Dead No More. L. R. Nicolello
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Название: Dead No More

Автор: L. R. Nicolello

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9781474024556


СКАЧАТЬ air out of her lungs.

      “I see today isn’t a good day to chat.” He took a step back, put on his sunglasses and flashed her a grin, sending her heart into overdrive. “I’m out.”

      Before she could respond, he turned and joined a passing group of runners, melting into their small pack.

      * * *

      SHE BIT ME.

      After seven years of covertly working as a black ops agent for Unit 67, Derek Moretti could safely say that no one had ever bitten him—until today. That was one for the books.

      When she’d turned on him, he’d all but forgotten to breathe. She wasn’t as tall as some of the other female agents he’d worked with, but she’d held her ground as she glared up at him, the wind whipping strands of brown hair around her delicate face. Her hazel eyes flashed as she’d shoved her hands onto her slim hips. He couldn’t tell if it was anger or the sun that had kissed the tops of her cheeks, coloring her olive skin to a rosy pink, but he didn’t care.

      She was drop-dead gorgeous...and hell-bent on killing him, a fact Derek couldn’t ignore.

      Curiosity curled in his stomach like a warm fire when he’d taken the now-familiar running path along the river. Lily Andrews in the flesh. What would she say? How would she respond? After months of reconnaissance work, watching her, studying her, he’d conjured up a handful of scenarios. But her biting him?

      Yeah, he hadn’t seen that coming.

      But then again, none of Derek’s scenarios had involved tackling Lily to the ground, pinning her beneath him—at least not this time around. That was a different fantasy, for another time...maybe.

      He chuckled to himself briefly, then stopped as the searing memory of her body beneath his flashed through his mind. Her body had been hard, yet soft in all the right places. Just the sheer awareness of her underneath him, at his mercy, left him momentarily frozen, wanting more. He doubted she’d felt the same—in fact, he was pretty positive that he’d seen fire flash when she’d turned those hazel eyes on him.

      The woman was a freakin’ tigress.

      No doubt she’d meant to deter him, but her feistiness did exactly the opposite—it entranced him.

      Clearly the kiss had taken it too far. But how could he resist? The woman was a knockout of epic proportions. Derek reached up, touched his fingers lightly to his still-throbbing lip and smiled. Yeah, that was definitely not the response he’d hoped for.

      Veering off from the running path, he headed west, making his way back to his place. He needed time and space to regroup before he approached Lily again with a proposal she wouldn’t be able to resist.


      Monday, September 15, 5:00 p.m.

      LILY STALKED INTO the downstairs lobby of her penthouse loft. Despite another hour of pounding the running trail, she couldn’t shake the image of that strange man smiling down at her...or the memory of his body pressing against hers. He was all male, all alpha—and taking up way too much real estate in her mind.

      George, her doorman and longtime family friend, looked up from behind the concierge’s desk. He frowned. “You okay, Lil?”

      Of course he’d sense something was off. “I’ve had better runs.”

      Wasn’t that the understatement of the year. How had that stranger known where to find her? Better yet, how had he known so much about her?

      She headed to the elevator, having no intention of starting that powder keg of a conversation with George. No doubt the giant man would quietly corner her, demanding full disclosure of whatever had spooked her—because she was spooked.

      “Lily,” George’s low baritone voice interrupted her mental tirade. “There’s a note for you.”

      She stopped midstride and turned slowly back toward George. He held out a cream-colored envelope and watched her warily, his bushy black eyebrows furrowed. “A man came in a few minutes ago. Says he owes you an apology.”

      She clenched both hands into tight fists, her nails digging into the softness of her palms. “Toss it.”

      “That’s what he said you would say, and I was tempted.” He tilted his bald head to the side and searched her face with his deep brown eyes. “Why does he owe you an apology?”

      She shrugged, reached across the desk and snatched the envelope. “It’s a long story.”

      “Time is all I’ve got these days.” George crossed his log-like arms across his barrel of a chest and didn’t move. Despite his concierge uniform, he looked menacing and huge, and every bit like the Senegalese warrior he was. For all Lily could tell, he didn’t even blink before he slowly spoke, his voice dark. “I’d appreciate an answer.”

      Lily swallowed down the frustration seeping up. He’d been tasked to do one thing and one thing alone: watch her six. Which was one hell of an assignment, given the independent, stubborn streak she was known for. Disappearing into the wind in Omaha had been a godsend, and she was grateful for the shelter her safe house gave her, but at thirty-one years old, Lily didn’t need yet another set of eyes watching her back.

      But here George was.

      Her parents had seen to that, even from their graves—between him and Ben, she’d never been alone or without protection. He was merely doing his job, but being constantly watched, even by someone she considered family, still pissed her off.

      “If you must know, that man interrupted my run today and knew way too much about me.” She hesitated, then scrunched up her nose, not wanting to see his reaction to her next three words. “The old me.”

      “Shit, Lil.” George’s eyes grew wide and the vein in his forehead bulged. “Does he know yet?”

      Lily cringed. Of course George would bring up Ben. Every warrior needed a wingman, right? Well, she’d been blessed—or cursed, depending on the day—with two.

      “He’s my next call.” She held up the envelope. “Especially with this awesome little love note.”

      “Lily, this isn’t something to joke about.”

      Walking over to the elevator, she pushed the up button and glanced over her shoulder. “Believe me, I’m not laughing.”

      * * *

      LILY CLOSED HER front door, tossed the envelope on the counter and reached for her cell, pressing one on her speed dial. As she rubbed the back of her neck, she tucked the phone between her ear and shoulder and quickly moved to her bedroom.

      Ben answered on the second ring.

      “What’s up, Lil?” His familiar voice cut through the quiet and instantly soothed her frayed nerves.

      She faltered. Never in a million years did she think she’d utter the words that hung on the tip of her tongue.
