Her Hottest Summer Yet. Ally Blake
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Название: Her Hottest Summer Yet

Автор: Ally Blake

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern Tempted

isbn: 9781472017710


СКАЧАТЬ a moment, her accented voice came to him as a hum he felt right through his chest. “Humility or death?”

      He felt the smile yank at the corner of his mouth a second too late to stop it. Hers flashed unexpected, like sunshine on a cloudy day.

      “Honey,” he drawled, “you’re not in Kansas any more.”

      One eyebrow lifted, and her eyes went to his mouth and stayed a beat before they once again looked him in the eye. “New York, actually. I’m from New York. Where there are simply not enough men with your effortless charm.”

      Sass. Bedraggled and pale and now shaking a little from shock and she was sassing him. Couldn’t help but respect her for that. Which was why the time had come to offload her for good.

      Jonah held on tight and kicked, making a beeline for the beach.

      He did his best to ignore the warmth of the woman beneath him, her creamy back with its crazy mass of string masquerading as a swimsuit.

      As soon as they were near enough, he let his feet drop to the sand and pushed the board into the shallows.

      She slid off in a gaggle of limbs. He made to help, but she pulled her arm away. Didn’t like help this one. Not his at any rate.

      Hull stood at their approach, shook the sand from his speckled fur, then sat. Not too close. He was as wary of strangers as Jonah was. Smart animal.

      Jonah took note and moved his hand away. “Stick to the resort pool, next time. Full-time lifeguards. Do you need me to walk you back to the Tropicana?” Probably best to check in with Claudia, make sure she knew she had a knucklehead staying at her resort.

      “How on earth do you know where I’m staying?” asked said knucklehead.

      He flicked a dark glance at the Tropicana Nights logo on the towel she’d wrapped tight about her.

      “Right,” she said, her cheeks pinkening. “Of course. Sorry. I didn’t mean to suggest—”

      “Yeah, you did.”

      A deep breath lifted her chest and her odd eyes with it so that she looked up at him from beneath long lashes clumped together like stars. “You’re right, I did.” A shrug, unexpectedly self-deprecating. Then, “But I can walk myself. Thanks, though, for the other. I really am a good swimmer, but I... Thanks. I guess.”

      “You’re welcome.” Then, “I guess.”

      That smile flickered for a moment, the one that made the woman’s face look all warm and welcoming and new. Then all of a sudden she came over green, her wicked gaze became deeply tangled in his, she said, “Luke?” and passed out.

      Jonah caught her: bunched towel, gangly limbs, and all.

      He lowered himself—and her with him—to the sand, and felt for a pulse at her neck to find it strong and even. She’d be fine. A mix of heatstroke and too much ocean swallowed. No matter what she said about how good a swimmer she was, she was clearly no gym junkie. Even as dead weight she was light as a feather in his arms. All soft, warm skin too. And that mouth, parted, breathing gently. Beckoning.

      He slapped her. On the cheek. Lightly.

      Then not so lightly.

      But she just lay there, angelic and unconscious. Nicer that way, in fact.

      Luke, she’d said. He knew a Luke. Was good mates with one. But they didn’t look a thing alike. Jonah’s hair was darker, curlier. His eyes were grey, Luke’s were...buggered if he knew. And while Luke had split Crescent Cove the first chance he had—coming home only when he had no choice—nothing bar the entire cove sinking into the sea would shift Jonah. Not again.

      Literally, it seemed, as he tried to ignore the soft heat of the woman in his arms.

      Clearly the universe was trying to tell him something. He’d learned to listen when that happened. Storm’s a coming: head to shore. A woman gets it in her head to leave you: never follow. Dinner at the seafood place manned by the local Dreadlock Army: avoid the oysters.

      What the hell he was meant to learn from sitting on a beach with an unconscious American in his arms, he had no idea.

      * * *

      Avery’s head hurt. A big red whumping kind of hurt that meant she didn’t want to open her eyes.

      “That’s the way, kid,” a voice rumbled into her subconscious. A deep voice. Rough. Male.

      For a second, she just lay there, hopeful that when she opened her eyes it would be to find herself lying on a sun lounge, a big buff cabana boy leaning over her holding a tray with piña coladas and coconut oil, his dark curls a halo in the sun...

      “Come on, honey. You can do it.”

      Honey? Australian accent. It all came back to her.

      Jet lag. Scorching heat. A quick dip in the ocean to wake up. Then from nowhere, cramp. Fear gripping her lungs as she struggled to keep her head above water. A hand gripping her wrist: strong, brown, safe. And then eyes, formidable grey eyes. Anything but safe.

      Letting out a long slow breath to quell the wooziness rising in her belly, Avery opened her eyes.

      “Atta girl,” said the voice and this time there was a face to go with it. A deeply masculine face—strong jaw covered in stubble a long way past a shadow, lines fanning from the corners of grey eyes shaded by dark brows and thick lashes, a nose with a kink as if it had met with foul play.

      Not a cabana boy, then. Not a boy at all. As his quicksilver eyes roved over her, Avery’s stomach experienced a very grown-up quiver. It clearly didn’t care that the guy was also frowning at her as if she were something that had washed up from the depths of the sea.

      So who was he, then?

      Luke? The name rang in her head like an echo, and her heart rate quickened to match. Could this be him?

      But no. Strong as the urge was to have her teenage crush grow up into this, he was too big, too rugged. And she’d had enough updates about Claude’s family friend over the years to know Luke had lived in London for a while now. Worked in advertising. If this guy worked in an office she’d eat her luggage.

      And as for nice? The sensations tumbling through her belly felt anything but. They felt ragged, brusque, hot and pulsey. And oddly snarky, which she could only put down to the recent oxygen deficit.

      On that note, she thought, trying to lift herself to sitting. But her head swam and her stomach right along with it.

      Before she had the chance to alter the situation, the guy barked, “Lie down, will you? Last thing I need is for you to throw up on me as well.”

      While the idea of lying down a bit longer appealed, that wasn’t how she rolled. She’d been looking after herself, and everyone else in her life, since she was sixteen.

      “I think I’m about done here,” she said.

      “Can I get somebody for you?” he asked. “Someone from the resort? Luke?”

      Her СКАЧАТЬ