The Virgin's Shock Baby. Heidi Rice
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Название: The Virgin's Shock Baby

Автор: Heidi Rice

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

isbn: 9781474053006


СКАЧАТЬ gesture should have been polite, gallant even, but for the way his thumb slid across her palm as he lowered her hand, sending arrows of sensation darting up her arm, and into her torso.

      She tugged her hand out of his grasp, shocked by her response, as his gaze roamed up to her hair.

      ‘The colour is natural?’ he asked.

      ‘Yes,’ she replied, disconcerted by the approval shining in his eyes.

      His firm lips lifted in a smile that managed to be both amused and predatory, as if he were a panther, toying with his prey.

      ‘I hope I did not offend you,’ he said, the intimacy of his gaze contradicting his apology. The bright blue gaze then dipped to her toes and back, sending seismic ripples over her skin and igniting every pulse point like a firework.

      ‘Relax, cara mia.’ The rough chuckle scraped across her nerve-endings.

      A fiery blush crept up her neck. Was he mocking her?

      She looked down at her hands, and forced her fingers to release their death grip on the diamond-encrusted purse. Annalise had told her that looking like a lamb being led to slaughter would not entice any man.

      Breathe. Remember to breathe. Breathing is good.

      But when she raised her head, he was doing that laser-beam thing again, as if he could see right through her—to the soon-to-be felon beneath.

      ‘I’m sorry, I’m tired,’ she mumbled. ‘I’ve had a very busy day.’

      Could she actually sound any more inane? Where was all the scintillating conversation about his business acquisitions that she had been working on for hours?

      ‘Doing what?’ he asked.

      ‘Shopping for this dress, mostly. And getting my hair and nails and stuff done,’ she replied honestly. Until today she’d had no idea that trawling the designer boutiques of the Upper East Side and spending four hours getting waxed and plucked and pampered to within an inch of her life was more exhausting than hiking up Kilimanjaro.

      ‘Have you, now?’ he said, the wry tone making her realise the statement made her sound like a spoilt debutante fishing for a compliment.

      Humiliation washed over her.

      She knew from the articles she’d devoured about him in the last twenty-four hours that he had been born into one of Rome’s most notorious slums. He had to know what true exhaustion was. Everything else about his origins was sketchy, something he refused to talk to the press about, but that simple nugget of information had only intimidated her more. She could well imagine how hard De Rossi must have fought to escape his origins—and how hard he would fight now to keep hold of what he had. And what he wanted to acquire.

      Her skin burned, her nipples tightening as his gaze met hers. The cool blue was not as icy as she remembered it from their first brief meeting. His lips quirked.

      ‘It was time and money well spent,’ he said, the casual compliment making the flush flare across her collarbone.

      Then, to her astonishment, he lifted a hand and tucked his forefinger under her chin. The soft brush of the knuckle was like a zap of electricity, firing down to her core as he lifted her face.

      She stiffened, stunned by the enormity of her response to a simple touch. She struggled not to jerk her head away, to submit to the proprietorial caress, despite being brutally aware of the heat now blazing on her cheeks.

      What was going on here? Because the amused quirk on his lips had disappeared. Why was he looking at her so intently?

      He drew his thumb across her bottom lip.

      ‘You are very beautiful in your own unique way,’ he said, his gaze lifting to her chignon. ‘Especially that hair.’

      He sounded sincere. Why did that make tonight seem all the more terrifying?

      She forced a smile, trying desperately to pretend she wasn’t burning up inside. But she couldn’t resist the involuntary flick of her tongue to moisten lips dried to parchment. He focused on her mouth, and a soft indrawn breath escaped her at the hunger in his eyes.

      ‘The colour reminds me of a naked flame,’ he said. ‘I wonder if you’re as fiery in bed?’

      The heat swelling in her abdomen settled uncomfortably between her legs at the boldly sexual comment. She ought to say something provocative back.

      But she didn’t feel provocative, she felt stunned. And hopelessly aroused. And completely out of her depth. Already.

      Dario De Rossi wanted her. And while that should have been very good news, because she was supposed to be seducing him, the power dynamic did not feel as if it was in her favour. Surely her thighs wouldn’t be trembling under that hard, heated gaze if it were? She searched her mind for something to say that wouldn’t clue him in to how inexperienced she was.

      Annalise had told her in no uncertain terms that De Rossi would not find her gaucheness appealing.

      Think, Megan, think. What would Mata Hari do?

      ‘That’s for me to know,’ she finally managed, allowing the desire her body couldn’t seem to control to show in her voice. ‘And for you to find out, if you dare.’

      ‘There’s not much I wouldn’t dare, cara,’ he said, the cynical edge in his tone disturbingly compelling.

      His hand dropped, and she couldn’t prevent the tiny sob as her body softened in relief.

      She was playing a very dangerous game. But she had no choice. She had to brazen this out, pretend she was much more knowing and experienced than she actually was.

      Sweeping his hand out in front of him, he smiled, and she became a little fixated on those firm sensual lips.

      ‘Let’s get you to the ball, Cinderella.’

      She pushed out a strained laugh and walked past him, only to tense as his hand settled on the base of her spine. Sensation flashed down to her bottom, but she carried on walking, acting as if the feel of his hand wasn’t burning through her clothing.

      The ride down in the lift was excruciating, the deceptively light touch driving her insane. He kept his palm there the whole time, guiding her where he wanted her to go, and not letting her stray more than an inch from his side with the subtlest of gestures. But even so, the heat grew.

      As they walked out of the apartment building, past the doorman, her nerves were screaming, the controlling pressure so light it was torture not to stretch against his hold. Her body waged a battle between wanting to kick off her heels and race away from him down the street, while another, much more elemental urge had her longing to ease closer to him and let the heat of his body overwhelm her.

      The night chill caught her hair, making the tendrils the stylist had spent an hour carefully teasing out of the chignon dance against her neck. She shivered, the skin there already oversensitised by the feel of his gaze boring into her from behind.

      The sleek black limousine was parked at the kerb, a man in a dark suit and a cap waiting for them. The chauffeur opened the door and tipped СКАЧАТЬ