Dead No More. L. R. Nicolello
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Название: Dead No More

Автор: L. R. Nicolello

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9781474024556



      “I talked to Ben.”

      Lily’s eyes narrowed. Of course they’d talked. They were both former 67, but the lifetime commitment that most agents made ran true in both men. Unit 67 trained them to be lone rangers, to think on their own and for their own, but every so often, a tight-knit group of lone rangers banded together—and Lily had found herself in the middle of one such phenomenon.

      George—giant, scary-as-shit George—decided Ben Tinsdale, his newest trainee, was part of the family when the twenty-something, pissed-off ex-ranger had shown up at Unit 67, hell-bent on avenging the death of his unit. Ben had been looking for a fight, but instead, George introduced the young warrior to Lily’s parents, and just like that, a family of misfits had formed. It wasn’t unusual for them to check in with each other, especially when it came to her.

      “Oh, yeah?”

      “Yeah. And I don’t like it, or this Moretti guy, for that matter. This place—” George gestured into her loft “—has been off the radar far too long for some maverick to come along and jeopardize life as you know it.”

      Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Lily leaned against the door frame and let him talk. The man was worse than a Sidewinder missile when he’d locked on to something. Which, by the determined look in his eyes, was now.

      “George, I know.”

      “Your father would be livid to know his daughter’s safe house had been compromised.”

      Oh, dear lord, how long was he going to go on about this? She’d figured Derek dropping in on her would rattle George just as much as it had her, but she was a grown woman...and a trained operative. “I get it. And I haven’t agreed to anything yet.”

      He crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, are you going to?”

      “I don’t know.” And that was the honest answer. She didn’t. “But it beats the alternative.”

      “Which is?”

      “Sitting on my ass for the rest of my life. I loved my life, loved everything about it, and though I will be forever grateful for you and Ben, I can’t sit back and do nothing. Jackson may have boxed me into this corner, but maybe this thing with Derek is my ticket back into the game.”

      “Do you trust him?”

      She considered that for a moment. “Kennedy may be on my personal shit list for making me stand over Jackson’s fake grave, but I still trust him. If he sent Derek here, then he trusts him, and one thing I know about Kennedy is that he knows how to read people.”

      “Except Jackson.”

      She cringed. That would always be the one black mark in all their files. “We all fell for Jackson. I can’t fault the director for that, not when I fell for it, as well.”

      “I still don’t like it.”

      Lily pushed off the door frame, stood on her tiptoes and kissed George on the cheek. “I hear you.”

      He nodded and grunted an acknowledgment, turned and walked away.

      She shut the door, then reached for the tiny note tucked in the envelope. Tugging it out of its hiding place, she read the smooth, controlled handwriting.

       For the second time in just as many days, I apologize. I didn’t mean to insult your character or your intelligence. If you aren’t interested, I understand. But if for some strange reason you are, you know where to find me.


      Lily flopped down onto her oversize white sofa, let its soft, brushed microsuede envelop her. As angry as she was for the disruption in her quiet—granted, ridiculously mundane and yawn-inducing—life, a feeling that had been a stranger to her for the past year reemerged.


      Suddenly feeling energized, she stalked to her room, threw the note onto her bed and went to work on her computer.

      She spent several long hours back-channeling into 67’s computer mainframe, researching and vetting Derek Moretti, filling the recesses of her mind with every detail she could find as her eyelids grew steadily heavier. She finally signed off her computer, padded to the bathroom and flicked on the lights, and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

      “You took an oath to serve and protect.” She dared the soft hazel eyes returning her gaze to disagree. “Who are you kidding? This is your chance to get back to the life, and work, you love...without having to crawl back to the director with your tail between your legs. You’d be an idiot not to take it.”

      * * *

      DEREK WAITED UNTIL the lights in Lily’s loft went off before moving from his perch. He yawned and stretched, then checked his watch. Two-thirty. Damn, woman. No rest for the weary, eh? She had no doubt spent the past several hours drilling down into his file as far as she could go—which, knowing her, was down to whether he wore boxers or briefs.

      Rubbing his hands over his face, Derek walked into the kitchen, searched for a glass and, once finding a clean one, filled it with water. His computer had pinged every time she’d broken through the next level of his encrypted files. It had only taken her four hours to track down just about everything. He downed the water and set the glass on the counter.

      He hoped she liked what she saw. If she didn’t, his mission was dead in the water.


      Wednesday, September 17, 10:00 a.m.

      LILY STUDIED HER MARK from the trees along the running path, hidden within their shadows. Dakota sat obediently on her right side. She reached down and stroked the soft fur on the top of his head. He pushed her hand with his wet nose. Her eyes wandered behind her dark, oversize, oval sunglasses, traveling down Derek’s powerful back to his defined legs. With every stride, his quads tightened and straightened. The muscles in his back strained against the running shirt, which was dark from sweat.

      She had to admit, she enjoyed the view.

      Derek turned and ran toward her. Dakota got up as Derek stopped in front of Lily.

      “Morning, sunshine.” He smiled at her, then bent down and rubbed Dakota behind the ears. “Hey there, handsome.”

      Dakota nuzzled Derek’s neck and Lily’s mouth dropped open. What the...? She’d never seen Dakota take to another person like he’d taken to Derek, not even Jackson. She trusted her dog’s intuition more so than her own...he’d never gotten into bed with the enemy. Dakota nuzzled Derek’s neck again and she cleared her throat. “I’m here to talk to you about your proposition, Derek.”

      Looking up, he grinned. “I was hoping you’d say that.” Straightening, Derek ran his hand through his short brown hair and tipped his head toward the water. “Walk with me?”

      They veered off the running path and headed toward the river walk, making their way to the farthest bench overlooking the river. Lily peeked СКАЧАТЬ