The Regency Season: Passionate Promises. Ann Lethbridge
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СКАЧАТЬ took a deep breath and let it go. ‘I prefer not to discuss my mother’s motives.’

      The look on his face was so frozen, so icily cold a shiver slid down her spine. Clearly, he did not want her sympathy. She searched her mind for something to say.

      A young lady walking with a woman who looked like a governess caught Minette’s eye and waved madly. A welcome distraction. She waved back. ‘Freddy, stop. It is Lady Priscilla.’

      When the young woman realised she’d been seen, she drew closer to the carriage, her face a little pink, no doubt having received a scold for her enthusiastic greeting.

      Freddy drew his phaeton onto the verge so others could pass, and bowed. ‘Good day, my lady.’

      Lady Priscilla gave him a wary glance but beamed at Minette. ‘I wasn’t sure you’d see me from all the way up there.’

      Freddy’s phaeton was indeed fashionably high. Minette leaned over. ‘How do you do?’

      ‘Oh, very well. This is my companion, Miss Bernice, who used to be my governess. When I left the schoolroom we could not let her go she is so much a part of the family.’

      The companion, a short, thin young lady in a drab coloured walking gown and a pair of spectacles on the tip of a pointy nose, dipped a curtsey.

      ‘I am so glad I saw you,’ Lady Priscilla said. ‘I wanted to ask if you would care to go shopping tomorrow afternoon with Mama and me? We are going to the warehouse in Houndsditch to choose fabric for new curtains.’

      Minette glanced at Freddy. ‘We don’t have any plans for tomorrow afternoon, do we?’

      ‘None. I did have it in mind to ask you to attend an event with me the day after.’

      Minette smiled at Priscilla. ‘I would love to go.’

      ‘Good. We always go to Gunter’s afterwards for ices. We will call for you at two.’

      Freddy bowed again and moved back into the traffic on the drive.

      ‘I thought you said you hadn’t known Lady Priscilla long?’

      She winced at his frigid tone. He was still suspicious. ‘Believe it or not, I met her for the very first time at Gosport’s ball. It is strange. I feel as if we have known each other for years. It is nice to find a friend.’

      ‘A fortunate first meeting, then.’

      ‘Oh, for goodness’ sake, do not tease. You know what happened was an accident.’

      His lips twitched a fraction. ‘Very well. We will never mention it again.’

      ‘And I will tell Madame Vitesse that whoever was making enquiries about her brother was not you.’

      A brow shot up. She’d clearly surprised him. ‘You do believe me, then.’

      ‘Gabe wouldn’t have you for a friend if you were without honour. And lying is dishonourable, n’est pas?’

      He bowed. ‘You are as intelligent as you are beautiful, sweetheart.’

      Sweetheart. A casual endearment that warmed her through and through. She felt the heat of it rise in her cheeks. ‘A compliment?’ she shot back, with a glance askance to hide her confusion. ‘Now, that is something new.’

      ‘Well, you are my fiancée.’

      Something inside her delighted at the teasing note in his voice.

      She batted her lashes in pretended flirtatiousness. ‘So that is the reason. I suppose it makes sense when we have to keep up appearances. What is this invitation you mentioned to Lady Priscilla?’

      ‘A cricket match at Lord’s Ground.’

      She wrinkled her nose. ‘Cricket is a game I do not understand very well.’

      ‘Mr Brummell is to play for Hampshire.’

      For a moment she didn’t quite believe she’d heard him correctly. ‘Beau Brummell?’

      ‘Indeed.’ The teasing twinkle was back in the depths of his blue eyes. ‘That Mr Brummell.’

      She cast him an arch look. ‘It would be important to attend, then.’


      ‘Do you think we could ask Lady Priscilla to go with us?’

      He frowned.

      ‘She feels very badly about what happened. It would go some way to relieve her mind that you do not hold her to blame.’

      ‘Not altogether to blame.’

      The mock severity in his voice made her chuckle. ‘Then you agree. And it would save Nicky the bother of having to act as chaperone. She becomes very tired in the afternoons.’

      ‘Very well. If your friend will bring her antidote of a companion with her to give the whole event a veritable aura of respectability.’

      ‘Then it is settled. I will ask Lady Priscilla tomorrow.’

      This new feeling of harmony between them was very welcome. Indeed, the day seemed brighter than it had before. She glanced up. How strange, the sun was covered by cloud, but she was definitely feeling warm. Apparently, it was nothing to do with the sun, it was a glow inside her at their newfound accord.

      They reached the end of the carriage road. ‘Do you want to take another turn?’ he asked.

      She cast him a sideways glance. ‘Would you let me drive? I hear lots of ladies own their own carriages and drive themselves.’

      ‘They do.’

      ‘And they have races,’ she said, recalling a conversation.

      ‘If that is your plan you can ask someone else to teach you.’

      She recoiled from the harsh tone in his voice. ‘It is all right for a man to race but not for a woman?’

      ‘It is reckless for anyone.’

      Her spine stiffened. Always this man had to be in control. ‘Then certainly I will ask someone else. If you would be so good as to drive me home? I must dress for a ball this evening. It would not do to rush my toilette.’

      He headed out of the gate.

      ‘Are you also going to Lady Cowper’s ball tonight?’ she asked, breaking the chilly silence.

      ‘I was not invited. She is another of my mother’s friends.’

      Did his mother really wield so much influence? ‘Then I will look forward to seeing you at the cricket match.’

      ‘I’ll send a note to Gabe, just to make sure he approves before you invite your friend.’

      ‘Perfect,’ СКАЧАТЬ