The Wrangler's Last Chance. Jessica Keller
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Название: The Wrangler's Last Chance

Автор: Jessica Keller

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9780008906184


СКАЧАТЬ had done the right thing. Carter might have received his DVM but a piece of paper and a handful of years in school didn’t mean he automatically knew everything there was to know about doctoring animals. That was where experience and further study came in.

      Someday he would be confident enough in his abilities and knowledge to strike out alone. But not until he knew more. Not until he was certain he would always be able to help and make the right call. Right out of school he had worked at a clinic and made a mistake in a diagnosis that had cost a family their beloved pet. He never wanted that to happen again.

      “Do you want to come with me into town?” Shannon’s question surprised him. “To pick Wing up?” She rocked on the toes of her boots. “I’m sure Spira would love the chance to chat with you again.”

      While he did want more opportunities to get to know the local veterinarian, he didn’t know if offering to go anywhere with his boss’s sister was the best plan for his future. “No, you go. I’ll take care of unsaddling the horses so you can head out right when the girls leave, if you want.”

      Her smile faded. “Right, okay, that works.”

      Shannon drifted toward the edge of the corral and unlatched the gate as she instructed the girls to bring their horses back to the barn to be unsaddled and brushed down. “Make sure you fill their buckets with fresh water before each of you leave.”

      Easton came up beside Carter. The tips of his ears were red. “I can take care of unsaddling and feeding. This might be the first riding lesson, but I’ve been helping get the horses ready for the ranch hands for weeks now. You should go with her.”

      “Why?” Carter hadn’t even known Easton had been close enough to hear their conversation.

      “Her brothers won’t let her go get him unless someone goes along.” Easton slouched as he walked, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of the oversize coat. His posture made Carter’s heart twist. He had been that boy before—scrawny and alone and hoping no one picked up on how sad he was. Carter didn’t want to embarrass Easton by pressing him to reveal more about his situation than the teen boy was willing to, but he promised himself he would keep an eye on Easton and help him whenever he could. Care about him.

      Something Carter wished someone had done for him at that age.

      Easton rubbed at his nose. “She told me Wade’s busy and I know Rhett’s off ranch today, too. Before the lesson she asked me how long I was sticking around today, but my ride should be here sooner than it would take to go back and forth to town. If she asked me, then she’s at her wit’s end trying to find someone.”

      “Why don’t her brothers let her go into town on her own?” Shannon was a grown woman who hardly needed her brothers’ permission to do things. Unease swam through Carter’s gut. In all his interactions with his new boss, Rhett had seemed like a stand-up guy. He really hoped his impression of the man was correct.

      “Beats me.” Easton shrugged. “I only started here a few months ago and they’ve always been like that since I’ve been here. All I know is that Miss Shannon wants to get her goose and she’ll catch heat from one or both of those Jarretts if she heads to town alone.”

       He’s really important to me.

       I can’t lose him.

      Shannon’s frantic words from last night swam through Carter’s mind.

      Carter closed the gate once all the horses were on their way to the barn. He scrubbed his chin while he watched the retreating forms of Shannon and Easton. He had witnessed firsthand how much that goose meant to Shannon. And she had been nothing but kind to Carter in all their interactions so far. She didn’t have to be nice to the new staff member. He was still touched by her gesture of making him cupcakes.

      He lifted his hat to run a hand over his hair. What would it hurt? He could drive into town with her.

      To get to know Dr. Spira better, of course.

      And if the Jarrett brothers had a valid reason to be concerned for their sister’s safety, Carter hardly wanted her decision to go alone pinned on his refusal. Getting on Rhett’s bad side his first day on the job wasn’t ideal. Carter rolled his shoulders. He could handle being around the sister of the person in charge without losing his head or heart.

      It wouldn’t be like last time.

      Carter jogged toward the barn to catch her before she headed out alone.

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