a wonderful life together. Her baby deserved it.

      “What were you doing driving yourself?” he asked just as another contraction hit.

      She panted her way through it before responding. “Dad wasn’t answering his phone. I called two other friends, and they didn’t answer. I waited to see if one of them would call me back. Obviously, I waited too long. I didn’t want to spend the money on an ambulance—” Another contraction hit and she couldn’t get another word out. Kaylee clenched her teeth and tried to breathe at the same time. She really should have done the classes, but—“Ah!”

      “Breathe, Kaylee. Breathe through it.”

      “You breathe through it! I don’t want to breathe through it. I want it to stop!” Then the pressure was just too much. “Oh, no. I have to push. I have to!”

      “Don’t push!” The SUV slammed to a stop and then he was there with the back door open. He rested one hand on her right ankle. “Look, let me help you.”

      “I don’t know you. You СКАЧАТЬ