Dynasties: The Danforths. Maureen Child
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Название: Dynasties: The Danforths

Автор: Maureen Child

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9780008906771


СКАЧАТЬ me what?”

      “To spend the night with him.”

      “Rachel!” Tina’s cup clattered onto its saucer.

      “Stop saying my name.” Rachel dropped her chin on her knees. “Besides, it makes me feel better to talk about your love life. You want me to feel better, don’t you?”

      “Okay, okay.” Tina rolled her head back. “So he asked me. But I assure you, it has nothing to do with love.”

      “I knew it.” Rachel hugged her legs tighter. “So what did you say?”

      “I never exactly got around to answering.”

      “And then I pulled you away,” Rachel said on a sigh. “Oh, T, I’m so sorry. To think you’ve had to sit here all night and listen to my problems, when you could have had a glorious night making love with Reid Danforth.”

      “Sex.” Her tea had a bitter taste when she swallowed. “Nothing more than that. You saved me from a big mistake.”

      “You don’t know that.” Rachel covered Tina’s hand with her own. “I saw you two dancing together. There was something there, T. Something more than just sex.”

      If only that were true, she thought. But she couldn’t let herself believe that, couldn’t let herself even think it. If she did, she’d be the one sitting here with red eyes and a broken heart, emptying a box of tissues.

      Shaking her head, Tina smiled at her sister. “It’s for the best, Ray. Reid and I just aren’t meant to—”

      A scuffling from the stairwell outside had both women turning.

      “Rachel! Open up.” A loud knock rattled the front door. “I know you’re in there. Open up this door.”

      “Jason!” Rachel’s eyes widened in horror. “Ohmigod, Tina, don’t tell him I’m here. Please!”

      The pounding continued, and despite her sister’s pleas, Tina rose and headed for the door. “You’re going to have to face him sometime, honey. It might as well be now.”

      “No, Tina, I can’t.” Rachel followed, pulling on Tina’s arm. “I’m not ready. Maybe tomorrow.”

      “It is tomorrow,” Tina said and opened the door, prepared to face a lovesick Jason.

      At the sight of Reid standing on the doorstep holding up an obviously inebriated Jason, Tina’s heart slammed in her chest.

      “Sorry.” Reid’s smile was apologetic. “He was insistent.”

      Rachel rushed past Tina and threw her arms around Jason. “Jason, oh, sweetie, what have you done?”

      “Rachel, sugar, I love you.” Clumsily, Jason reached for Rachel. “I won’t go to L.A., baby. I won’t go anywhere without you. Come here and kiss me.”

      “You idiot.” But she did kiss him. “You big fat idiot. I’ll take you home.”

      While Rachel slipped her heels back on and tugged on her coat, Reid held Jason on his feet. When he started to sing to her, Rachel’s eyes filled with tears and she kissed him again. Tina shifted awkwardly and met Reid’s gaze. He simply grinned.

      “I’ll help you downstairs,” Reid said to Rachel when she managed to pull her lips from Jason’s.

      She shook her head. “Thanks, we’ll be all right.”

      “That’s right, baby,” Jason mumbled, kissing Rachel’s neck. “We’ll be all right.”

      Arms around each other, they stumbled out the door, closing it behind them.

      “Well.” Tina let out a long breath when it was quiet again. “You want to tell me how you two ended up together?”

      With a shrug, Reid slipped his hands into his pockets. “Guess he needed someone to talk to.”

      She couldn’t imagine a more unlikely coalition. “No offense, Reid, but Jason doesn’t like you.”

      “Only because he thought I was interested in Rachel.” He leveled his gaze on hers as he slipped off his jacket. “Now that he knows it’s you I want, we’re pals.”

      His words thrilled her, made her pulse leap and her skin heat up. When he tossed his jacket on the sofa and moved close, her throat turned to dust. “Reid, I…this is not a good idea.”

      “Maybe not.”

      “We barely know each other.”

      He nodded. “You’re absolutely right.”

      “We should just say good-night now.”


      “Oh, for heaven’s sake.” Fisting her hands in the front of his shirt, she yanked him close. “Must you be so damn agreeable?”

      Smiling, his arms came around her. “I aim to please.”

      And he did please, she thought dimly when his mouth covered hers. Senses reeling, she melted against his strong chest, slid her arms up his broad shoulders. When he deepened the kiss, she met the thrust of his tongue with her own, and the minty, hot taste of him made her knees weak and her toes curl.

      She could stop this, she should stop, but she didn’t want to. Since the day she’d met Reid they’d been moving toward this moment like a runaway train. They were careening out of control and it was as exhilarating as it was exciting. All she could do was hold on for the ride; she knew it would be a wild one.

      She squirmed against him, anticipation vibrating through her. She’d waited so long—a lifetime—for this moment. Now that it was here, impatience had her clutching at his shoulders, moaning. She wanted to remember every moment, every thrilling touch, every glorious taste.

      His breath was as ragged as her own; she could feel the heavy beat of his heart against her aching breasts. How she wanted him to touch her there, she thought. And other places. And how she wanted to touch him, too. Her hands, her fingers itched to explore his body.

      He dragged his mouth from hers, his midnight-blue gaze seared her to the core. “Bedroom,” he managed, but was kissing her again before she could answer.

      Slowly but steadily, their bodies still molded to each other, their mouths still fused, they inched their way across the living room, through the hall. So far, she thought, so incredibly far…

      Had he ever wanted a women like this? Reid wondered while they made that long journey to the bedroom. If he had, that woman, that moment was lost to him forever. There was just here and now and Tina.

      It had required tremendous willpower not to take her right there on the living room floor. Only the thought that he might hurt her had him reining in the raw need clutching at his gut. If it killed him, he’d take his time with her. Slow, he told himself. He’d take it slow. He wanted her underneath him, writhing with need, pleading, and just the thought of it nearly made him lose it before СКАЧАТЬ